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    Yore Computer dug up an old August 1990 ACE Magazine preview of Wing Commander (then Wing Leader!). We tend to refer to '93-'94 era mag scans as quite vintage, but this is particularly ancient in WC terms. As this is such an early preview, it also's also an uncommon appearance of some of the game's early concept art. There's a very nice Hornet, Scimitar and Jalthi on the second page. Otherwise, it's always fun to read these time capsules that talk about groundbreaking 3D graphics and stellar cinematics. Newer players today might see the original WC games as nothing but retro, but they were truly impressive at the time!

    ace_magazine_1990august1t.jpgace_magazine_1990august2t.jpgace_magazine_1990august3t.jpgLOAF has some additional sharing on this topic:

    It's always a treasure to see Wing Commander I concept art that didn't wind up in Claw Marks! Unfortunately it's very rare. A couple more from the game's original press kit:


    A couple more that surfaced in a CGW supplement promoting The
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    Here's something new and different in Howard Day's Wing Leader project. We've seen a lot of the pilots and their helmets lately, and Howard took this one step further to merge these characters with the exciting cockpit scenes shown off a while back. Check out Angel in the green VDU! To flip the camera around, the fighter seats have also been bulked up and fit a bit better with their flight suits. There's also a neat test of a pilot in the briefing room. You can see they're all the same person, but a lot of work goes into getting the scaling and light tones right. It's cool to see these difference pieces come together!


    Bulked up the seats, fixed the padding stitching and wrinkles to blend/look better, added more helmet art, rank insignia on the respirators, and seatbelts!
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    Howard Day has added a new feature to Wing Leader: HUD brackets! These now function as a target lock for your designated enemy. The Hornet looks as you'd expect, and Howard's also jazzed up the Dralthi display a bit to give it a unique feel. The new feature looks great, but this is also a wonderful opportunity to check out the latest build of this superb looking fan game!

    Some #WingLeader time last night got the code for the HUD brackets almost completely working, with some scaling to resolve. I've also re-rendered the sprites for the Hornet and Dralthi, as well - using the latest materials. Some new explosions, as well. Cleared out some of the debug art, got some clipping enacted on *when* the brackets can appear, and made the locked version steady, not flashing. I'm pretty darn happy with this.
    How about some #ScreenshotSaturday #WingLeader Dralthi cockpit footage? There's new Kilrathi HUD
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    It's been a good month for fans of Wing Leader! Howard Day has another new ship and a handful of new prototype features to share. First up is the Strakha stealth fighter. It's inspired by Arne's Android Arts sketch of the ship with some additional WC3 elements brought in. Howie's also recorded several videos that show off new features such a cloaking effect to complement the new Strakha. There's also a preliminary communications systems that allow the pilots to talk with each other. On the graphical side, separate visual effects for project impacts against the hull rather than shields have been added, among other similar tweaks that make the gunplay pop.


    So now that the Strakha is done, I needed to work on the Cloaking effect. Solution? Cloaking Devices for everyone! Wheee! Eventually, the drive flares will be hidden as well. I also re-figured out how to capture Wingleader properly in 60fps, so I
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    Last month we reported on capi's slick Morningstar model made in Kerbal Space Program. He was also putting together a cute video to introduce the craft, and we're happy to share it now! It's presented in the style of a classic mission briefing starring the Kerbs. We also get to see some pretty acrobatic flying. The landing is a bit rough, but you know what they say about any landing you can walk away from!

    Featuring the F-95 Morningstar, we fight like it's 1992.
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    Who knew IMDB made little video shorts? They've just posted a clip to celebrate the recent 25th birthday of the Super Mario Brothers movie. It talks a bit about why the film was the way it was and how it was critically panned. Wing Commander gets a funny cameo as the film that's actually ranked one better than Mario Brothers in the all time IMDB ranking of video game-based adaptations. Check it out here.

    May 28, 2018, marks the 25th anniversary of 'Super Mario Bros.' The very first live-action adaptation of a video game, ever, was based on the hugely successful series that helped pull the gaming industry out of the 1983 crash. But when it came to its big screen potential, only one man had the vision, producer Roland Joffé.
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    If you're up late Christmas Eve and still scrambling to complete your list - we've all been there, and the CIC is here to help! Give the gift of Wing Commander. The entire series is discounted to $12 as part of their winter sale. There are also great digital options that can virtually deliver the movie, music albums and ebooks. Whether you're done shopping or not, if the holiday stress has been too much to handle, head over to Discord #Wingnut and decompress with your fellow fans!


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    AD recently stumbled upon a vintage review for Wing Commander on the Super Nintendo. The game was reviewed by a ton of magazines in the US, but this one actually comes from Action Games in Argentina. As someone who grew up with mags like this and worked on the high school newspaper, I always love to see what choices they made in the layout and design. They start with a fairly generic Wing Commander title image and then do a walkaround of the bar, killboard and TrainSim. I really like the cockpit overview too. While this might seem simple and obvious to you and me, put yourself in the seat of someone in July 1993 who's never seen anything like this on a home console before. It must have felt like the closest thing to flying ac actual space fighter at the time! Prospective players would have pored over every inch to see which dials and readouts contained useful information. Good stuff!


