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    Two new ships marketed towards independent pilots, the Mamba and the Krait Phantom, have just hit the market.

    Zorgon Peterson issued the following press release for its new vessel:

    "If it's speed and firepower you want, the Mamba is for you. Based on a racing prototype, it's the fastest commercially available starship, and it sports enough hardpoints for a range of devastating weaponry. Whether you're leaving competitors in the dust or running rings around those pesky Thargoids, think Mamba!"

    Faulcon DeLacy also released a statement for its latest design:

    "The Krait Phantom offers true multi-role capability, allowing it to be customised for combat, mining or trading. And for explorers, its impressive jump range means you really can reach out to the stars. This is a ship that can handle it all."

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    Here's a neat Privateer 2 preview that


    recently found. It's from the September 1995 edition of PC Home. This was just before the game officially became a Privateer title, but the article draws the connection that The Darkening's existence owes itself to Wing Commander 3 & 4's live video success. There's also an interesting Q&A with Clive Owen - plus some cool set pictures. Check out Owen & Jürgen Prochnow leaning against a tongue!


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    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for an appearance beginning on PC on December 13th, 2018 and on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on January 7th. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, while the Swarm Lock Box will be retired. For the first time ever, this run of the Infinity Lock Box will introduce a chance at receiving brand new starship, never-before-seen in Star Trek Online! Continue reading further on for the full details on this new offer! Updated Prize Lists! Along with the new starship and all of the prizes previously offered in previous appearances of the Infinity Lock Box, additional prizes originally seen in the Deep Space Nine Lock Box have been added to the drop tables! They now include all of the

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    We've got several new updates to share on the Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack



    is working hard to prep the next big update to the playable test package. In addition to a variety of incremental improvements and graphical refinements, it will also feature a cool lighting upgrade made in conjunction with Dark Sentinel. The Confed Superbase is also almost ready to go - check it out with both a Midway docked below! Stay tuned for more announcements as we approach the next MUP release.


    So this thread has been quiet for a bit, but that doesn't mean we haven't been busy. We're hard at work getting a new package ready as a holiday gift for loyal MUPpets. This new package addresses a number of defects identified in alpha 4.0 as well as adding some improvements to improve stability and a bunch of new graphical options that we intend to implement over the next few releases. One of the
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    This weekend, starting Thursday, December 13th at 8AM PT to Monday, December 17th at 10AM PT, we are running a special event where Captains can earn bonus Marks by playing content throughout the game! During the event, content that provides Marks (Fleet or Reputation) will reward a 50% (1.5x) bonus above normal amounts – this bonus is available for all content that rewards Marks! We hope you enjoy this special event and we’ll see you in-game! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    Nenid opened her eyes, only to see the worried face of Centurion D’mev staring down at her. “Status report,” she said hoarsely, having taken in a lungful of smoke during the last exchange of fire. Coughing, she got to her feet with the junior officer’s assistance and took a seat in the command chair. “Preferably before the Tholians manage to find and destroy us, if you please, Centurion. “ D’mev blanched before speaking. “Commander, we are under cloak, per your orders. A Tholian fleet is massing within the Azure Nebula; it seems we encountered their vanguard during our investigation of the temporal anomalies there.” Nenid nodded as she called up tactical data to the main viewscreen. And in a moment, a mission of science becomes a mission of war, she thought silently. “Engineering,” she said as she activated her command channel. “What’s our situation? That volley from the Tholians

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    An initiative to deliver rare commodities to an esoteric cult in the Zlota system has concluded.

    Independent traders provided Aganippe Rush, Motrona Experience Jelly and Onion Head for a ceremony to be performed by the Children of Tothos. Other pilots protected the rare goods from being taken by pirates.

    Barnabas Cole, leader of the Children of Tothos, gave another handwritten message to the media:

    "By helping us, you free yourselves. You will feel the light of our testament fill you, just as it fills the heavens."

    The initiative was organised by Zlota Federal Holdings, which allegedly counts some high-ranking officials as cult members. Contributing pilots can now collect their rewards from Nusslein-Volhard Settlement in the Zlota system.

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    Hadrian Augustus Duval, the long-lost grandson of Emperor Hengist Duval, has broadcast a message to the Empire:

    "I am no wealthy senator from an entitled family, but someone who has lived an ordinary life. Someone who understands the hardships faced by many Imperial citizens."

    "As Hadrian Jansen, I was a poor child with no family other than my father. Together we scraped a living as independent traders. He never spoke of his past – not even when he died two years ago. That was when I inherited his ship and became a Commander myself."

    "When Imperator Mordanticus informed me of my heritage, I knew I had to accept my identity as a Duval. I've seen how diminished the Empire has become, and I know that new leadership is sorely needed."

    "I ask you to honour the legacy of the Duval bloodline. With Nova Imperium, let's save the Empire we love."

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    Rule of Acquisition # 74: Knowledge equals profit. Any wise Captain knows that when a sale this good comes your way, it’s best to take advantage of it. We’re pleased to announce that Ferengi Merchants are putting a 20% sale on Keys from From December 13th at 8am PT to December 20th at 10am PT. Now is the best time for Captains to load up on your Keys and grab those ships you’ve been eyeing. Remember Captains, Rule of Acquisition # 22: A wise man can hear profit in the wind. Now is the time to act. For a limited time only starting today, players will be able to purchase the Key Ring Bundle! This special pack includes 20x Master Keys (used to open any Lock Box) for the price of 2250 Zen. As an additional special promotional offer when purchasing this bundle, every pack also includes a single Ultimate Tech Upgrade. Applying this item to any upgradeable piece of equipment will instantly set

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    Infinity Lock Box All new level-scaling Mirror Escort Carrier! The Mirror Escort Carrier [T6] is an all-new starship being added to the Infinity Lock Box this run, as a choice players may select upon opening any “Infinity Prize Pack – T6 Ship.” This new starship can be used as soon as you’ve completed the tutorial, and will scale with you as you level up all the way to 65! For more details please visit the “The Mirror Engle Carrier Leads a New Infinity Lock Box!” blog: The Mirror Engle Carrier Leads a New Infinity Lock Box! | Star Trek Online Winter: When accessing the Winter Event from the Journal or Welcome Screen, players will now be transported in front of Q. Resolved an issue that would cause an error when attempt to play the Gingerbread Village TFO from the globe in the gazebo. Resolved a typo where Q' was referring to a free Breen

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    The Interstellar Health Organisation (IHO) has delivered a preliminary report on the nanomedicines recently developed by Vitadyne Labs. The summary stated:

    "Nanomedicine is a carefully regulated branch of medical science, with little scope for public application, but Vitadyne's nanomeds are more sophisticated and reliable than any existing product. Furthermore, Vitadyne's data regarding healing, disease treatment and extension of longevity has been verified."

    "Having confirmed the product's effectiveness, IHO teams are now conducting independent tests with patients."

    Media outlet Vox Galactica published this viewpoint from healthcare analyst Dr Himari Grey:

    "The pharmaceutical industry is astonished that a small company like Vitadyne could produce something so advanced. Professor Katrien Rook's credentials are impeccable, of course, but this is a work of genius. These nanomeds could be the