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    The sun was setting, lengthening the shadows and giving Starfleet Academy a beautiful, orange glow. This was Captain Anton Schaefer’s favorite time of day. Normally, it would be time to pack up, go home, maybe visit his favorite little Italian restaurant in North Beach, and see what kind of trouble he could get himself into. As a Starfleet Captain and an instructor at the Academy, it usually wasn’t much. Most nights, he would be about to order when a gaggle of his students would wander in, eyes wide that their teacher was a human being who had a social life, too. But tonight would be different. He loved that magic hour light, but it was getting too dim to see the mountain of paperwork he still had to go through before he could turn in for the night. “Computer, lights.” He said. There was a small buzz, and his office lit up with harsh, white light. He blinked and shook his head, closing his

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    With the Alliance presidential race gathering speed, political journalist Vanya Driscoll has published an analysis in The Alliance Tribune:

    "The election of a new president is usually a ceremonial matter, during which voters select a public 'face' for the Alliance, but this year is a genuine power struggle – one that may have major consequences."

    "Elijah Beck is the only candidate who seems content with the status quo. By contrast, entrepreneur Fazia Silva promises to boost the economy and increase commerce. Her new financial policies have been welcomed by interstellar corporations and small businesses alike."

    "President Gibson Kincaid is causing the most controversy, however. His proposal that the role of president should include executive powers is being taken seriously by the Assembly. Kincaid claims that having a single controlling voice will enable the Alliance to 'challenge our rivals'

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    It's been a while since the GOG's last major sale, but they're holding an EA-specific this weekend. Wing Commander once again clocks in at about 70% off, but there are a few Origin games that come in even higher. The Crusader and Ultima games are 80% off, so it's a good time to round out your collection!


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    Popular video blogger


    recently dedicated his live stream gaming show to Wing Commander 3. He's dabbled in Wing Commander stuff over the years, so it's interesting to see his take here. Perhaps even more interesting are the live reactions from the audience. It's a credit to WC3's engaging FMV and spaceflight engine that it still holds up remarkably well nearly 25 years later. This also speaks to the pace of advancement in the early '90s. This came just a few years after WC1&2, yet it's often a significantly easier point of entry to the series due to how much more it resembles a modern game.

    We can also help clarify one mystery in the vid. At 1:30:30 he encounters a 'bug' where he appears to be zooming away from his target backwards. It looks like what happened was that he accidentally engaged auto slide (with the / key), which temporarily disables the atmospheric flight style and throws

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    New Episode - Secrets This is Admiral Kensington. I have a special assignment for you. A Klingon raiding party attacked one of our science stations near the Delta Volanis Cluster. Please assist them in any way you can. A Klingon raiding party attacked a Starfleet research facility near the Delta Volanis Cluster, but left survivors and took nothing. The station is damaged, however, and the staff could use your help to resume normal operations. Be on your guard – this could be a Klingon ruse. Be ready for anything. If things get desperate, one of Starfleet’s top-secret vessels is in the area and can assist if necessary. Get on this as soon as you can – Starfleet Command needs to know what the Klingons are up to out there. Secrets is the first episode available to Discovery-era Captains after completing the tutorial. It will also be available to 2409 and TOS-era Captains as a historical

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    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for a two-week appearance beginning on September 27th, 2018. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, while the Deep Space 9 Lock Box will be retired. Updated Prize Lists Along with all of the prizes previously offered in previous appearances of the Infinity Lock Box, additional prizes originally seen in the Discovery Lock Box have been added to the drop tables. They now include all of the following: Crossfield-class Science Spearhead [T6] Sarcophagus Dreadnought Carrier [T6] Cross-Faction Consoles Multi-Target Tractor Arrays (Federation) Mycelium Ambush (Klingon) Cross-Faction Starship Mastery: Honored Dead (Federation) Black Alert (Klingon) DS9-themed Ground

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    I’m not going to lie to you…this war is not going well for the Federation. Every day, the Klingons gain ground, and every day, we fall a little further back. Well, not today. Today, we stand, together, as Starfleet. Today, we prove that our ideals can withstand a hostile invasion force. I’m honored to serve with each and every one of you. Go out there and make me proud. You were just a cadet, stepping out into the cosmos for the first time, when the Klingon War broke out. Now it’s come home. In “Downfall,” the second episode of Age of Discovery, you’ll find yourself standing in defense of Starbase One, in what could be her final battle. Enemies, including Ju’la herself, are going to attempt to take this last bastion of defense for themselves. Only you can stop them. Downfall is the second episode available to Discovery-era Captains after completing the tutorial. It will also be

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    We called for new Foundry stories, and the community responded in force. Now, it’s time for you to decide the winner. Head to this thread on the forums for all of the details on how to register your vote, and make sure you head into game and search for the following games to play them, and vote on your favorites! We can’t wait to see who the winner is. Missions for the Federation and Their Allies: “Mysteries and Familiar Faces" by @zectosh "Flowers of War, Thorns of Peace" by @XR-377 “A Simple Tailor's Shop” by @beargoggles “[CRD] Old Soldiers” by @hippiejohn “Ooooo, Jem” by @Smokebailey “[CRD] A Dagger in the Dark” by @stcaptainquirky "Generation Armageddon" by @EnglishWerewolf "Echoes of the Iconians" by @trollerpilotxiv#9883 “The Grand Library” by @colonel68 “Unseen Enemies” by @bberge “Replay Morning” by @TedHembach “Chem Bajora” by @ajwoodley “Investigate the Fire caves” by

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    has achieved another very cool technological milestone in the digital exploration of Wing Commander 1. Kilrathi Saga introduced invisible cockpits to the original games, but they were not particularly smooth implementations. Unnamed's advancements allow for properly overlays so that indicator labels are retained and the radar isn't transparent to the background. Compare the KS versions up top to the enhanced versions below! Along the way, he encountered some targeting issues due to where the game wanted to put the reticle, but those have already been


    as well.

    The Kilrathi Saga version of the game provides the option to remove the cockpit. This is done by simply not displaying the cockpit image, but it does have some negative side effects: all labels are missing, the radar is transparent, and there is no location highlighting on the radar sections when taking a hit.


    We can