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  • 07


    Speaking of pinball, today we have a peek at fantastic start to a custom Wing Commander pinball machine. The project was built by dotmos over at the FlipperMarkt Forums. It was designed with both Privateer and WC1/2 concept art influences in mind. There are traditional wood and electronics throughout, but he also fabricated 3D printed ramps and rocks to simulate navigating an asteroid field. Unfortunately he's been silent on the machine for a couple years, so we might not get to see the finished product, but this is so cool that we had to share what exists!


    Ideas haunt my head from time to time to time, but I haven't really nailed it down yet. There are a few concrete ideas on some things... but this is not really recorded anywhere.I find it an interesting idea to choose the wingmen or anchor them in the game and have never really thought about it. Thank you for the mental impetus! So far, my ideas
  • 04


    AD found a neat Wing Commander 3 television spot that aired in Germany in May of 1995. It was dug up by magermunson. Things like this were still pretty rare to see on TV in the early to mid '90s, but WC3 was definitely one of the most profiled games around. They cover the scope and technology with a heavy emphasis on the full motion video. A common Mark Hamill interview is interspersed in the middle, but the brief conversation with Chris Roberts at the end may be new to us. You can turn captions and auto-translate on to get an English translation to play along the bottom. Enjoy this tiny time capsule!

    Interviews and behind the scenes with Mark Hamill and Chris Roberts from this very rare german TV report on May 1995.Enjoy!
  • 04


    Rabenrecht has a new tech demo in work to recreate some of the early WC1 missions in the Freespace engine using Klavs' ships. He's experimenting with the look, feel and narrative in order to create something new and fun. There are still some early kinks to work out, but you can engage with some of the development discussion here. There's also a Knossos installer if you want to give it a try. Leave your feedback at the CIC Forum! Here's a small preview video captured by Admiral Nelson:

    A couple of weeks ago I decided to try my hand at Freespace Open modding. Well, I have something to show for: a short demo of the campaign I've currently named "Vega Assault" consiting of the first two missions Enyo 1 & 2.

    What is Vega Assault?
    Vega Assault is a reimagining of the first Wing Commander campaign. It aims to provide a cohesive narative of the Vega Campaign.The WC1 campaign tree will be the framework Vega

  • 03


  • 03


    John Nelson is back with his biggest and best Lego creation to date! Here we see the iconic Broadsword bomber, which is pretty amazing. He really managed to pull off the arc of the fuselage connection to the cockpit, the missile launchers and the wing structures. Even the turrets are fantastic. I love it!


    Hello! I got it done!

    It took awhile but Confed's Flying Fortress, the Broadsword, was my next challenge. I pored over images constantly and did my best to match colors to get it down as close as I could and to its Concordia livery. The underside of the fuselage and turrets aren’t perfect but the port and starboard turrets move and mini figs ALL fit! I’m proud of this one.

    Pliers (would) say, “The Broadsword is a big fat gunslinger that goes nowhere fast, but it’ll take forever to shoot down. Only the biggest Border Worlds installations can hold them and have the manpower to run them.”

  • 02


  • 02


    Today we've got an absolutely phenomenal drawing by EmuMusicFan. It features Prince Thrakhath depicted in the style of The Simpsons. I'll let the image speak for itself at this point, because it's pretty perfect! Emu teases that Maniac is coming soon...


    A Discord discussion a few weeks ago resulted in EmuMusicFan drawing a Simpsons version of Prince Thrakhath and I have to share it because it's just great.
  • 01


    Further information has emerged regarding Vidar Trask's failed attempt to take control of the Kumo Crew syndicate.
    The latest findings were reported by The Pegasi Sentinel:
    "The few survivors from Trask's shattered army have revealed that over a thousand fighters were supplied by the Blue Viper Club dredger clan. Kay Volantyne, one of its leaders, is now confirmed to have masterminded the coup alongside Trask."
    "Their motivations were as different as their backgrounds. Trask rose to power beside Archon Delaine but became frustrated under his rule, believing that he could reorganise the Kumo Crew along more efficient lines. Volantyne aimed to provide her nomadic tribe with permanent homes, to be financed by trafficking onionhead gamma strain and protected by the syndicate's might."
    "We have also learned that the standard of living on the Blue Viper Club dredger has markedly improved in recent

  • 01


  • 31


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  • 31


    Today we've got updates to John Nelson's Hornet and Scimitar. He's taken a closer look at the blueprints and incorporated various feedbacks to further tweak the lines on each fighter. There have also been some decorative elements added to more closely sync up with the in-game paint schemes. John's still cooking up new WC-based designs, so we're looking forward to the next reveal!


    Hello. I switched out some parts on the Hornet and Scimitar. After looking closer at the blueprints I noticed the slanted “hood” of the back fuselage on the Hornet and going back and looking at the Scimitar I saw how far up front the canopy and cockpit should be. Moving the pilot up was a no-go so some new bricks, a new canopy which resulted in some ground up reconstruction and some dark green to add to the dark gray.

    I want to rework that Avenger a bit too. Don’t worry, I have at least two models I’m working on. Need

  • 30


  • 30


    It's been widely reported this week that Electronic Arts has been holding talks with various companies about a potential acquisition or merger. The possible partners that are mentioned include "Disney, Apple, Amazon, and Comcast - NBC Universal." That's quite a list of suitors, although conversations with Comcast/NBC seem to have gotten the farthest. This has come to the forefront with Microsoft's recent acquisition of Activision/Blizzard and Sony picking up Bungie. With so much consolidation in the industry this past year, EA is apparently feeling the squeeze of going it alone.

    electronic_arts_40tht.jpgAs Wingnuts are well aware, EA is the primary rights holder for the Wing Commander franchise. What could this mean for the series? While it's an easy gut reaction to feel like WC could be further buried behind much more high profile IPs, I don't know that a shake up on this scale is necessarily a bad thing. Current EA

  • 28


    Greg14 has a new project to share today. Using the WC Toolbox, he's taken a run at making a French translation for the text of the original Wing Commander. He's got some refinement yet to do and is still trying to figure out how to add accent marks, but this initial pass looks great. And it's always wonderful to see fans tinkering like this after more than 31 years! A video of the translation in action is below. Let him know what you think at the CIC Forums.

    You can also find a fan patch that translates WC2 into French here.

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  • 27


    Tom Roberts has posted some great photos of a Hellcat he recently 3D printed. The fighter looks fantastic and it even has a slick Confed star base. In the silvery metallic color, it also reminds me very much of the Hellcat statue we see in Wing Commander Academy. I don't own a 3D printer yet, but creations like this are seriously tempting me!

    arclight_model1t.jpgarclight_model2t.jpgThe source files come from Astrofossil's collection. Check out the links to all his WC models below!
