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    As the CIC's 21st Birthday fast approaches, it's easy to find ourselves thinking back to how things have changed over the decades. I remember stressing about how it felt like we were late to the game in 1998 since there were already so many well established Wing Commander and space sim websites out there and we were starting fresh post-WCHS. Eventually, hundreds of other sites faded away, and while there's still a few great ones out there, not a whole lot of new entrants appear. Some of the ones that do only live in social media.

    So it's especially exciting when someone does kick off a new site, puts down roots on the web and dedicates themselves to the space sim genre. In my mind, Space Game Junkie is one of these new places out there, but it's actually not very new at all. Brian Rubin founded the site way back in 2011 and has been steadily building a larger following all this time. He got a

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    Here's a streaming miniseries from a while back that we entirely missed. SpaceGameJunkie took his followers through a big overview of Wing Commander Armada. The game can be a tough one to get into these days, so kudos for SGJ for toughing through it for four episodes. With that being said, Armada has some absolutely fantastic features, so I try to make sure to highlight it whenever I get a chance. The big selling point is multiplayer. It was way ahead of its time in 1994 with split screen local play, modem hookup and network support for up to six players. With some modern DOSBox tricks, it's not even hard to simulate a network for play on the internet today. There's also a major strategic element where players explore a sector, build mines/shipyards and hunt the opposing carrier. This mode doesn't have a ton of depth, but it's high on replayability. The story-based gauntlet adventure is

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    You might recall we recently featured a Tarsus built in Space Engineers. That one was made by Spiritplumber, who actually dug around and just found another version of the famous merchant vessel. This one was made by klingon00. Nothing against SP's model, but this new one is even more fleshed out and refined. It's got an aft compartment, adjustable lighting and even a projection window system. The exterior has some excellent geometry and there are multiple propulsion systems. It looks like it'd be awesome to take for a spin! Check it out on the Steam Workshop here.


    The year is 2669. You just inherited an obsolete Tarsus merchant ship from your grandfather.What you decide to do with it an the few remaining credits that you have is up to you! Although the Tarsus is showing its age and has been discontinued, the platform still has great potential for upgrades for those who wish to strike out on
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    SpiritPlumber has put together a good first cut at a Tarsus in the game Space Engineers. The craft depicted here is still in the relatively early stages of construction, but the basic spaceframe and cockpit have come together pretty well within the limitations of the engine. We've touched on this program before and how it allows players to build their own craft without traditional modeling experience. That sounds great to me - we benefit from having more pictures of WC ships! Quite a few fans have actually experimented with this over the years. In our archives you can also find the Intrepid, a Galaxy and the Tiger's Claw. It's particularly cool how well the interiors turn out!


    A bit of love for the Tarsus in Space Engineers. this one is scaled so the interior is accurate. Unpainted because my eyes don't work well for that, but I did the insides.
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    ' latest model is the stalwart Southampton class destroyer. The solid stubby look is fully intact, and you can really see in these shots how well armed it is for its size. I don't usually say this, but I even like the dark look in the third image since it's got a really great glowing illumination effect from the engine intakes. There's even a Border Worlds paint scheme, and that variant is the star of a bonus wallpaper where the ship takes a few shots at a harassing Bearcat.


    Well if you're gonna do a Lexington, you also need to do an escort, I mean you can't have a fleet carrier floating around unescorted can you? So here you go, one WC4-style Southampton DDG. Complete with a variety of paint jobs. We have your Confed variety, and of course, the Union gets one too.
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    Yesterday we were talking about collecting rare international versions of Wing Commander, and here's another prime example. AD found this awesome set of Wing Commanders 1 through 4 from South Korea. WC1&2 got an especially nice combo treatment with localized fighter blueprints and everything. We know it got a big promotional push at the time too from various artifacts that have cropped up over the years. The first package was done by SKC Soft Land, but I can't quite make out the details on WC3 or WC4. The originating post on this dates back to 2004, so the original poster is probably hard to find today, but if you've got experience with these, please share in the comments! It does appear that WC4 was censored in South Korea to remove the throat cutting, Telamon body and Tolwyn hanging to conform to local ratings pressure. This is a very cool find!


