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    The WC4 Remastered team has a new article on their journey to improve in-flight comms. The videos that come across your VDU in flight are far smaller and more compressed than the game's regular FMV, so getting these tiny clips to look good is an extra challenge. So, ODVS has incorporated several technologies to try to bring them up to modern standards. Check out the new video below to see how they look!

    A future release of the project's demo will share these in action. In the mean time, if anyone is an expert at extracting Playstation videos and would like to contribute to research in this area, let them know!

    Aside from the miniscule resolution of the source material, another major problem is compression. In order to fit all those thousands of frames onto the game’s CD-ROMs, they were quite heavily compressed using mid-90s techniques. The unfortunate side-effect for us is that they’re blocky
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    This is part of a series analyzing newly discovered Wing Commander IV continuity photographs. You can find the first post in the series' introduction here.

    MauticioBob-O-Mattet.jpgOur next continuity polaroid is a familiar face: it's Bob-O-Matte! Eagle-eyed Wing Commander players will recall that Bob-O-Matte is one of the three Border Worlds pilots who is ambushed and destroyed in the cutscene that opens the Peleus 'jammer' series of missions. Despite his apparent death at the hands of a Confederation Excalibur, Bob-O-Matte appears again in Wing Commander Prophecy reading a tarot deck in one of the game's most unusual transitions. Bob-O-Matte's flying scene takes place in the game's Banshee cockpit set which is a simple triangular backdrop (shots of the instrumentation are reused from the more elaborate Lance cockpit set). As you can see in the photograph, only the top portion of the flight suit was necessary since the shot

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    Dalton Chase, the former governor of Andavandul 1, has become a Federal congressman following victory in the recent special election.
    Despite his relative youth and inexperience, many voters within the congressional district were influenced by Chase's charm and positive campaign message. His enthusiasm for opening diplomatic relations with the Thargoids resonated with younger voters. The Liberal Party also ran a creative PR campaign across social channels, which was amplified by many counter-cultural ICE-casters.
    After formally swearing in and taking his oath of office, Congressman Chase proclaimed:
    "I'm conscious that some view me as unorthodox or contrarian, perhaps even 'soft on Thargoids'. But I take the security of the Federation as seriously as any of my honourable colleagues. Achieving peace with another species, and thereby saving the lives of countless Federal citizens, would be

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    Today we have a beautiful new take on the Wing Commander title theme fanfare. Grazia Pizzuto is on the piano and she's accompanied by Filippo Tramontana with a French horn. I love how well they nailed the original soundtrack with just these two instruments. It's a wonderful rendition that you need to give a listen to! You can find more of her video game musical takes here.

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    EmuMusicFan is back with a crafty new artistic endeavor. A little teaser is below. It's obviously a Wing Commander comic, but there are a few hints that suggest what specifically is being depicted here. If you've got a guess about where this is headed, or would like to provide any feedback, let Emu know at the CIC Forums!

    emu_sketch90t.jpgWhile the above sketch is a cool tidbit, Emu has also not abandoned his graphical novel project. A couple new character portraits are pictured below, including one with some very slick purple robes! I really like the unique colors here - everything the Kilrathi touch isn't just brown and red!


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    Thanks to Kultpower, we've come across another variation of the popular "What you SEE is what you PLAY!" sell sheet for the original Wing Commander. The ad dates back all the way to pre-release times when the game was still known as Wing Leader. We've seen it pop up for Amiga ports as well as other European translations. This one is for the German Amiga release. It's a great ad, and it certainly got a ton of use back in the day!


    This poster-style image is a famous advert that actually predates WC - the earliest versions promote the game as Wingleader with the famous words, "What you SEE is what you PLAY!" Other iterations exist, including variants in different languages. Although this minor wording tweak may not seem super exciting, from a collector's point of view, it's fascinating to see just how many versions exist!

    Here's a few other versions:


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    The Valiant has conducted a very thorough interview with the WC4 Remastered developers. In a really congenial conversation, they start out meeting several members of the team. The discussion talks about what's available to see in the recently released demo, how things are going currently and what's in store for the future. Everything goes on for more than an hour, so it really provides a lot of wonderful insight into what things are like behind the scenes. It's also just kind of awesome to hear a group of people excitedly talking in great detail about Wing Commander. Check it out below! If you haven't gotten a chance to give the updated WC4 Fan Remake for a spin yet, grab the demo here (900 meg exe).

    A few days after the release of their demo in August, we had a nice little chat with the team about the project and it's future.

    The project is a fan attempt to allow owners of Wing Commander IV: The

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    The Alliance Defence Force has been unable to reach a consensus over the proposal to combine the superpowers' forces against the Thargoids.
    Admirals Liam Flanagan , George Varma and Rachel Ziegler all openly support the concept of a unified fleet formed of Allied, Federal and Imperial vessels. However, Admirals Nikolas Glass, Maristela Silva and Tahir West have rejected this in favour of focusing on the strategic defence pact with Sirius Corporation.
    Fleet Admiral Hayley Sorokin, the highest ranking officer in the Alliance Defence Force, has yet to reveal her own view. When pressed by a journalist from the Old Worlds Gazette, she commented: "A decision of such magnitude is more political than military, and therefore the province of the Assembly."
    There was a more forthright statement from Admiral Ziegler, who previously commanded an Allied anti-xeno taskforce:
    "This refusal to accept that we

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    Here's something kind of different. A few weeks ago, we posted videos that were actually scans of the Super Nintendo Wing Commander documentation. At the time, I talked about some of the reasons why this could be a good thing for certain use cases. Now, AD has run across the first video narration of an old school magazine that we've seen. This seems decidedly less useful than a traditional scan would be, but I can still appreciate people trying out different things and bringing light to vintage video game content in a new way. It's the Number 52 March 1996 issue of the French Consoles magazine. Starting at the 4:37 mark, the narrative walks through some of the features coming in the Playstation version of Wing Commander 3, which came out that month. There's some nice screenshots and set photos, plus the bizarre Spanish art that pops up here and there. I can't say I hope this becomes a trend,