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    Star Trek Online is headed to Destination Star Trek: Birmingham! It’s the largest celebration of Star Trek in Europe, and tons of your favorite Star Trek and STO actors will be there, including Jeri Ryan, Jeffrey Combs, Alexander Siddig, Michael Dorn, and of course, our newest cast member, Mary Wiseman! EU Design Lead Tim Davies will be there to host a panel with Mary about her work on Age of Discovery, and to reveal to you some of Star Trek Online’s plans for 2018 and 2019! Be sure to check it out, here’s the details: Star Trek Online Enters the Age of Discovery with Mary Wiseman Saturday, October 20 at 3:45 pm on the Excelsior Stage (Pending) Welcome to the Age of Discovery! Join us for an inside look at the newest update for Star Trek Online, the free-to-play online game based on one of the most iconic sci-fi franchises of all time. In a panel hosted by Tim Davies and Malte Rautert

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    One of the most exciting things to come out of the 25th anniversary of Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the upcoming documentary, What We Left Behind. Ira Steven Behr and his team have been hard at work on bringing the behind the scenes story of Deep Space Nine to life, and the film is about to premiere at the upcoming Destination Star Trek: Birmingham. But, there’s one more amazing thing they want to add, and you can help. The team behind What We Left Behind is making history in remastering scenes from Star Trek: Deep Space Nine for the first time in High Definition! But they need your HELP. Become a Hi-Def Hero and join the crowdfunding campaign from Ira Steven Behr and his team to re-scan as much original negative from the CBS TV show archives and see DS9 in glorious HD for the first time ever in the upcoming documentary. Watch Ira get a little help from a ‘simple tailor’ and see your first

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    Technology company Herculean Machines has begun mass production of its new device, the Duradrive personal computer.

    Following the successful performance of its prototype at the Rackham Ultratech Expo, the company has received corporate funding from a range of sources, including Rackham Capital Investments.

    Maddox Hurd, CEO of Herculean Machines, told the media:

    "As I've said before, what people want is a reliable tool that is tough enough to handle anything. I'd like to once again thank the galactic community for providing the commodities that made our success possible."

    There has been no comment from rival CEO Scorpio DeVorrow.

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    We'd like to congratulate Wing Commander CIC founder Chris Reid and his wife Lacey Reid on the birth of their second daughter Lillianna Jane. Since Wing Commander fans love specifications, Lillianna was born this morning at 5:07 am Seattle time, her length is 19.7 inches and her mass was 6 pounds 15 ounces. Her yaw, pitch and roll are 70, 75 and 70 degrees per second respectively and her matter/anti-matter engine is capable of converting spaceborne hydrogen into nearly unlimited afterburner fuel. Congratulations on number two, Chris and Lacey; everyone on the CIC team loves you both and is very happy to know you're raising our next generation of space heroes!


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    There's great news out of the Through the Moongate: the first stretch goal has been reached, which means that there will be an extra chapter looking at the developing of Wing Commander II! Here's the official word:

    A million thank yous to all our backers who made another achievement possible! We will have the pleasure to work with Siobhan Beeman, Ellen Guon Beeman, and other Originites on the Wing Commander 2 chapter, which will be delivered as a digital download to all backers from Honesty tier and higher. We are excited to dig into and tell many yet unknown stories of another legendary game from Origin!

    The project has added a second strech goal which would add a rare Ultima print for backers at the Sacrifice (50 euro) level or higher. There are three days left, so if you want a copy for yourself you can pledge here! There are three days left on this one, so get in quick!


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    Eagle-eyed ship spotter Doug Lee has found a squadron of familiar Wing Commander designs in an unlikely place: a mobile game called Stellar Patrol: Galactic Conflict! The top-down space game features a host of familiar Wing Commander designs... and even uses a Rapier as its app icon! This is likely not a case of licensing the IP from Electronic Arts as Stellar Patrol also includes a number of other familiar science fiction ships like Battlestar Galactica's Viper, Star Wars' A-Wing and Firefly's... Firefly. It's a fun little phone shooter reminiscent of Subspace. If you'd like to check it out, you can download Stellar Patrol for free on Android or iOS. Better hurry and get to it before the lawyers!


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    General: Corrected the names of several grand prize ship images so they should appear in the lockbox UI if you win that ship. Corrected Jem'Hadar T6 Light Battlecruiser, the Sarcophagus ship and the Crossfield class. Resolved an issue that was causing loading screen images to not appear. Discovery weapons now use Discovery Era vaporization effects. Updated Tilly’s contact window to have the correct background. Content: Resolved an issue which occasionally caused waves of Klingons to not spawn in “Defense of Starbase One”. Updated mission offer for "TFO: Defense of Starbase One" handoff to be Admiral Quinn instead of Admiral Kensington for Discover characters. Resolved an issue that prevented Discovery captains from getting their first complement of Duty Officers from Lt. Ferra. Added new Task Force Operation tutorial tooltips. Updated the final cutscene in the episode

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    Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling the amount of Technology Points earned from each one applied! From Thursday, October 18th at 8AM PST to October 22nd at 10AM PST, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade! This in turn reduces the amount of Dilithium that must be spent to reach each Upgrade threshold, allowing Captains additional chances to attain both Mark and Rarity increases on their favored load outs. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

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    Nenid opened her eyes, only to see the worried face of Centurion D’mev staring down at her. “Status report,” she said hoarsely, having taken in a lungful of smoke during the last exchange of fire. Coughing, she got to her feet with the junior officer’s assistance and took a seat in the command chair. “Preferably before the Tholians manage to find and destroy us, if you please, Centurion. “ D’mev blanched before speaking. “Commander, we are under cloak, per your orders. A Tholian fleet is massing within the Azure Nebula; it seems we encountered their vanguard during our investigation of the temporal anomalies there.” Nenid nodded as she called up tactical data to the main viewscreen. And in a moment, a mission of science becomes a mission of war, she thought silently. “Engineering,” she said as she activated her command channel. “What’s our situation? That volley from the Tholians

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