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    And that's a wrap! It may not have been one of our longest birthday news slates, but hopefully you agree there's been some fantastic stuff here to enjoy. I've talked about it here a number of times already, but many of the key pillars of our tough and tight-knit community are medically high risk - and they're still dealing with a hell of a lot due to the ongoing pandemic, taking care of our families, and the state of things in the world. People successfully forced their way through a lot to get here today, and they'll do it again tomorrow, next week, next month and next year to keep supporting each other.

    cic_cake-2019-2t.jpgWith this week's milestone behind us, that also means we're entering our 25th year. A quarter century is pretty crazy to think about. We're extremely fortunate that we got to do 2019's birthday party live and in person with LOAF, Ali, ace, Blonde, Dundradal, Joe and myself all together and on

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    And that's what we have for today! Thanks again to all of the people who contributed to making our 20th Birthday a success, and thanks to all of you who have stuck with us for all these years.

    Several people have helped source quite a bit of news this year, which helps a lot. Pix & Christian Klein/Pixel Engineer have found tons of great archeological content. Unnamed Character's has done great work on modding WC1 and Stinger with Kilrathi Saga. Music_Guru, Adm_Maverick & Fek'LeyrTarg have both contributed quite a variety of different subjects. L.I.F., DefianceIndustries & the Maslas Brothers all have large scale projects that have been pretty exciting. And both George Oldziey & Raph Koster showed that Origin vets haven't forgotten their role in everything. And there's a whole lot of people working in the background here and there to keep things going, including but not limited to, the rest of

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    And that's a wrap! It's a bit on the lighter side as far as front page updates go, we know, but we're having a great time in the party happening in #Wingnut right now and hope you are too! In prep for today's festivities, we talked with a number of talented Wing Commander fans and they have lots of fun stuff in the pipeline that just wasn't quite ready to share today. Lots of folks are still dealing with the direct impacts from the pandemic, and our thoughts continue to be with everyone on that front. But stay tuned for a great year going forward into the future. We're optimistic that we'll finally start to shake off Covid, and we'll be here to bring you the Wing Commander news along the way!

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    has a new video on a program that slows down older machines. As early as 66 MHz started to come on the market, fans had to use programs like


    to get the original Wing Commander smoothly playable. This presented an issue whereby a system powerful enough to run WC3/4 was too powerful to run WC1. In comes the 'setmul' app that specifically works with higher speed original Pentiums for some very granular adjustment. Wing Commander fans are able to do some amazing things today thanks to utilities like DOSBox that emulate DOS environments, but sometimes it's nice to get things going on the original '90s hardware. This could be useful for classic hardware collectors that don't have space for multiple machines tailored to each game. You can find also Phil's videos on tweaking GOG WC1-3 and Privateer





    PhilsComputerLab had an interesting video today on how you can take a
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    Coming soon to Star Trek Online’s Tribble Test Server is an all new space map to test your skills in space combat! Starbase 234 – Rebuilt and Reborn! After its devastation by the Heralds in the Iconian War, Starbase 234 has been rebuilt from the ground up to once again serve as a training ground for Alliance starships! This improved Starbase makes extensive use of holographic technology to allow captains to engage in simulated combat in a wide variety of situations. This extensive training ground is intended to ensure that Starship Captains and their crew can safely become experienced against the many foes in the galaxy, to ensure they’re as prepared as can be. For captains wishing to appear on the frontlines of the most dangerous battles, the simulated enemies on this map can become as daunting as you feel worthy of challenging, to ensure that the Captain and their crew are up to do

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    A counter-statement regarding Azimuth Biotech has been published by Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research at Aegis.
    "The recent declaration by Director Torben Rademaker paints a false picture of those pilots who are actively working against Azimuth Biotech. He frames them as criminals and alien sympathisers, betraying humanity to the Thargoids. This could not be any further from the truth. It is Azimuth's own inhumanity that they are fighting against."
    "It's unsurprising that Salvation's focus is now on HIP 22460, given this system has long been part of Azimuth's sinister legacy. On planet 7c is the abandoned settlement Fort Asch, where unlicensed scientists performed monstrous experiments to link human minds with Thargoid vessels. We know from Project Seraph's sole survivor, known as Subject D-2, how brutal the results were."
    "Alongside the Bright Sentinel above planet 10b is the

