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    Have you ever wanted to design your own Star Trek adventure, in the world of Star Trek Online? We want to give you that chance. We’re partnering with Modiphius to run the Design an Adventure Challenge, and you could win an Alpha Quadrant Sourcebook PDF from Star Trek Adventures, and a T6 Defiant on PC! Here’s how this works. We want you to write a maximum of four page adventure that can be run inside the ruleset of Star Trek Adventures by Modiphius. The only requirement is that it takes place in 2410, in the era of Star Trek Online. We’ll have a staff of talented game designers review your entries, and choose five winners out of the bunch – and the crew of the U.S.S. Pathfinder will play the winning adventure in a future live stream! Submit it before September 17th to be counted. Four pages is a short amount of time to get a full story in, so make sure your storytelling is as efficient as

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    continues to round out his WC1 fleet with two sharp new additions. The Raptor that was previewed

    last month

    has been completed, and it looks great. The fighter's colors are spot on and there are plenty of gorgeous little details like 'TCS Tiger's Claw' stenciled into the side. As a bonus, the Hornet is also finished. All the compliments for the Raptor apply here as well, and both ships are also posed at some wonderful angles. Many people have modeled the Hornet over the years, but we can always use more beautiful ships!


    My WC1 addiction continues... I revised the Raptor, the old hull panels were kinda crappy so these look better. For additional fun and frolic, I made new unit insignia because... well I have too much free time?Also, a Hornet! Because the Killer Bees always get the next shift.Enjoy!
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    During Roberts Space Industries' October festivities for the anniversary of Star Citizen, they spent some time going through the features of "Star Engine." The material was embedded in larger streams at the time, but they have now released the clip as a standalone. A number of folks have written in to point out the similarities between the conductor that kicks things off in the new clip and the Origin conduct that kicked things off at the start of many classic WC games. Here is for anyone who missed it!

    originconductort.gifstarengine_conductort.jpgOf course, as LOAF reminds us, it didn't just appear in front of Wing Commander games!

    I dunno maybe it’s a Martian Dreams reference. 😂

    — Ben Lesnick (@banditloaf) October 25, 2023
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    Star Citizen has surpassed the $500 million crowdfunding threshold! It's probably not a milestone even Chris Roberts could have imagined back when the project kicked off in October 2012, but the Roberts Space Industries engine continues to print money. It's not even slowing down - the most recent $100 million has come in just the last ten months. At that pace, they're on track to hit a cool billion dollars in just about four more years. It's hard to fathom how they could even spend that much money on development, but I'm sure they'll find a way. All of this is just in time for the 10th anniversary of the game's unveiling. They will be celebrating a Digital CitizenCon to celebrate on October 8!

    rsi_announcement58t.jpgrsi_announcement59t.jpgrsi_announcement60t.jpgThanks to Dennis Mull for the tip!

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    Today marks a full ten years since Star Citizen and Squadron 42 were first unveiled at GDC Austin in 2012. It's been quite an epoch for Chris Roberts and team. In comparison, the span of time from the launch of WC1, all of the subsequent DOS/Windows WC games and finally release of the WC Movie covered about nine years. Nevertheless, vast numbers of fans were enthralled by the virtual CitizenCon held on Saturday. As is tradition, Cloud Imperium continues to sprinkle Wing Commander easter eggs in from time to time. "Christopher Blair" makes a brief appearance in the introduction of the new MOBIGLAS interface. It's always nice to see them remembering their roots! You can see that reveal below starting at about the 1:20 minute mark. Thanks to Whistler and Dennis Mull for the tip!


    Look at these babies!


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    Roberts Space Industries is hosting a virtual Star Citizen alien week this week with a variety of activities to celebrate. One event involves fan creating digital trading cards for their favorite races. Dennis Mull made this snappy Kilrathi card, which we're pretty fond of. I'm not sure if using external franchise characters disqualifies him from the contest, but it's a winner to us!


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    Terrorist ringleader Theta Seven is defying capture by holding thousands of Far God cultists hostage in the Mudhrid system.
    Vox Galactica published an on-the-scene report from freelance journalist Redmond O'Hara:
    "Although the NMLA has been defeated in Mudhrid, the Theta Group bomb-makers remain in control of the Sacrosanct megaship. With so many lives at stake, ACT has focused all its efforts to resolve this tense situation."
    "We've heard that Senior Agent Ramirez and Inspector Klatt have both tried to open negotiations directly with Theta Seven. It is hard to imagine what they might offer him in terms of clemency, but they're obviously determined to prevent further deaths at the NMLA's hands."
    "After speaking to one of ACT's tactical advisors, I can reveal that Captain Castile's commando unit tried and failed to board the Sacrosanct as it did the Steel Majesty. This is apparently because the

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