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    Today we have a third entry in a recent string of articles dug up by the X-Wing Game Series Twitter account. This is another "state of the space sim genre" type of spread, which was a recurring theme at the time. It's interesting to see what they had to say at this point in time while the franchise was really still in its early days. Most of these types of pieces would hit on the usual suspects: Wing Commander, X-Wing and Elite plus a few of the newer novel entrants. Although this actually predates Wing Commander 3, even the original few WC games were known for their cinematic qualities. The caption to the WC image is "Wing Commander brought the movies to your PC." Also, what's up with the weird three-pip Picard on top?!


    Far more exciting than Epic ever was was Wing Commander, designed by Chris Roberts and released by Origin in 1990. This was a pure all-action combat simulation which abandoned
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    We didn't give folks a lot of lead time this year, so this is another reminder that the 23rd CIC Birthday Party will be held next weekend! Plans are starting to come together, and I'm really looking forward to our big annual gathering. We'll have a few cool Wing Commander things to share, and it'll be wonderful to catch up with everyone after yet another challenging year in the world. Discord #Wingnut is the place. Formal festivities kick off Saturday evening at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT), but we expect things will be happening all day. The channel is a bustling place - stop by any time and join the fun!


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    Each year we talk a lot about the CIC Discord chat room in the lead up the CIC Birthday Party, but that's not the only time the place is hopping. In fact, it's a great place to hang out year round! The service suffered an unusual outage a week or so back, and it really drove home how much we missed everyone while it was briefly unavailable. With this invite, you are able to log in via the web or the native phone/table/PC app. While we do talk about Wing Commander all day long, we don't just talk about Wing Commander. There's lots of chatter around video games and sci-fi in general. There's also space for focused topics like modding and fan fiction. Hope to see you there sometime!


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    Azimuth Biotech's operation in the HIP 22460 system has been publicly denounced by the Thargoid-worshipping fringe religion.
    A video message from a hooded young woman aboard the Testament, the cult's missionary vessel, was transmitted directly to the newsfeed Vox Galactica:
    "This plan to entrap and destroy the heralds of the Far God must cease immediately. As the newly appointed First Apostle of the True Chapters, I beseech those in authority not to support Salvation's evil crusade. To slaughter these holy beings is a monstrous act of deicide."
    Dr Alfred Ulyanov, a leading authority on the enigmatic sect, commented:
    "It is extremely unusual for Far God believers to make any kind of announcement or acknowledge current events. They accept their own deaths with equanimity, believing as they do that all life will be extinguished when the Far God emerges from hyperspace. But they are clearly

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    Panther has dug up an interesting Wing Commander 2 review from the October 1991 issue of Advanced Computer Entertainment. A curious element is that they title this "Revenge of the Kilrathi." This is just a mistake or stylistic rebranding. The game was publicly announced as Vengeance of the Kilrathi, so this isn't a case of early marketing change (like with ACE's August 1990 preview of Wing Leader). They give the game an "800" score, and I like all those character profiles!


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    It turns out 2022 isn't going to go out without a little bit of good news! Supercade has just announced that they will be launching a campaign to offer a vinyl record version of George Oldziey's Wing Commander Orchestral Recording Project:

    This has been such an epic project and it’s bittersweet to finally be nearing the end. Gearing up to launch a new campaign for Supercade’s first soundtrack release on vinyl, the WING COMMANDER Orchestral Recording Project, and would be so grateful for your support! Update soon…

    — Van Burnham (@supercade71) December 29, 2022

    Wing Commander III, IV, Kilrathi Saga and Prophecy composer George Oldziey crowd funded a beautiful album of Wing Commander tracks recorded with a live orchestra several years ago which was offered at the time as a CD. Supercade began as a lavish history of video games with a project titled Supercade: A Visual History of

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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    Azimuth Biotech has commercially launched a new module that allows two additional AX weapons to be added to large ships.
    The experimental weapons stabiliser increases the number of AX weapons which can be installed on a ship. The class 3 variant released last week increases the limit to five, whereas the class 5 variant released yesterday increases it to six.
    Both versions entered mass production following Azimuth Biotech's highly successful resource drive in the LHS 1163 system. CEO Torben Rademaker issued a statement to accompany the product launch:
    "Our proprietary technology has bypassed the inherent design flaws of Aegis's AX weaponry. The experimental weapons stabiliser will play a vital role in the ongoing defence of the core systems."
    "I can only assume that the current chatter about reforming Aegis is due to misplaced nostalgia. How quickly people forget

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    This evening we've got a video from Linus Tech Tips about the reasons why you might emulate old hardware compared with building up a a classic PC of your own. There are pros and cons each way, and it's a good discussion about some of the many challenges than can go into getting vintage games running. I'm not a fan of these goofy thumbnails, but it's a charming video. It's really nice to see someone navigate those retro Windows 95 and DOS interfaces. Wing Commander appears at the 13:55 point in a brief anecdote about how some games could run too fast on newer hardware. It's kind of funny/amazing that that's an obscure enough bit of information in 2023 that it's worth calling out!

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    Scribbler was inspired by that other Maverick and his new Top Gun movie to make this fun fan trailer. "Wing Commander Maverick" is presented in both English and German for your enjoyment. Check it out below. There's a lot of good cuts in there!

    Tom Cruise is celebrated, Top Gun Maverick might get an Academy Award? Our Maverick was probably forgotten last year. Here is our version of Maverick. ;) In English and German (including a new scene that nobody knows yet. Not even the actors :) ). Have fun :D
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    Today we have a couple of unfinished/test animations by Mac. It's possible that portions of what you see here could wind up in a future lore video, and certain elements might just be for practice. Despite these being just tiny little shorts, there's some amazingly talented animation going on, and I certainly can't wait for more!

    This weekend I learned how to animate with MMD.

    I titled this one: "My last functioning braincell after a video is finished."

    — Mac's Lore (@MacsLore) April 24, 2023
    This weekend I learned how to animate with MMD. I titled this one: "My last functioning braincell after a video is finished."