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    Several years ago we

    reported on

    a video that just contained the previews attached to the front of Wing Commander on VHS. It was an oddity at the time, but apparently there's a market for everything. Fast forward to 2018 and that clip has nearly 15,000 views on YouTube. His similar segment for

    Toy Story

    has more than 700,000 views and here's a

    Lion King II

    version that's pushing a million. So apparently this is a real thing. As such, a competing YouTuber with a similar idea has just posted the WC VHS previews again. This time it's a shaky cam recording of a CRT television that blurs in and out of focus. This is even worse than the earlier version, so there's no need to watch it, but I'm just amazed it exists. Maybe check out the swanky flair involved as he slides the case into view right at the beginning. That's art. He has 1300 subscribers and 1.6 million total views, so while still an up and

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    Today we've got a unique Wing Commander YouTube video. Pinoy Video Gamer titles this one as a WC3 unboxing, but it goes into much more. His copy of The Heart of the Tiger is obviously well loved, and he takes time to go through its contents. There's also a good discussion about the other major Wing Commander games as well. Even Wing Commander Arena gets a brief segment!

    I like to occasionally highlight videos like this from other languages to share what WC appreciation is like around the world, but I've never personally run across one in Filipino Tagalog before. Even more, this one is narrated in a hybrid of both English and Tagalog so that speakers of either should be able to easily follow along. I would struggle to make this in just one language, so it's very impressive to see something like this presented bilingually!

    I unbox my old copy of Wing Commander 3: Heart of the Tiger. And I talk about
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    I’ve been looking at the multi-game guide books that were popular in the mid-90s. This one has chapters on Wing Commander III and IV... but the very simple walkthrough only covers seven missions of the latter. These seem kind of silly today, but before the internet books like these were a neat way to find out about the games available for your system. They’re as much wishbook as they are hint book!

    multigame_books1t.jpgmultigame_books2t.jpgmultigame_books3t.jpgPrima updated this huge book of PlayStation game guides annually for years. Here’s WC3 and 4 still included the 2000 version!


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    Artist Gilles Nuytens has taken a stab at remastering the main Wing Commander theme from the Wing Commander Movie. He's taken the primary track off of the official album and then extended it with music from the credits (that wasn't on the album). The result is a longer take that potentially has a more lengthy and robust conclusion. Check it out below and let him know what you think!

    This is an extended version of the Wing Commander theme by David Arnold & Kevin Kiner from the 1999 movie. The original theme from the CD album was good enough as itself but I thought it would be cool to extend it with the (unreleased) end credits (which was actually a rebuild of several cues from the album). The sound was quite muffled and wasn't very clear even on the original CD! I did what I could to make it sound better with my tiny and limited sound editing skills. Legal note: I do not own this music! All rights
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    Today we have a beautiful new take on the Wing Commander title theme fanfare. Grazia Pizzuto is on the piano and she's accompanied by Filippo Tramontana with a French horn. I love how well they nailed the original soundtrack with just these two instruments. It's a wonderful rendition that you need to give a listen to! You can find more of her video game musical takes here.

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    has posted a video of getting Wing Commander going on the FM Towns


    . The Marty was a console variant of the Japanese PC variant

    FM Towns

    . The two shared limited cross-compatibility, so it's really interesting to see that it runs! It requires the optional keyboard just to get past the initial screen where players input their name and callsign, but everything seems to load. Speed and smoothness definitely take a big hit and most sound seems broken, but it's still pretty neat. If you're not as familiar with this version, it's also fascinating to see the minor differences. Overall graphics are pretty similar, but the load screen displays "Start Secret Missions 2" alongside the normal prompts for Vega Campaign, Continue and Secret Mission 1. On PC, SM2 has its own separate executable. Overall, I'd say this is a successful experiment!

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    All the way through pre to post-production, the crew working on the Wing Commander feature film explored the idea of giving the Kilrathi a unique point of view. Before shooting, the crew at Digital Anvil experimented with some basic effects using footage shot around their offices to get a feel for the styles they might like to use.

    This clip features some of that early footage plus some of the post-production tests done to hone in on just the right kind of look. Possibly taking inspiration from things such as Predator's heat vision, the Terminator's information readouts, or the POV shots from the Alien's perspective in Alien 3, they ran many different passes with differing levels of distortion and color correction to make various highlights stand out. Keen observers will also notice the statue of Sivar that sits at the heart of the Snakeir bridge.

    The crew also explored the idea of giving the

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    LOAF found a neat little Easter egg in one of Margaret Weis' novels. She penned Robot Blues in 1996 with then-husband Don Perrin as a spinoff to the Star of the Guardians series. The duo is famous in Wing Commander circles for creating the Wing Commander Customizable Card Game that same year. In the novel, a character reflects on playing the space sim game "Wing Commander MCIII" and flying the "Claymore" bomber. Sounds like a winner!


    One of Jeffrey Grant's favorite space simulator games was Wing Commander MCII, in which he flew a Claymore bomber on various glorious missions to keep the galaxy safe for commercial traffic. Grant had played this game a few hundred times and had won every time except the first, which he counted as just learning. And here was teh Claymore--a real Claymore--not fifty meters away.
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