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    Here’s an example of stretching the art budget on the Wing Commander card game: one painting becomes two cards! Mag Force 7 knew they needed to publish fast during the CCG craze and coming up with art to cover the 300-odd cards in a base set was the biggest expense going in.

    ccg_cropping_fun1t.jpgccg_cropping_fun2t.jpgccg_cropping_fun3t.jpgAnother one: different crops of the same image provide two minefields instead of one!


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    Here's a short clip of a deleted line (and alt takes and temp cues) from the Wing Commander movie. Hugh Quarshie's Mr. Obutu utters an apparent African expression that I'd love to learn more of its origins and meaning. I feel it gives the scene an interesting flavor.

    One thing that was always great in the WC games (and to an extent the movie too) was the international representation on the crew, and cutting the line feels like a missed opportunity.

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    Quote from Ikora Rey

    "This is our finest hour. Ever victorious against the enemies of humanity. Ever triumphant in our home, and around the system. Now the City wants to honor us. Who are we to deny them?"

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    The Wing Commander

    Mod for Sins of a Solar Empire

    has gotten a nice update. The base game received a handful of tweaks this year, and the upgraded fan project takes these into account in order to provide a fully functioning experience again.


    certifies this one to work with version 1.93 of the game. If you have SOASE and missed out on this game earlier, give it a try! Here's some screenshots to show off all of the nifty fleet action packed in there.


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    We've finally dug up the English version of the bizarre Softwear Wing Commander ad for the Playstation. It features some nonsensical text about the model's outfit being inspired by Wing Commander 3. It's part of a larger EA Lard/French Fancies campaign for console ports that made very little sense, but maybe it caught some eyeballs in print. LOAF spotted this particular copy in the April 1996 (Vol 1, Issue 7) edition of the old Playstation Plus magazine. But hey, now you can read it in English!


    Leah looks every inch the Princess in a stunning stellar sweater from Vulcan Vinyl (£89). Radium Facegloss (Qurie Labs, £2.50 a gobbet) and Skintight Spaceflight Nitetights (Tinpins, £32).

    The inspiration: Origin's Wing Commander III, a star-studded saga that combines Hollywood movie-making expertise with an adrenaline-packed space combat simulation, featuring the talents of Mark Hamill, Malcolm McDowell,

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    Earlier this week we posted a neat Deluxe Edition of WC1 on CD. That spurred LOAF to dig up this classic ad from late 1992. It's a Software Toolworks catalog with Wing Commander on the cover. In this case it's the Super Nintendo version of the game on display. Flipping through these booklets was magical back in the day - they were full of so much potential fun! While the world frets about whether retail prices will bump up to $70 on the Playstation 5/Xbox Series X this fall, check out that $69.95 MSRP here! That would be like $127 today (and that beats the PC version's $79.95 MSRP two years prior!).


    Put yourself in the middle of unmatched 3-D space battle, fighting against the forces of the Kilrathi Empire. An advanced Artificial Intelligence system tests your reflexes and strategic skills. Move up in the ranks, piloting four unique Terran star fighters in increasingly vital missions against a
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    DocteurJ has done lots of Wing Commander videos for Oldies Games TV, but this one's a little different. Rather than streaming a playthrough, this one is an analysis of the romantic relationships in Wing Commander 3. He walks through what happens if you choose Flint, Rachel or neither. J's videos are always in French (using ODVS' high quality French WC3 package in this case), and it's interesting to see how they managed the dub of such a sensitive scene into another language. I couldn't get the built in YouTube universal translator to work, but the smartphone version of Google Translate worked pretty well.

    Alors que le colonel apprend la mort d'Angel, Rachel et Flint osent désormais draguer notre cher