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  • 24


    Spiegel Online has posted a nifty 25th anniversary look back at Wing Commander 3. For the non-German speakers in the audience, SPON is an extremely popular and widely read news site, so it's a pretty big deal for the WC series to get such a mention. As you might expect, the article goes into detail about what set the Wing Commander games apart. The author is well versed in the franchise's history and has fond memories about the switch to live actors and 3D space combat. And although a lot has changed, the game is still a blast to play. You can find the original piece here and a pretty respectable Google Translate here. Thanks to Duke Nukum for the tip!

    Even before the release it was clear to me: "Wing Commander III" would change the medium, I had to play that. At that time there were various multimedia projects in which filmed people were involved, but they mostly seemed involuntarily funny.
  • 29



    has previously

    set the record

    for the fastest winning and losing times for Wing Commander on the SNES. Now he's bested his previous run from Enyo through Hell's Kitchen by six seconds to 5:24. That might not seem like something to strive for to some, but finding the very fastest time from start to an endgame is a highly sought after milestone in the speedrunning community. Once you crunch this down smaller and smaller, shaving off seconds gets harder and harder! Check out the evidence here:

  • 27


    wc1-mission-treet.jpgWhat the Fox Project has posted a pretty impressive speed run of Wing Commander 1. The game features an extensively branching mission structure, so players can experience vastly different games on multiple playthroughs. As we've previously noted, there's some strategy involved here. One short path through the game is to eject through the Enyo, Gateway, Chengdu and Port Hedland systems, then win in Hubble's Star (or Port Hedland) and Rostov, then eject again through Venice and still rout the Kats from the Vega Sector. This shouldn't be seen as cheating - it's its own type of art form to figure out how to legitimately game the game and still see the winning ending in the shortest possible time. The final score here is 23 minutes and 7 seconds, which is amazing! It's also half the time that speed runners were hitting four or five years ago. Check it out below:

    Well, it's been a year since I've
  • 16


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  • 31


    It’s Star Trek Las Vegas weekend, Captains, and we’re joining in the celebration. With all the amazing news coming out of the convention this weekend, including this morning’s announcement of Star Trek Online: Awakening, we wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to party with us. With that in mind, we’re putting on a brand new sale this weekend! From July 31st at 8am PT – August 5th at 10am PT, you can save 20% on Starter Packs, Expansion Packs, and Ship Bundles on all three platforms! Enjoy the savings, and keep your eyes peeled to Star Trek Online for even more news this weekend! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

  • 31


    It’s Star Trek Las Vegas weekend, Captains, and we’re joining in the celebration. With all the amazing news coming out of the convention this weekend, including this morning’s announcement of Star Trek Online: Awakening, we wanted to make sure everyone got a chance to party with us. With that in mind, we’re putting on a brand new sale this weekend! From July 31st at 8am PT – August 5th at 10am PT, you can save 20% on Starter Packs, Expansion Packs, and Ship Bundles on all three platforms! Enjoy the savings, and keep your eyes peeled to Star Trek Online for even more news this weekend! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

  • 26


    Rear Admiral Tarsus and the Gemini Sector RPG crew have a special mission tonight! "The team must face their most challenging challenge yet." A fancy Christmas-themed briefing has been created which launches at 6 pm Pacific / 9 pm Eastern US Time. Get in the holiday spirit and visit their Discord server to join the fun!

    There's a mission I'll be hosting on the gemini sector Christmas eve (24th) from 9:00 pm to 12:00 am EST.The team (including you) will be facing a dangerous new foe in a challenge of minds, hearts, souls and eyebrows.

    If you're reading this before the new briefing has gone live, check out where the story left off here:

  • 28


    Several years ago we spotted a Spanish magazine that had a bizarre variant of the Wing Commander 3 cover in its review. At the time we wondered what would possess them to create such an odd photoshop. Then it started to appear in a few other places, which just deepened the mystery. And now we have a better clue about what happened! It was apparently a legitimate pre-visualization made before the final cover art, and it was circulated in limited fashion to certain regions like Spain before the box cover everyone knows and loves came to be. Here's LOAF with more:

    Folks, I owe a Spanish magazine an apology. They did NOT make their own Wing Commander III box... because here it is again in the digital catalog included with the demo. In fact, what we're looking at was the actual comp that preceded the final painting!



  • 20


    Narrarrol is looking at making a Spanish language Wing Commander game in the M-Space RPG. There's not a ton of information available yet, but the base game looks like a pretty flexible framework that would allow for moddability with WC assets. There's also historically not been very many non-English role playing games out there, so we'd love to see some fans get together and figure this out! If this sounds like something up your alley, let Narrarrol know on Twitter.


    Investing night hours in a space hunting card game with classic inspiration. KF-227 Salthi of the Kilrah Empire (or Kilrathi Empire) still under construction. #juegosderol #rol #ttrpg #mspace #wingcommander
  • 13


    Inspired by UnnammedCharacter's WC Toolbox and Marty2Life's recent German translation, L@Zar0 has put together a brand new Spanish translation! He's been steadily making progress for the past month, so releases are available for both Wing Commander 1&2, plus both Secret Missions and Special Operations. This is a wonderful surprise for fans trying to play the classics in their native language, and there's even hope that he might tackle Privateer in the future. You can download the WC1/SM package here (4 meg zip) and the WC2/SO package here (5 meg zip). Readmes are included with more instructions or you can learn more at these pages at his site. This should work for either the original DOS or GOG versions. Even if you're not up for playing through the game in another language, check out these juicy images of it in action!


