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    Dr Roy Casimir of the Holloway Bioscience Institute has announced plans to construct a research centre focusing on new life forms discovered by the galactic community:

    "The development of the Codex has led to a number of xenological discoveries. Our aim is to construct a dedicated scientific facility to analyse these incredible lifeforms."

    "We therefore request quantities of Cobalt, Indium and Tantalum to be delivered to Williams Vision in the Nahuaru system."

    "In addition, we ask pilots to provide us with exploration data, which will form the core of our xenological research catalogue. Nahuaru Crimson Bridge Int has agreed to fund the initiative and reimburse contributing pilots."

    The initiative begins on the 7th of February 3305 and will run for one week. If the final target is met earlier than planned, the campaign will end immediately.

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    Kobayashi Maru Returns! Beginning on October 17th, 2019, until November 7th, 2019, captains will again be challenged to face the harsh simulation of the “Kobayashi Maru” when it returns as our next Featured Task Force Operation. While this TFO is available, Captains may participate daily to earn progress towards a brand new Featured-TFO reward, as well as earning Event Campaign Progress toward a Tier-6 Starship Coupon. Continue reading for full details! Event Campaign – Part 1 The Kobayashi Maru Featured TFO will be the first of a series of upcoming Events that will participate in a multi-event system that we’re calling “Event Campaigns,” which will allow players to eventually earn a Z-Store Coupon that offered 100% Off on a Tier-6 Starship of their choice. Established players will recognize this system as an updated and re-named version of the previous progression that allowed

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    Kobayashi Maru Returns! Beginning on October 17th, 2019, until November 7th, 2019, captains will again be challenged to face the harsh simulation of the “Kobayashi Maru” when it returns as our next Featured Task Force Operation. While this TFO is available, Captains may participate daily to earn progress towards a brand new Featured-TFO reward, as well as earning Event Campaign Progress toward a Tier-6 Starship Coupon. Continue reading for full details! Event Campaign – Part 1 The Kobayashi Maru Featured TFO will be the first of a series of upcoming Events that will participate in a multi-event system that we’re calling “Event Campaigns,” which will allow players to eventually earn a Z-Store Coupon that offered 100% Off on a Tier-6 Starship of their choice. Established players will recognize this system as an updated and re-named version of the previous progression that allowed

  • 07


    Last month we posted the cool blue cover of the Japanese WC1 Manual, and Christian Klein is back with another neat glimpse into Japanese Wing Commander. Here's a couple shots of WC2 with some pretty cool Japanese subtitles. Andi Green translates Shadow's text as "Requesting permission to attack," and the Sartha says, "We will kill all humans!"

    wc2_japan1t.jpgwc2_japan2t.jpgIf you find these intriguing and would like to see more, here's a video of the Japanese Super Nintendo Wing Commander courtesy of GameCenter SE. I always find it interesting to find slightly different iterations of Wing Commander, of course, and foreign language translations have the dual benefit of helping you imagine people all over the globe having fun with these games.

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    JasonBernportaitt.jpgToday marks 23 years since the actor Jason Bernard passed away. Sadly, we've lost a number of friends and familiar faces over the years, but this one still looms large in my mind after more than two decades. 1996 was an intense year for Wing Commander fans. The year started with the launch of Wing Commander 4 and new ports of WC3 were still being released through the spring. The CCG came out in August, Academy television show in September and Kilrathi Saga launched October 15. As evidenced by the current CIC poll, a large number of Wingnuts were coming online for the first time in 1996... and then the news of Mr. Bernard's passing hit like a ton of bricks. Fortunately, this nascent community of mostly invincible-feeling teenagers and 20-somethings were able to come together and collectively share their grief as fans. One such gathering place was the Worlds of Origin memorial, which is archived

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    is back with a big update on his papercraft Wing Commander fighters. He

    recently shared

    some of his templates and techniques on how to make these awesome little fighters with a home printer and scrap cardboard. Now the ships have been put to good use as part of a new tabletop game that Maverick is putting together. He's spent quite a bit of time playtesting with a friend, and the shots below show off some of their space combat in action. Looks like fun! You can find an elaborate breakdown of the rules and help discuss future refinements at the CIC Forums




    So been a little while since I posted on this project, but wow what an update I have for it.

    First off, a friend and I got in basically a whole day of playtesting using some of the rules. And pretty much decided the rules needed to change.I'm just using little cardboard models I've assembled for game tokens at this point. Nothing

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    After many years of admiring from afar, I finally added a copy of the Australian Wing Commander Kilrathi Saga to my collection. It's essentially the same game as the North American edition, but there are some nice cosmetic differences. I knew it had a spiral bound 'yearbook' manual, but I didn't expect the paper to be different. It has a softer and almost newsprint feel compared to more common glossy pages. Speaking of being soft, instead of five hard separate jewel cases, the disc holder is also a faux leather plastic inside of a glossy sleeve. The game also has a sticker from the Office of Film and Literature classification that gives it a "General 8 Years & Over" rating due to a low level of violence. For comparison, the ESRB gives Kilrathi Saga a Mature 17+ designation based on "mild language and realistic violence" (primarily from the WC3 cutscenes). I guess they have a pretty high

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    We loved the official art of the Support Carrier Bundle made by our Marketing Artist, Jen Mei, and heard you did, too. With that in mind, here are some wallpaper versions of the art in different sizes, for you to use on your computers! 1024 x 768 (Option 1) 1024 x 768 (Option 2) 1280 x 1024 (Option 1) 1280 x 1024 (Option 2) 1680 x 1050 1920 x 1080 2560 x 1440 .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%;

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    Carson's Spring, the megaship transporting Professor Ishmael Palin from the Maia system, has successfully completed its journey, having endured a number of attacks by Thargoid craft.

    Admiral Aden Tanner provided this update on behalf of Aegis Research:

    "With support from many independent combat pilots, the Thargoid assaults on Carson's Spring have been successfully repelled."

    "The megaship has now arrived in the Arque system with Professor Palin and his staff."

    Palin currently remains aboard Carson's Spring. Efforts are underway to establish a new permanent home at Abel Laboratory on Arque 4 E, from where Palin's previously offered engineering services can resume.