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  • 07


    As the superpowers establish their fleets in the HIP 22460 system, Azimuth Biotech prepares to deliver a decisive blow against the Thargoids.
    A segment from Salvation's briefing to the anti-xeno taskforce admirals was shared by Azimuth:
    "The Proteus Wave relies on power sources and components of Guardian origin, which will inevitably draw the Thargoids to HIP 22460. As we know, their hostile reaction to stockpiles of Guardian artefacts is instinctive. They have no defence against the weaponry of their ancient enemies, other than to launch pre-emptive strikes to prevent it being deployed."
    "Therefore, the Bright Sentinel must be protected as a priority while delivered artefacts are processed for transport to the Proteus Wave site, with independent pilots who support our endeavour aiding these efforts. I cannot stress enough how vital it is to keep the enemy at bay during this phase of the

  • 09


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  • 26


    wc1_ost_mt-32_archival_edition_covert.jpgIt's officially the season of giving now, so here's our annual recap of Wing Commander items to gift to your friends and family - or help round out your own collection! The most popular deal continues to be the discounted digital purchases of Wing Commander games. They're 75% off for the next week at

    One new addition this year is the MT-32 Archival Edition of Team Fat's classic Wing Commander 1 audio album. It's a super sized sampling of some stellar WC tunes. I also can't recommend a physical copy of Academy on DVD highly enough. They're dirt cheap and preserve you ability to watch the show forever!

    CIC Drink Coasters are also 25% off today!

    Movies & TV
  • 02


    Last month, we reported that Supercade was planning to manage a crowd funding campaign for a vinyl release of George Oldziey's Wing Commander Orchestral Recording Project. Now, it seems like the launch is imminent as Supercade author Van Burnham has just tweeted:

    Just a heads up that the preorder campaign for Supercade’s first soundtrack release is launching SOON… a deluxe vinyl edition of the Wing Commander orchestral score by composer George Oldziey. So excited to share more details!#wingcommander #videogamesoundtrack #vinylcollector

    — Van Burnham (@supercade71) February 1, 2023

    There's no additional information yet but we'll let you know the moment it's available. If you are curious about the promotional screenshot, it's actually from a Wing Commander Academy mod developed by HCl that adds a Hellcat V to the game! Want to try it for yourself? You can download te patch here.

  • 02


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    Transmission Interrupted! I’m taking over your normal Wing Commander feed to wish a very happy birthday to CIC founder Chris Reid! Chris is the reason you’ve seen a new update in the space every single day for the past twenty years. Heck, most of the time you see my byline it’s because he’s taken the time to find something I was fooling with on Discord or Twitter. None of this site would be possible without Chris and he’s also one of the most thoughtful and competent people I’ve ever known. So in the greatest old IRC style, please put down your trouts and raise a virtual mug of Goddard Special to a real legend! Now, back to your regularly scheduled commlinks…


  • 31


    AtolmAzel is an artist over on DeviantArt who specializes in sci-fi art. Among their many galleries is a special section with sketches inspired by Wing Commander. Check out some of their slick pieces below! The sampling below shows off the Dralthi, K'ha'haf, Rapier, Longbow and a handful of capships. They incorporate some very distinct familiar themes with some smooth artistic license. You can find all of their sketches here!


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  • 02


    The star system Hyades Sector FB-N B7-6, which contains Thargoid Titan Taranis, has been surrounded by human forces.
    Aden Tanner, special advisor to Aegis, provided the following update:
    "Our pilots appear to have pushed Thargoids out of all systems in Titan Taranis's area of control. It's taken a huge effort, one which should rightly be recognised as outstanding. We don't know for certain what will happen next. But for now, the region is back in humanity's control."
    "I strongly urge pilots to keep fighting the Thargoid fleet wherever it is encountered. We must not become complacent - the Thargoids have surprised us before, and have demonstrated the ability to respond when defeat seems inevitable. Those who fought in the HIP 22460 campaign and witnessed the Proteus Wave event will testify to the dangers of assuming the war is won."
    Systems in the immediate vicinity, such as Hupang, Swahku and

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  • 07


    Origin composer George Oldziey is now counting down the hours to the launch of his second album of live Wing Commander music! What makes now the right time for a sequel? Check out the update below for some of the motivation behind the project.

    So, this is a big year for me for round numbers. I turned 70, and 30 years ago I scored my very first video game, Wing Commander 3. And 10 years ago I had the privilege of running a successful Kickstarter campaign, funded by the greatest video game fans in the world, that resulted in the first orchestral recording of 40 minutes of my original music from the three Wing Commander games that I scored for Electronic Arts/Origin (see the link to a video about those sessions 10 years ago).

    This Sunday I'm going to launch another KS campaign to record another 40 minutes of music from those games with a large orchestra!

