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    The Nephilim invasion of Confed space continues. This isn't the biggest bug ship out there, but the Leviathan is still plenty massive, and it's coming soon to a Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack

    near you. If you manage to ever get up close, check out that effervescent hull texture!


    Look! Up in the stars! It's a Zucchini! It's a battlestar! It's an Osprey... wait... it's a Leviathan! Coming soon to a MUP release near you! We're adding another of Dark Sentinel's buggy masterpieces! Fear the enormity of the Nephilim carrier - packed to the gills with 14 maser and 14 IMREC turrets as well as enough bug fighters to keep you busy for about a year.
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    recently shared the Galaxy merchant vessel that he created in the sandbox game

    Space Engineers

    . Players build their own creations and fly them through the cosmos. The outer hull looks pretty good, but the interior cockpit is where the design really shines. Privateer conveyed the fact that the Galaxy has a large two-pilot setup, but good use of windows and position of screens does a lot to enhance the atmosphere here. He's taking a break from Space Engineers for now but could come back for more with a future iteration of the game as it gets updated.


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    Today we'd like to officially announce our annual Birthday Party for the CIC's 20th Anniversary! This year we'll be observing the event on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT). We'll be celebrating two decades of Wing Commander community at, and we hope you join us! As usual, the day will be chock full of site updates, news stories, trivia and fun times! There'll also be one significant change this year. For the first time, we'll be transitioning the online party from IRC to Discord. A large group of Wingnuts has been testing out the program for over a year, and we'd like to invite you to join us there. Although the shift away from our trusty IRC server is bittersweet, there are some very cool advantages with Discord. The program makes it very easy to join on both PCs and via mobile devices, there's enhanced support for attachments and even

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    Avid Wing Commander collector

    Christian Klein

    has found another rare artifact. He managed to locate a British copy of the game on 5.25" low density disks that may be an earlier release than the mass produced copy most of us are familiar with. In it, Hunter is named "Dart," which we know was an original placeholder name for the character. The first screenshot below shows this, and the second is from the British 3.5" high density disk release. LOAF points out that the name change came late in development, and both Hunter and Maniac actually have "Dart" and "Joker" nameplates on their helmets in all versions of the final game!


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    Wing Commander fans have dressed up as their favorite pilots and

    paraded around

    at a number of conventions over the years, but most have been associated with a CIC-sponsored activity. That makes st3lt3k's recent find a fun surprise. He spotted this image taken by


    at the 2011 San Diego Comic Con. Even more unusual is the actual outfit depicted here: a flight suit from the Wing Commander Movie. You don't see too many fans wearing these in the wild - especially a dozen years after the film came out! I don't think I've worn mine in public since


    . It looks to be an actual prop from the production due to all the small details that seem spot on. High five, dude!


    This was a fairly obscure costume. My initial guess was Kaneda from "Akira" until the person clarified.
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    I’m not going to lie to you…this war is not going well for the Federation. Every day, the Klingons gain ground, and every day, we fall a little further back. Well, not today. Today, we stand, together, as Starfleet. Today, we prove that our ideals can withstand a hostile invasion force. I’m honored to serve with each and every one of you. Go out there and make me proud. You were just a cadet, stepping out into the cosmos for the first time, when the Klingon War broke out. Now it’s come home. In “Downfall,” the second episode of Age of Discovery, you’ll find yourself standing in defense of Starbase One, in what could be her final battle. Enemies, including Ju’la herself, are going to attempt to take this last bastion of defense for themselves. Only you can stop them. Downfall is the second episode available to Discovery-era Captains after completing the tutorial. It will also be

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    Greetings Champions, Captains, and Adventurers! Champions Online, Star Trek Online, and Neverwinter are celebrating Cryptic’s 20th Anniversary with free in-game items! Check out the details below for each game: Champions Online The following items will be availablet to claim in the Zen Store until July 16th: New Title: Cryptonian Exclusive Platinum Aura Platinum Defender Action Figure Platinum Backup! Defender device Star Trek Online The following items will be available to claim in Mudd’s Market section of the Zen Store, under the Bundles tab until July 16th: New Title: Cryptonian Platinum Discovery Era Sniper Rifle Once per account Platinum Vanity Shield Platinum Tardigrade Non-Combat Pet Featured TFO Reward (3x) Once per account Neverwinter The following items can be claimed at the Rewards Claim Agent starting today at 10am PT until July

