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    People are always asking me: Ben, I want to enjoy The Secret Missions, The Secret Missions 2, Super Wing Commander's extra campaign and Freedom Flight together in the most technically correct but narratively meaningless order possible...

    sm_timeline1t.jpgsm_timeline2t.jpgsm_timeline3t.jpgsm_timeline4t.jpg... well if that's you then boy did I ever spend my day off making a needlessly confusing spreadsheet for you!

    sm_timeline6t.jpgIt also tells you when to read sections of Wing Commander I & II: The Ultimate Strategy Guide because Secret Missions 2 is the rare game that's novelized by two completely different writers!


  • 14


    The xeno-peace movement, which calls for communication with the Thargoids, has sought to rationalise the latest incursions.
    Despite ongoing conflicts in the 42 n Persei, Chun Pindit and Tekkeitjal systems, Thargoid aggression has been attributed to defensive measures. Reports by journalists in those systems, which have focused on the increasingly aggressive Thargoid craft, have been labelled 'propaganda' endorsed by major media corporations.
    The 'Thargoid Advocacy Project' - a label which many supporters of the movement use in calls to action - believes that the authorities must commit to establishing a dialogue with the aliens. Timothy Culver, a prominent activist for the xeno-peace cause, provided a statement to The Sovereign:
    "The Thargoids did not invade our space. We invaded theirs. Entire nebulas and other regions have been inhabited by them for over a million years, but our leaders

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    Found an ancient bug in Armada! The source for the credits reads "Music & Digital FX" but the actual game doesn't display the ampersand. (But I think we can give the team that was QAing this and Wing Commander III at the same time a pass...)

    armada_credits1t.jpgAlso never noticed this cool footer on the credits! JEMM was the DOS extender and RealSpace was the 3D engine, both first developed for Strike Commander.


  • 04


    While most people were getting ready to party on New Year's Eve, Mac was hard at work putting the finishing touches on his new Wing Commander lore video - a man after our own hearts! This one is a thorough profile of the A-17 Broadsword. It focuses on the elevated role of phase shielding versus torpedoes in the late 2660s but also goes all the way to the ship's exploits against the Nephilim decades later. Check it out below!

  • 06


    wcso_shipupgrade238t.jpgWith 2022 now firmly in the rear view mirror, our last task is to conduct the annual CIC Fan Project of the Year contest! I hesitate to frame it as a competition, since everyone who contributed to these efforts and more are really all working to improve the fan community together. Nevertheless, we like doing this to recognize a small handful of amazing endeavors that brightened the landscape over the past year. Read up on the nominees below, and then scroll down to vote!

    • Challenge Coins - ZOmegaZ’s successful 2021 crowdfunding campaign resulted in these beautiful trinkets in 2022! He took fan feedback to balance the sizes of the ships in the design and the results turned out great.
    • elend’s Physical Models - elend is a master craftsman and his recently completed Dralthi model is high professional grade art. It belongs in a museum!
    • Emulation Technology - Whether getting DOS games to run on Linux, Mac WC
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    We are sad to report the passing of a veteran Wing Commander actor. Earl Boen, who voiced two characters in the first episode of Wing Commander Academy, passed away on January 3 at age 81 after a battle with lung cancer. Mr. Boen is best known for his appearances in the first three Terminator films as psychologist Dr. Silberman who continually finds himself in the wrong place at the wrong time with regards to futuristic android appearances. Gamers know him best as the voice of Ghost Pirate LeChuck through most of the storied Monkey Island series (he had retired from acting just prior to development of the recent Return to Monkey Island). He was beloved throughout the entertainment industry, appearing in dozens and dozens of roles in every medium imaginable. You can read more about his career in this Variety article.


    Mr. Boen guest starred in the first episode of Wing Commander Academy, "Red and Blue",

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    Back in February, we reported on a teaser post from Supercade announcing an upcoming crowd funding campaign to release an LP (vinyl record) of George Oldziey's Wing Commander Orchestral Recording Project. The good news today is that the campaign is still happening and it sounds like it's launching soon. Supercade founder Van Burnahm tweeted in response to a question that it was launching in just four days, on May 1st!

    It’s launching May 1st!!!

    — Van Burnham (@supercade71) April 27, 2023

    Obviously these sorts of things are never fully set in stone... and who knows more about slipping release dates than Wing Commander fans... but we're crossing our fingers and hoping to bring you more on Monday!


  • 08


    Today we've got a very thorough retrospective by Space Cadet Rewind. He set out to create an elaborate analysis of all the ins and outs of the original Wing Commander, and the resulting video came out to almost two hours! He covers a wide variety of topics including the history of the genre, mechanics of the game, mission rundowns, wingmen profiles, tips for each ship, info on the expansions/ports and more. I'm still going through it myself! If you've got a couple hours to wrap yourself in a thick WC1 blanket, give the clip below a watch!

    A longform review/analysis of Wing Commander, the original space sim.
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  • 06


    Privateer 2's spaceflight has an interesting design where each ship model has just one set of textures... but they are designed to change their appearance based on which of ten or so palettes are selected.

    p2_palette1t.jpgp2_palette2t.jpgp2_palette3t.jpgp2_palette4t.jpgThe odd thing is that it's barely used! Each faction has a distinct livery that it uses this to display... but the game itself never actually changes them so you end up only ever seeing each ship with just one look.

    p2_palette5t.jpgp2_palette6t.jpgp2_palette7t.jpgp2_palette8t.jpgI'm not sure why it works this way at all, but it sure is cool to go back and see familiar ships in other colors!


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    Cybot078 has returned with several new environments for Privateer fans. He's recreated Perry, New Constantinople and Oxford. Each one has been filled out with more scenery and photographed from a wider point of view. They're pretty imaginative pieces of art and help you appreciate the original scenes even more. I never really noticed the cloud-like bulges in the Perry ceiling or thought about how large the Constantinople space might be. The first image in each set is the original. Take a look below!

    Perry Naval Base:

    priv_vehicles1t.jpgcybot_ships61t.jpgcybot_ships62t.jpgcybot_ships63t.jpgNew Constantinople:



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