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    We’re pleased to announce the return of the Research and Development Weekend! This event will run from Thursday, March 21st at 8AM PT to Monday, March 25th at 10AM PST, and features several bonuses throughout STO that will give Captains of all levels a leg up advancing their rank in the Research and Development school(s) of their choice. For those Captains looking specifically for extra help with their projects, all R&D packs throughout the game will give out an extra 25% of the items they currently disperse for the duration of this event. Queue R&D Material Reward Packages (Normal, Advanced and Elite) will reward 25% more R&D Materials and have a chance to reward a Catalyst. Alternatively, Captains wanting to advance through Research and Development schools as fast as possible should seek out Harvest Nodes, located in mission maps throughout STO, which will not only disperse 2 extra R&D Materials

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    Here are this week's main stories.
    The Alliance Festival of Culture has drawn to a close with a celebration of food and drink in the Diso system. Attendees sampled dishes prepared by celebrated chefs, and enjoyed a wide variety of complementary beverages. Suppliers managed to overcome initial concerns that low harvests in nearby systems would impact the festival. Prime Minister Mahon hailed the event as a huge success.
    The Sap Core Legion faction has announced the successful conclusion of its initiative to outfit a new orbital medical facility in the Heike system. The installation, Swords Rest Medical Facility, is now operational around Heike 1.
    And those are the main stories this week.

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    The latest episode of ALL WINGS CONSIDERED is live now! All Wings Considered is the CIC's first ever streaming variety show which features news, conversation and gameplay relating to our favorite series. This week's Nav Points include:

    • Wing Commander 3 - Locanda System - Flint Madness!
    • Righteous Fire - Starting at Oxford
    • SYSTEM SHOCK - What's hiding in the Citadel?
    • And maybe an Armada battle for good measure...

    Missed the stream? The replay will be available below once it has been processed by YouTube. You can subscribe to the AWC channel for future notifications here.

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    Beliaz has posted a copy of his giant Wing Commander livestream. The playthrough spans Episodes 19-21 of season 4 of his Retro Chaos series. A lot of people livestream retro games these days, so that's not particularly newsworthy in and of itself, but what caught my eye was the length of the initial stream. His first run clocks in at more than 4 hours and 15 minutes, which puts it up there in All Wings Considered territory. Few people have the fortitude to endure so much Wing Commander in one sitting! He manages to get from Enyo over to Port Hedland. Not a lot of people see Port Hedland, since it involves losing at least two systems beforehand. Wing Commander has an absolutely amazing mission tree though with more than half the game locked away in missions that you only encounter if you start losing some here and there. It makes for amazing replayability and sets this stream apart from most.

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    Second Officer’s Log, Supplemental My third night shift with the conn has been rather sedate thus far. Several members of the command staff are enjoying some off-duty entertainment in Holodeck Two; I believe it has something to do with a peculiar form of Terran mythology from the 20th century known as “super heroics.” The captain seemed amused by my tactical suggestions for the event, particularly regarding the inefficiency of capes in close combat situations. “All decks have reported in,” Ensign Chen said from the Operations station. “We’re ready to begin the system maintenance sweep at your command.” Second Officer Stoln nodded from the center chair while calling up a display to monitor the procedure. “Very well, Ensign. Begin the procedure, starting with deck 30.” The young Vulcan officer studied the holographic readout emitted from the command chair’s armrest and

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    The new Star Trek Picard series premiered last week, and the show is chock full of rich continuity. The crew putting it together have spared no detail, and that includes a number of connections with the last TNG movie, Star Trek Nemesis. Among them is that Romulans use a nifty knife with two blades. Star Trek fans have confirmed that this is the legendary Double Shadow knife designed by Gil Hibben in 1991. Wing Commander fans will also recognize it as Seether's iconic and deadly knife from 1996's Wing Commander 4. It's what he uses to threaten Blair on Nephele and also later kill Captain Paulsen.