    I want to give the thanks to UnnamedCharacter (and the members) that have
  • 29


    L@Zar0 has a new update on his Spanish Wing Commander translations. This time it's a proof of concept for Wing Commander Privateer. He's managed to get the audio to play while overlaying subtitles, which can be edited to show other languages. And he picked a wonderful scene for this example - if it's been a while since you've heard the Steltek talk, be sure to give this a listen!

    Ok, I've checked some things, and finally I'm thinking on leave SUBS+VOICES for in-flight comms in WC Privateer. They are not perfect, but are very intuitive. The last message normally lasts 1-2 seconds in disappear, but I think the result is pretty good.

    For in-game dialogues I used the texton thing. It works very well. And for intro cinematics I have done the voices with text-to-speech with spanish speaker, and they are good (but not professional :( ). So, I have now all the game with voices + subs or spanish voices.

  • 22


    After seeing the

    Spanish WC2


    Christian Klein

    recently acquired, the next natural question was whether DROSoft had also localized the Special Operations. The answer is yes, and it comes in an awesome double pack just like the Spanish

    Secret Missions

    ! Both are in the same box with the game summaries translated side-by-side on the rear of the packaging. The contents within are fairly straightforward, but the combination of the two expansions makes this a very cool collector's item.


  • 08


    Today we've got two pairs of scans from Maxi de Sokar. They once again come from the Spanish language OKPC magazine circa 1994. The first is a review of Privateer and Righteous Fire from issue 21. It talks about the challenge of starting out fresh and building your ship but then says that unraveling the game's mysteries is rewarding. Issue 28 has a preview of Wing Commander 3. As expected, they focus on the game's amazing evolution with SVGA graphics and live actors. It also features the cringeworthy doctored Spanish WC3 art that we've seen before. Weird!


  • 09


    Christian Klein

    continues to make impressive progress as he builds out a surprisingly complete collection of Wing Commander games

    localized for Spain

    . Privateer's expansion, Righteous Fire, is his latest acquisition, and it looks great! The RF box is really cool with its heavily stylized main title font and tantalizing screenshots on the rear. Even in English, there just aren't all that many Righteous Fire boxes still out there in circulation, and many people acquired the game in a compilation on CD and never got the standalone package. If you don't have your own, check this one out closely!


    Privateer: Righteous Fire localized for Spain. Isn't it great \o/? #DOSgaming
  • 06


    Here's a crazy Spanish article that LOAF recently found. It comes from the now-defunct magazine PC Manía. On the surface it looks fairly typical - like hundreds of other printed reviews of WC3 at the time. But boy is that box art weird looking! They've


    it to change the look of the characters and even the ships. Maybe this was intended to Spanish-ize the cast? What an odd thing to do!


    What the heck is going on with the Wing Commander III cover art in this Spanish magazine article?
  • 30


    Today's video is a Spanish language retrospective of Wing Commander Armada. These days lots of people are streaming the original core Wing Commander games, but Armada content is comparatively rare - non-English versions even more so! I love Armada so much, so I watch every video people want to make about the game, but these unique perspectives are especially fascinating. Keep in mind that YouTube has automatic translation, so you can get captions in your language. If that sounds slightly tedious, just imagine the experience of these fans who had to play the game in a non-native language. From what I gather, I don't actually even think they were huge fans of the game (calling it an "interesting experiment"), but they put together a nice overview nonetheless! You can find more of their videos at Próximo Nivel 2.0.

    Próximo Nivel os habla de Wing Commander: Armada, un juego de estrategia aparecido
  • 28


    Christian Klein

    has found Spanish translations of most of the Wing Commander games from the first few years of the series, so missing Privateer would be a big omission. But, he's managed to finally locate a copy so he can cruise the Gemini Sector en Español. It includes a full suite of translated documentation too, which is one of the coolest parts. Check it out below!


    Woohoo! Another rare Wing Commander version to add to the archive. It's Privateer localized for Spain. I never saw one before. #DOSgaming
  • 09


    Maxi de Sokar has come across another vintage Wing Commander article from the Spanish press. This one is preview of Wing Commander 3 from Issue 78 of Micromanía. It features the wacky Spanish art and early engine screenshots. I always say that you don't have to speak the language to appreciate the artistic and historic merit of scans like these, but I also included a Google Translation to help convey a bit more of what they're saying. As you might expect, they really play up the size and scale - from shipping on multiple (ultimately four rather than two) CDs and featuring a big budget live shoot. It's really hard to recreate the sense of how mind blowing all of this was to gamers in 1994, but this gives you an idea!


  • 03


    Today we've got another fun vintage magazine scan submitted by Maxi de Sokar. It's a Spanish publication, OK PC, that highlights the DROSoft translation of Wing Commander 2 and Special Operations 1&2. Right off the bat, there's a glaring mistake. The box art on the second page is obviously a combo pack for Secret Missions 1&2, and if my translation is correct, there's nothing in the text that references these games. It's just the art they chose. After thirty years I can excuse the error - rather, I appreciate these kinds of finds like a coin collector might value mis-printed money. The screenshots are just as gorgeous as ever, and seeing these takes me back to when you might have flipped through these in print back in the '90s and been dazzled by the cutting edge graphics. This is a very cool find!
