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    Italian YouTuber MARCO PLAYS DOS GAMES has published a super fun stream of himself installing, configuring and playing the original Wing Commander. We’ve seen a few of these types of clips in recent years, and there’s something magical about getting the game running on the authentic vintage hardware. In this case, the 486/66 is a little fast for the engine, but Marco has a turbo button that slows everything down to a reasonable level. I really like how much he pauses to enjoy things like the music aboard the Tiger’s Claw or relish his kills against the Kilrathi. He takes time to explain the emotional connection between these elements and his childhood playing the game for the first time in the early ‘90s. Good stuff!

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    John Nelson is back with another fun Lego creation based off a Wing Commander underdog ship. After previously building the Avenger and Scimitar, this time his attention is focused on the Epee. Once again he manages to get both the shape and colors impressively close to the source design given the bricks at his disposal. We're anxious to see what he tackles next!


    Next on the building block is the coolest looking fighter you never want to fly, the Epee.

    I had some pieces to add the sun ray paint job to the wings but I want to keep the Epee lean if I can. Again, going from my best guesses from models and other artwork. Please enjoy.

    Pliers (would) say, "The Epee would be a great dog fighter if the armor didn’t suck. You really gotta know how to stick and move, but I haven’t worked on many cause so few of them ever make it back to base."

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    The CEO of Sirius Corporation has addressed public concerns regarding its anti-xeno defence pact with the Alliance.
    Li Yong-Rui's comments were made during an in-depth interview with The Alliance Tribune:
    "The best way to predict the future is to study the past. This is as true of interstellar organisations as it is of individuals – our former actions indicate the probability of behaviour. So I invite you to study the role that Sirius Corporation has previously played on the political stage."
    "Ever since the Battle of Achenar and the widespread conflicts of the 2300s, our neutrality has allowed us to mediate between the Empire and the Federation on many occasions. More recently, we defused inter-power tensions by establishing the Marlinist Colonies, which provided permanent homes for millions of refugees."
    "It should also not be overlooked that the Galactic Summit was hosted in the Sirius

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    The anonymous anti-xeno scientist Salvation has received further military support from the Alliance, Empire and Federation.
    Multiple official sources have highlighted the increasing number of crew members being seconded from the Alliance Defence Force, Federal Navy and Imperial Navy. Previously, enlisted members had been forced to resign their commissions, but regulatory changes now permit temporarily serving on vessels owned by Salvation's commercial partner Taurus Mining Ventures.
    One of the recent volunteers, Lieutenant Andrew Jones, was quoted by Vox Galactica:
    "Most of us are here because it feels like Salvation is the only one taking the fight to the Thargoids. Now that Aegis is as good as gone, he's our best hope for stopping these aliens before they wipe us all out."
    Other non-naval recruits from the superpowers are providing support in intelligence, logistics and security. A number of

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    It's only been a few days since Klavs released his new Rapier collection, but Mac has already eaten it up and built four dazzling 4K wallpapers around the ships. Each of the variants gets their own atmospheric scene that plays with light, shadow, angle and perspective. The high resolution allows you to really soak in all the glorious detail, and any one of these would make a fabulous wallpaper image.


    Klavs finished his revamp of the Rapier line from Wing Commander. So I, being me, dropped what I was doing to play with the new models and get some nice looking "Glory shots" using them.

    I present for your consideration, The Angels-44 series.

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    Klavs has updated his official Rapier Sketchfab model with the four major variants that he’s shown off this year. He’s also provided a link to material that will help aspiring artists make their own custom paint schemes. This is a great resource for everyone from aspiring modders to people getting into 3D printing! Although the models are available to purchase in order to help with his family’s ongoing medical bills, Klavs has also made the files available for free to CIC visitors unable to pay. Have fun!


    Hi everybody, the F-44 Sketchfab model has been updated to include the A, C, E, and G model Rapiers. If you purchased it previously you should be able to download the new version at no cost.

    Also, here is a link to a bunch of different high resolution (8k) liveries, including generic grey ones, as well as the substance painter file, so you can create paint schemes to your heart's content!Also also, I

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    Today's we've got a meaty new article with some exciting content updates for the WC4 Fan Remake. The team is currently working on recreating the WC4 demo, which is notable for including a Stormfire cannon pickup floating in space. Unlike in the full game, this gives the Hellcat a unique special weapon for the mission. They've also spent considerable time working out how the spaceflight physics will work. It will incorporate some interesting inertial cues from WC1, WC2 and Prophecy. You can read all about it at here.


    As we work towards the demo release there are three main areas to focus on:
    • Applying all the now-known stats values to the game objects
    • Running the mission scripts for all of the objects
    • Improving the AI
    The first of these is largely done and has driven a lot of new work; one piece of which is implementing the stormfire gun.
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