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    Mac is back with another exciting new wallpaper to share. This one features Klavs' recent Sabre model positioned at the ready on a carrier's flight deck. You can see it means business, because it's armed to the teeth! A second one hangs back in the shadows alongside a trusty Rapier. Enjoy!


    Well I might have not been the first one to buy her, but we're still going to have fun together nonetheless.
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    It's been a while since we've last seen Chronocidal Guy's Excalibur model in action, but the ship is back on track and under construction on his workbench. He's reworked the design in a handful of ways, including rescaling the model to be considerably larger. This has allowed him to add more detail to items like the mounted weapons. It's pretty far along, so hopefully we won't have to wait forever to see the final ship!


    I have been busy revisiting this design though, and decided to finally dig in and rebuild the blank sections, add a simple cockpit, and print a slightly larger scale one.

    Good progress being made, but the print times have scaled up along with the size, and I'm waiting for the weekend to print the engine modules, since they'll take 24 hours each. The fuselage and wings were both about 36 hour prints.

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    LOAF and AD have completed another game in their march to completely overhaul the CIC's Holovids video archive. Secret Ops is the latest addition. You might be thinking, "Did that gave have video?" It didn't have a live action shoot, but it had a bunch of in-engine and specialty cutscenes/trailers. Plus, it had a ton of in-game audio, which the new archive also fully includes. There were also narrated ICIS briefings, and you can find them all here!

    wcso_holovids1t.jpgwcso_holovids2t.jpgwcso_holovids3t.jpgwcso_holovids4t.jpgwcso_holovids5t.jpgAlthough I may have called WCSO 'complete' above, is anything ever really complete? AD has added a new specialty page to the recently added WCP video archive. It now has all the public address announcements spoken over the loudspeakers aboard the TCS Midway. It's VERY COOL to have them all consolidated in one place! Check them out here!


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    General: The Legacy of Romulus starter pack now correctly unlocks for the whole account when purchased or when received with a promo. The Centaur-Class starship has been completely remodeled with new visuals. For more information, please visit the “Updates to the Centaur Class” blog at: Updates to the Centaur Class | Star Trek Online UI: Reputation UI now displays unique reputation commodity inventory below reputation mark inventory in reputation UI. Added Elite marks. Removed Replicator since it’s not needed any more. Resolved an issue that was causing the ground skills to look dull and muddy after purchasing. Systems: The following items are now eligible for Re-Engineering: All Reputation Ground Set Weapons All Reputation Space Set Weapons All Experimental Weapons Dyson Science Destroyers: Updated the built-in Target Subsystem abilities to

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    April 5th is the anniversary of First Contact Day, when Humans and Vulcans first met on Earth! To celebrate the anniversary of First Contact Day, the Zefram Cochrane Memorial and Historical Museum is holding a special re-enactment event from April 4th at 8am PT to April 11th at 10am PT on PC, and April 11th at 8am PT to April 18th at 10am PT on Xbox One and Playstation 4! Participants are invited to visit Bozeman, Montana—the site of Cochrane’s launch of the first Human warp-capable ship, the Phoenix—and engage in the construction of their own replica Phoenix! Captains who participate will search the area for useful parts, just like Cochrane scavenged the pieces for the Phoenix. Using these parts in conjunction with a basic hull assembly, captains will make their own model of the Phoenix by combining engines, hull, and stabilizer parts found in various bits and pieces scattered about the

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    Fans watching yesterday's episode of

    All Wings Considered

    got a glimpse at LOAF's awesome new Thrakhath pillow. Wingnuts who wanted to grab one for themselves can find the product at Society6


    . There's actually a pile of different products you can get, so if you needed a Kilrathi wall clock, handbag or hoodie, you're in luck! There's also a 30% off coupon if you sign up for their email list.


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    It’s time to make some new Discoveries, Captains! During the summer festivities, from July 3rd at 8am PT to August 1st at 10am PT, all of our Discovery Lock Boxes will be returning to the game, dropping from enemies you defeat! The boxes will also be available, for free, in the Zen and Dilithium Stores. This means that you’ll be able to get your hands on: The Discovery Lock Box The Emperor’s Lock Box The Section 31 Lock Box Open the boxes for a chance at the Crossfield Class, the Styx Dreadnought, and the Section 31 Stealth Ship, plus much, much more! Enjoy, Captains! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

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    Captains! We're happy to announce that you'll be able to enjoy 20% off all Duty Officer Packs! Captains can select from the following Duty Officer Packs for 20% from Thursday, August 15th at 8AM PT to Monday, August 19th at 10am PT. Gamma Quadrant Duty Officer Cadre Reinforcements Duty Officer Pack Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack Romulan Survivor Duty Officer Pack Delta Alliance Duty Officer Pack Delta Pack Federation Pack Klingon Pack In addition to this sale, purchasing and opening any of the above packs (except the Fedeation and Klingon Packs) during this promotion will provide an extra bonus prize, on top of all the Duty Officer packs’ existing contents! Opening any of them will be guaranteed to provide either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack, which contains one of the Tier 6 Starships featured in previous similar promotions. The Special Requisition Choice