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    A media forum is being arranged that will officially propose reinstating the tri-superpower anti-xeno agency.
    The event is being organised by Professor Alba Tesreau, former head of research for Aegis. She delivered a statement to all newsfeeds:
    "As the war against the Thargoids intensifies, the need for centralised xenological research is more vital than ever. This press conference will put forward a case to convince leaders in the Alliance, Empire and Federation to review their decision to dismantle Aegis."
    "The Baumann Report highlighted many of Aegis's limitations, and we do not intend to ignore these. Improvements to several departments would have to be made. But the Affiliated Counter-Terrorism Unit proved that cross-superpower collaboration can be efficient, flexible and effective. Aegis could be restructured along similar lines to prevent repeating its past mistakes."
    Invitations to the

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    *Pilots Federation ALERT*
    Multiple explosions have struck Kepler Orbital in the Atropos system, causing huge damage and loss of life.
    Witnesses have observed signs of corrosion damage to the starport. This is characteristic of an explosive designed by the engineer Liz Ryder that deploys Thargoid caustic enzymes, and which was used in the bombings of Imperial starports in September.
    The NMLA has claimed responsibility for the attack. Its propaganda channels praised "the nine martyrs", a reference to the terrorist suspects recently arrested by the Federal Security Service. There were also warnings of "further reprisals if the Federation impedes our cause".
    The FSS has since confirmed that the captive NMLA members were being held in secure facilities at Kepler Orbital, which have been completely destroyed by the blasts. It is assumed that they were specifically targeted to prevent the prisoners

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    As independent colonies are set up for Marlinist refugees, there has been a lull in terrorist strikes from the Neo-Marlinist Liberation Army (NMLA).
    In recent months, the paramilitary group launched multiple attacks across the Empire. Starports and administrative buildings were bombed and dozens of individuals assassinated, including Prince Harold and more distant members of the Duval family.
    However, the number of incidents has fallen drastically following successful operations by the Imperial Internal Security Service:
    "After the Federal Security Service identified NMLA members aboard the emigrants' megaships, these were transferred to us for interrogation. We obtained information that enabled us to shut down many terrorist cells, although there is evidence that the NMLA's network remains widespread."
    In related news, hundreds of thousands of Marlinist refugees are preparing to occupy new

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    The Imperial Internal Security Service has transmitted another urgent bulletin regarding terrorist attacks on starports in the Empire.
    "There have been indications that the four starports came under attack by Thargoids. We can confirm that this is not the case, and there is no evidence of Thargoid vessels in the vicinity."
    "Observers reported that some of the damage inflicted on the stations' infrastructure closely resembled the effect of Thargoid weaponry. This was registered by internal sensor systems, resulting in automatic emergency broadcasts designed to summon aid during a Thargoid incursion."
    "Preliminary investigations suggest the use of customised explosive devices that incorporated elements of Thargoid technology. This suggests that the perpetrators have access to unusually sophisticated resources as well as xenological materials."
    "As yet there is no reason to doubt that the

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    The bombing of two Marlinist starports by the NMLA has caused political rifts and public protests across the colony systems.
    Local newsfeed The Marlin Standard reported on current events:
    "Our entire society is still reeling in shock after last week's attacks against Stillman Hub and Tilman Point stations. There has been mass panic in fear of further terrorist strikes, with unprecedented scenes of violence against known Neo-Marlinist supporters."
    "Without the respected leadership of First Minister Jenna Fairfax, angry exchanges and recriminations have divided the Marlinist Parliament. Minister Aaron Whyte claimed that 'we invited this tragedy upon ourselves' by not voting for a Neo-Marlinist prime consul. In response, Minister Octavia Volkov called for Whyte's arrest as 'an accessory to mass murder'."
    "Some community leaders expressed sorrow at a lost opportunity to establish a Marlinist

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    Kurland’s here…but where’s Sulu? It’s been a crazy and incredible ten years for Star Trek Online, and we wanted to celebrate by sharing some data we’ve collected over the past ten years. Take a look at the infographic below. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .TW { background-position: 0 60%; } .share-footer .FO { background-position: 0 80%; } .FB:hover { background-position: 100% 0%; } .TI:hover { background-position: 100% 20%;

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    A galaxy-wide suspension of revenue tax has been announced. All three superpowers are supporting the freeze, which will see profit margins for everyday commodities increase.

    The temporary alleviation will allow fiscal authorities to complete a much-needed evaluation of galactic taxation.

    The news is expected to be warmly received by traders, who will earn more for their goods for the duration of the moratorium.

    The galaxy's independent engineers, who constitute a vital part of the galactic economy, have agreed to support the freeze by offering their designs in exchange for more readily available materials.

    The tax suspension will run from the 24th to the 30th of May 3304.

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