    I've been blessed to have had MANY musical

  • 03


    Users of the Supercruise Overcharge function of Achilles' new Frame Shift Drives have reported that the module puts ships under immense mechanical and thermal stress, often causing severe hull damage. Ship manufacturers throughout the galaxy are now diverting research towards overcoming this issue.
    Stent Jackson, a ship engineering and design consultant, spoke to Vox Galactica about this new surge of research:
    "Now don't get me wrong, every manufacturer I've spoken to considers Supercruise Overcharge to be a great thing, but it's also ripping our hulls apart. The good with the bad, as always."
    "Funny thing is, every manufacturer is realising all at once that there are some crucial things about ship construction that they've all taken for granted. When you get down to brass tacks, we assume certain thresholds, right? Before, we didn't need to worry about exceeding certain temperatures or

  • 07


    Hey there - my name is Jo, and I'm the UI designer on STO! To say I am passionate about this update is a bit of an understatement. My first goal upon joining the team was to address the Character Creator UI, and when they said I could work on it I literally jumped up and danced. I am ecstatic that my first post gets to be about something I care (maybe too much) about: Player Experience and Space Barbie. Okay, that was two things I care greatly about... The character creator is one of those features you see in games that started out simple, and worked fine when it was made, but as new factions and species were added to the game, it quickly got bloated and overwhelming. My first goal was to clean up the UI and cut down on the visual clutter. We used to just throw every option at you all at once on one page. When I built my first character I was so excited to see all the options, and the LCARS were

  • 20


    Up tonight is a fantastic piece of art by


    . This one features a pair of Morningstars zooming away from the Concordia or another Confederation class dreadnought set against a colorful backdrop. Although the final results almost look like a painting, the scene was 3D rendered with

    Klavs' models

    as a starting point. tkdrobert has done some nice retouching to give it a cool stylized look. Check out more of his work




    Rendered in Daz3D (IRAY) with post-work done in Photoshop.
  • 26


    Jan Sandoval, co-founder of the Red Family cartel, has died while in the custody of the Federal Intelligence Agency.

    Executive Agent Viola Trask made the following statement:

    "I regret to announce that Jan Sandoval has been found dead in the safe house where she was being held. An autopsy revealed traces of a highly sophisticated neurotoxin that our security measures were unable to detect."

    "We have yet to determine how the neurotoxin was administered, or how the individual responsible accessed the safe house. Internal investigations are underway, but we suspect that the assassin has already fled the Sol system."

    It is believed that surviving elements of the Red Family arranged this second, successful attempt on Sandoval's life in response to her cooperation with the Federal Intelligence Agency. The FIA's operation against the cartel will continue, but the loss of its primary intelligence

  • 06


    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for an appearance beginning on PC on August 8th and on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in September. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages. This run of the Infinity Lock Box will feature the addition of the Emperor’s Lockbox contents, Tier 6 versions of the Voth Flight-Deck Cruiser and Voth Science Vessel, and more! Continue reading further on for the full details on these new and updated starships! Updated Prize Lists! Along with the upgraded starships and all of the prizes offered in previous appearances of the Infinity Lock Box, additional prizes originally seen in the Emperor’s Lock Box have been added to the rewards! They now include all of the following: Styx Dreadnought Cruiser

  • 07


    Last month we posted the cool blue cover of the Japanese WC1 Manual, and Christian Klein is back with another neat glimpse into Japanese Wing Commander. Here's a couple shots of WC2 with some pretty cool Japanese subtitles. Andi Green translates Shadow's text as "Requesting permission to attack," and the Sartha says, "We will kill all humans!"

    wc2_japan1t.jpgwc2_japan2t.jpgIf you find these intriguing and would like to see more, here's a video of the Japanese Super Nintendo Wing Commander courtesy of GameCenter SE. I always find it interesting to find slightly different iterations of Wing Commander, of course, and foreign language translations have the dual benefit of helping you imagine people all over the globe having fun with these games.

  • 25


    PEACE! On this day in 2669, the Empire of Kilrah offered unconditional surrender to the Terran Confederation following the devastating temblor bombing of their home world. Happy V-K Day!


    On September 24, 2669, Colonel Christopher Blair launched his successful Temblor Bomb strike on Kilrah. Its resulting blast wave took out the Emperor and Prince Thrakhath's enormous invasion fleet massing in orbit. The crown prince himself was also bested in combat just prior to Blair's descent to the planet's surface. Faced with this unfathomable loss, Thrakhath's chee'dyachee Melek immediately surrendered. VK Day was patterned after VE and VJ Day celebrated on Earth after World War 2. False Colors was the first to give us a name for the event in the WC universe. Also of note, Star*Soldier mentions VN Day, which strongly suggests that some significant victory over the Nephilim was also achieved by the year