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    “My namesake once said Mycelium was ‘like the Earth’s internet’. He was right, but it turns out he was off on the question of scale. It’s more like a quantum internet. For the universe.” - Paul Stamets Beneath the Skin is a brand new episode coming to Star Trek Online with the launch of Awakening, and brings the story of STO back to the year 2410. J'ula, the fierce and uncompromising Klingon warrior who was catapulted forward in time by the use of her Mycelial weapon in Age of Discovery, is now threatening Andoria with that very same weapon. In order to stop her, you’ll have to use holographic technology to resurrect Paul Stamets, as played by Anthony Rapp. Together, your Captain and Stamets will venture into the Mycelial Network itself, to discover the source of Ju’la’s power and put a stop to it. This episode will be available for Captains who have completed the tutorial, as part

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    JasonBernportaitt.jpgToday marks 23 years since the actor Jason Bernard passed away. Sadly, we've lost a number of friends and familiar faces over the years, but this one still looms large in my mind after more than two decades. 1996 was an intense year for Wing Commander fans. The year started with the launch of Wing Commander 4 and new ports of WC3 were still being released through the spring. The CCG came out in August, Academy television show in September and Kilrathi Saga launched October 15. As evidenced by the current CIC poll, a large number of Wingnuts were coming online for the first time in 1996... and then the news of Mr. Bernard's passing hit like a ton of bricks. Fortunately, this nascent community of mostly invincible-feeling teenagers and 20-somethings were able to come together and collectively share their grief as fans. One such gathering place was the Worlds of Origin memorial, which is archived

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    refresh-piranha2t.jpgThe CIC's annual community vote is now in full swing! If you didn't get a chance to vote last week, the poll is still open and you can input your selection below. The nominees are listed after that, and it's still super inspiring to me to see them all listed out! Half of these projects didn't exist or weren't in the running in 2018, so it's especially cool how much new blood there is this time around.

    • Adm_Maverick Tabletop Adventures began as papercraft models. After Maverick got some practice making miniature WC ships, he branched out into a full fledged game. He's since produced a wide range of supporting items and has been actively playtesting to work out the kinks.
    • AircPirateNinsei's radio controlled flying Hornet model has to be seen to be believed! He's combined his aerodynamic skills with Wing Commander fandom to produce an incredible tribute to the WC series that actually goes airborne!
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    The new Star Trek Picard series premiered last week, and the show is chock full of rich continuity. The crew putting it together have spared no detail, and that includes a number of connections with the last TNG movie, Star Trek Nemesis. Among them is that Romulans use a nifty knife with two blades. Star Trek fans have confirmed that this is the legendary Double Shadow knife designed by Gil Hibben in 1991. Wing Commander fans will also recognize it as Seether's iconic and deadly knife from 1996's Wing Commander 4. It's what he uses to threaten Blair on Nephele and also later kill Captain Paulsen.

    vlcsnap-2018-09-02-21h25m58s673t.jpgvlcsnap-2018-09-02-21h23m25s161t.jpgvlcsnap-2018-09-02-21h28m02s396t.jpgLOAF profiled the prop in greater depth a couple years ago. It's certainly the go-to sci-fi exotic blade and shows up in a wide variety of productions, but it's cool to see it here too. And if you're not watching Picard, we can't recommend it highly enough! The first episode is streaming now - it's one

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    The Lobi Crystal Consortium is pleased to announce their latest featured sale! From Thursday, February 6th at 8AM PST til Monday, February 10th at 10AM PST, shrewd Captains will be able to choose from their wide selection of wares, just by visiting the in-game Lobi store. All items in the Lobi Store will be 30% off for this entire sale! Now’s the best time to take command of a Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser, or get your hands on a Boolean Heavy Assault Cannon, or fly the stars in a Vaadwaur Astika Heavy Battlecruiser. Enjoy, Captains! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI {

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    L.I.F. has begun outfitting the internals of his TCS Victory model in From the Depths. When complete, players will be able to explore the decks of the carrier and see all the familiar hot spots. There have been a couple projects that have started to do this in the distant past, but none got very far or had a whole lot of detail. Being able to freely walk around the inside of a Wing Commander ship is a tantalizing prospect, much like the enhancement between the old Myst game and RealMyst upgrade. There isn't a whole lot to see yet, but the first preview below is promising. You can make out the ship load out console, trainsim, flight control terminals and exits to the briefing areas and flight deck. The adjacent compartments are in work and will be up next!


    And I've started working on the internals, starting with the ready room. Small level of detail as of now, since I'm not sure yet whether I'll