    vlcsnap-2018-09-02-21h25m58s673t.jpgvlcsnap-2018-09-02-21h23m25s161t.jpgvlcsnap-2018-09-02-21h28m02s396t.jpgLOAF profiled the prop in greater depth a couple years ago. It's certainly the go-to sci-fi exotic blade and shows up in a wide variety of productions, but it's cool to see it here too. And if you're not watching Picard, we can't recommend it highly enough! The first episode is streaming now - it's one

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    Here's a nifty vintage scan from HotT. It comes from the November 1995 issue of Computer Player. At this point the game is still called The Darkening, and it's referred to as Origin's second blockbuster interactive movie since its Winter 95 release date puts it neck and neck with Wing Commander 4. The general references to places and setting are about right, but you get the vibe that they're still firming things up. As we mentioned last month, some of these previews that came before the Privateer 2 rebranding have gone under the radar, but there's always neat stuff to see. Just look at those crazy set pictures! They never get old...


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    It's another wonderful milestone in CIC history. Today marks 22 years since the CIC opened its doors at We're thrilled to still be here reporting the latest in Wing Commander news every day. In the background, we're always researching the rich history of WC, helping out fan projects where we can and looking forward to the next big thing in the community. The best part is that we can do it all while having fun with you! As we recently mentioned, we'll be combining our annual CIC Birthday celebration with the 30th anniversary of Wing Commander on September 26. That event will be a blast, but you don't have to wait to join the fray. Stop by the CIC chat room #Wingnut on Discord any time!

    Here's a fun throwback all the way to our 13th birthday in 2011. That year we got the opportunity to combine the birthday party with an archeological trip to the University of Texas Video Game Archive.

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    Here's a slightly odd one. Some might ask, "Why?" AD ran across this and answered, "Why not?" Barnaby Jones has 'reimagined' the intro to Star Trek Discovery with two key changes: it's in black and white and is now set to the Wing Commander Overture. The track is fantastic and Discovery is wonderful too, so I guess I have no complaints.

    Star Trek Discovery Title Sequence clips with Wing Commander Overture by Kevin Kiner & David Arnold.

    Please, for god’s sake, don’t sue me.

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    The election of the Alliance prime minister will take place on the 27th of May, having been postponed due to the Galactic Summit.
    Vanya Driscoll, political correspondent for The Alliance Tribune, reported:
    "Prime Minister Edmund Mahon's decision to postpone the election for three months caused enormous disruption and mass protests. This may have mortally wounded his campaign to be re-elected as head of government for a second six-year term."
    "With hindsight it's clear that Mahon was prioritising the Sirius Treaty, a detailed proposal to unite the superpowers against the Thargoids. Unfortunately, the Galactic Summit was prematurely halted by the 'Nine Martyrs' bombings before the treaty could be agreed."
    "Although there are several candidates, Mahon's only serious challenger is Councillor Nakato Kaine. She has been a vocal critic of his expansionist policies, and gained much public support for

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    You might think GOG's Summer Sale is still in full swing, but it actually came to a close on June 27. Don't despair, however, as a new Weekend Sale is discounting Wing Commander, Ultima and more! The GOG Twitter account also put out a little trivia message that included references to Ultima 8 and Wing Commander Academy. There's only about 24 hours yet to go as of this writing, so act fast! And if you miss it, don't worry, I'm sure there will be another Wing Commander sale in our near future.


    Can you name the titles from our Good Old Games Weekend? No cheating! 😏

    You can find more classics up to -90% here 👉 | #GOGSale

    — GOG.COM (@GOGcom) July 3, 2022
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    FekLeyrTarg shared this neat clip of the German Amiga translation of Wing Commander 1. Both the Amiga and SNES editions of the game got proper German localizations, but the more common PC DOS version did not. Both FekLeyr and Dennis Mull confirm that the text comes across quite well here. If you're a PC player looking to try things out in a different language, Marty2Life made a German conversion package available here (also French and Spanish!).

    Footage from the German Amiga version of WC1. And I must say the translation is pretty good.
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