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    has moved over to Kilrathi ships as he fills out his WC1 fleet, and the first two fliers are the Dralthi and Salthi. We've seen a hundred Dralthi variants over the years, and they just never get old. This one is as gorgeous as we've ever seen, so it's just a treat. The Salthi is also a lot of fun, and I especially love the light shining on its side. This greenish hue gives it a soft throwback to the Jalthi from SNES Secret Missions, which was essentially a

    green Salthi

    . Very cool!

    You fly like the apes that you are...


    Or my all time favorite: "Hmm, that ape squealed when it popped!"


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    Olelbis Holdings, an organisation based in the Olelbis system, has announced an elaborate social function at Polyakov Orbital, the faction's base of operations.

    In support of this event, Olelbis Holdings has placed an open order for quantities of Deuringas Truffles, Mokojing Beast Feast and Mulachi Giant Fungus, and has pledged to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Polyakov Orbital in the Olelbis system. The organisation has also placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, to ensure that those contributing commodities to the campaign can do so safely.

    The campaign begins on the 15th November 3304 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

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    The Independent HIP 29241 Green Party has announced that its appeal to recover escape pods has been enthusiastically received by the galactic community. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering pods to Felice Dock, and by protecting contributing ships in the Meene system.

    Security Chief Harper Vargas of the Meene Defence Force gave the following statement:

    "We have recovered a number of key figures within the mercenary group, and interrogations are underway. We will share more information when we have it."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Felice Dock in the Meene system.

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    Daniels tugged at the high collar of his wool coat as his temporal trainees followed behind. All three of the trainees were likewise garbed in heavy, long coats and gloves, with their specialized temporal equipment carefully stowed away in hidden pockets and beneath holographic camouflage. On mid-22nd century Andoria, non-Andorians were still rare, and the temporal agents definitely didn’t want to draw attention to themselves, so they stayed together, kept their heads down, and focused on the job. “Like the cold, pinkskin?” shouted an Andorian from somewhere in the crowded marketplace. Daniels simply turned and kept his gloved hands on his collar, partly obscuring his face, as he ducked past an open cooking station—some kind of deep freshwater shellfish, probably pulled out from beneath a glacial lake—and gently brushed past an old Andorian woman. Several small tables choked the space on

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    Event: Battle at the Binary Stars Featured Task Force Operation The Battle at the Binary Stars is the first Featured Task Force Operation in Star Trek Online. Captains will be able to take on the appearance of Federation ships from the Discovery era in this simulated battle. This event will last for 3 weeks and Captains can earn an all new reward! Complete the TFO on 14 different days to earn the Beacon of Kahless while earning marks and Dilithium, as well as three Featured TFO Reward Boxes. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box. Beacon of Kahless The Beacon of Kahless is an all new reward for completing Battle at the Binary Stars on 14 different days. Summon your own personal Beacon, giving off a light that blinds your enemies, completely eliminating their accuracy for several seconds. The Beacon will also

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    Here's a couple of really cool Japanese advertisements that LOAF recently came across. As is common in the country, they're chock full of text and liberal with the exclamation marks. The first is a small embedded ad for the Mega CD port of Wing Commander 1, which was the only version that got full speech as it was transferred to the disc-based format. We also get to see a sell sheet for the Japanese Armada, which was ported to a surprising number of platforms: PC-98, FM Towns and DOS/V. I love that Armada color tone filling the Japanese block text!


    Little find this morning: an ad for the Mega-CD port of Wing Commander I from a Sega flyer. I'd love to find the advertising ASCII did for Wing Commander SFC in Japan!
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    “Computer - display galactic map, quadrant... Beta. Delineate current political boundaries.” As the machine complied, J’Ula regarded the field of stars framed in Federation blue, Romulan green, and Klingon red with an expression of contempt and seething rage. “Why do you dwell on this repugnant vision, Lady J’Ula,” Ketris, her first officer, growled as she entered her captain’s chambers. “Why do you gaze upon the shriveled, timid state of a once-mighty empire, all but enveloped by the bloated Federation? Why twist the blade within your heart?” “Because that sharp pain reminds me of what must be done,” J’Ula replied. “And what must be delivered unto our enemies.” She walked around the display until she came to Earth and pointed at the blue gem as it hung above the display table in her quarters. “This ugly ball of putrid water and filth was in our deathgrip, Ketris… the entire Federation

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