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    Have you ever wanted the opportunity to design a Star Trek t-shirt, poster, or more? Us too – which is why we’re incredibly excited to announce that we’re teaming up with For Fans By Fans to host a Mirror of Discovery Fan Forge Challenge! You can submit a piece of art based on Mirror of Discovery, for a chance to have it become a piece of licensed apparel or merchandise on For Fans By Fans’ website. We’ll be accepting entries for t-shirts, hoodies and tanks, as well as art prints, mousepads, wallets, and messenger bags. But that’s not all. Every single person who enters the contest will receive the “Dedicated Fan: in-game title, and a Infinity Promotions R&D Pack on PC – which can open into a Tier 6 ship, including the Constitution Class. The Top Five designers, as chosen by our panel of judges, will receive the “Fanatic” in-game title, and a Discovery Operations Bundle on PC!

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    forums_upgrade_2019t.jpgFrequent visitors to the

    CIC Forums

    have already noticed that our message boards got a big upgrade this weekend. We first switched over to

    Xenforo 1.0

    back in 2011, and this brings us up to 2.1 (skipping right past 2.0)! There's a long list of basic quality-of-life tweaks that bring the forums in line with modern user interfaces. Graphical elements scale better to high res displays, a variety of post reactions are now available, more types of uploads can be added and the site displays much better on mobile devices. KrisV is still working on several additional features, including a more extended menu of emojis that will be available soon. We're also looking at a handful of neat optional upgrades that could be possible with the new setup - would people be interested in two-factor authentication? Check things out and

    let us know

    what you think!

    Xenforo 2.0 highlightsGreatly-enhanced mobile-friendly
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    Starting this Thursday September 13th, new Cruiser-class and Battlecruiser-class vessels are being made available on the C-Store for Federation and Klingon characters, and their respected allied members among the Romulan and Dominion factions. These new vessels will be available in both Non-Fleet and Fleet variants. Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From Thursday until Monday, September 17th, you can get these ships for 2400 ZEN each when purchased individually, or in a 2-Ship Bundle for the price of 3200 ZEN. Thereafter, they will return to their normal pricing at 3000 ZEN when purchased individually, or 4000 ZEN for the 2-ship Bundle. Fleet versions of each of these starships will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 3 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply if you have purchased the ships from the C-Store. Temporal Operative Starship Mechanics This bundle of

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    With the coming of Victory is Life, and its connections to Deep Space Nine, it made sense to bring about one of the longest requested features in Star Trek Online: we’re adding Cardassians as a playable species for both Starfleet and Klingon Factions. Cardassians have a unique species trait and a unique optional trait – check below for some details on what this new race will bring to the table. DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change. Once a dominant force in the Alpha Quadrant, the Cardassian Union fought on the losing side of the Dominion War. The impact of that conflict is felt to this day on Cardassia Prime, left in a devastated state during the war’s final days. Despite many hardships, the proud, ruthless and cunning people of Cardassia have forged their way into the 25th century with a grim determination. After the Dominion war, Cardassia’s military is a

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    AD was recently exploring the Malaysian internet for Wing Commander products, as one does, and came across a couple of fun finds on DVD. The first is a hilarious bootleg that uses the Wing Commander Arena logo as its title art. You can tell it's a fake because of the tiny Super Wing Commander-inspired Rapiers streaking away from the word ‘Wing’. The back also uses shots of the pilot nose art. The second version seems slightly less suspect since it appears to be from Speedy Video, which appears to have had some official ties to Fox. While we would naturally recommend people seek out legit versions wherever possible, we can also appreciate the creativities of WC fans in places where there are no other options readily available.


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