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    wcmovie_off_primet.jpgBlack Friday is upon us, so here's a quick roundup of some of the Wing Commander gifts you can give to friends (or yourself!). This list is just the official products that are actively for sale, but hundreds of different things are still available on eBay. One notable absence this year is the Wing Commander Movie being taken out of print. With the transfer of film rights reverting back to Chris Roberts, the Blu-ray and DVD are no longer being printed, and the Amazon/iTunes

    digital copies

    are no longer available for sale. This newfound scarcity has pushed physical copies of the BRD up to the $90-150 range, so count yourself lucky if you already own


    . If you don't already have Academy on DVD for $8, now's your chance. Don't let that one catch you off guard when it's no longer available!

    On the other hand, the Baen books lineup is now complete with End Run finally becoming commercially available

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    wcso_shipupgrade224t.jpgThe year is quickly drawing to a close, so Wingnuts once again have a chance to pick their top fan projects and/or websites of the year. Before the voting gets going later on, everyone has a chance to nominate some of the undertakings that they think should be recognized. Send your recommendations to

    and let us know! Here's a rundown of the past winners to jog your memory.

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    The Vega Sector fleet continues to grow.


    has turned his attention to the Tiger's Claw, and he's taking an interesting perspective on it. The goal is to merge some of the differences between the in-game sprite and the line art from Claw Marks. There are lots of different versions of the Tiger's Claw that show up here and there, and each has its own interesting aspects, so this is pretty cool to see!


    The WC1 parade continues. Line-art accurate Bengal for all. You'll notice several differences between the line art and the final Sprite model. The three biggest ones I found are the tapering at the bow is more pronounced, There are only 5 engines instead of 6, and overall the vessel isn't very tall, it's more squat than the final version. But, I kinda dig the '80s ball style turrets and the more detailed stern. I'll texture it when time permits.
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    ‘Tis the season, puny mortals! The benevolent Q has deigned to once again grace his chosen few starship captains with the opportunity to enjoy his seasonal wonderland, and all of the joys and challenges it has to offer. The pièce de résistance of this event is, of course, the new Event Starship being offered up as a potential prize for any Captains wishing to participate in the “Fastest Game on Ice” on a daily basis. Doing so will earn you the 2018 Winter Prize Vouchers, which may be used in a special Event Reputation Project to claim your very own Fek’Ihri S’torr Warship (T6)! Complete details regarding this starship, its stats and capabilities, will be released in a future Dev Blog. Stay tuned! While the activities offered within this year’s version of Q’s Winter Wonderland have not changed since last year’s addition of the Kramp’lhri and his jovial antics, the prizes that

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    Release - Discovery Freelancer 4.91: Pyres of Remembrance

    It has been nearly a decade since Igiss graced us with his posts of old on the overarching development of the mod. For the past three years we've been enamoured with spreadsheets and technicalities from the simple changes of base IFFs to system redesigns, that we seem to have forgotten exactly what it means to write for a roleplay environment. In this post we aim to correct that failing, by providing an inclusive overview of Discovery 4.91, Pyres of Remembrance.

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    During the upcoming 2018 Winter Event, players participating in the festivities available at Q’s Winter Wonderland can earn Winter Prize Vouchers (2018) by running the “Fastest Game on Ice” once per day. Earning a total of 1000 vouchers will allow players to complete an Event Reputation project that rewards a Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship [T6]! Once this starship is obtained by any character on your account, all of the characters on your account will be able to claim the Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship [T6] from the Account Claim tab within the Event Store (in the Event Reputation window). We are also excited to announce that this starship will be the available on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on the same date! Fek'Ihri S'torr Warship [T6] The Fek'Ihri S’torr Warship is a fearsome Fek'Ihri design, with highly specialized technology onboard that shows why the Fek’Ihri have been haunting the

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    Exotheologian Dr Alfred Ulyanov has commented on the abandoned Far God outposts recently discovered in the Etain system:

    "This fascinating discovery implies that the missing chapters of the Far God sect were not arrested or killed, but instead fled to secret outposts to avoid persecution."

    "According to personal logs recovered from the sites, the sect's members planned to wait in suspended animation for the coming of the Far God. The logs also reveal surprising details about what motivated these individuals to devote themselves to the faith."

    "Evidence suggests that the settlements on Etain 4a and 4c both came under attack, but whether by Thargoids or human forces is unclear. Mysteriously, no trace remains of the inhabitants."

    "I am indebted to the explorers who discovered these sites. This information will significantly contribute to the book I am co-writing with Gethin Okonkwo about the Far