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    Mac has another exciting scene for everyone today. This time it features the cutting edge Morningstar fighter. It's inspired by a famous Raptor: Call of the Shadows ad from 1994, which Scott Miller coincidentally just reposted. The ship looks absolutely gorgeous, and the bits of destroyed Dralthi and a wonderful touch! I think this one would look especially great printed out and hung on your wall.


    Alright, who remembers #Raptorcalloftheshadows ? Ok, take that and make it about a Morningstar in the #Wingcommander universe.


    Raptor was a BIG hit for Apogee in 1994, a vertical scrolling VGA space shooter/shmup. Superb game music too. We have a remaster in the works by the original dev, Scott Host. And tomorrow I'll post the actual keyart/painting that's in my office. Here's a magazine ad.
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    Panther has dug up an interesting Wing Commander 2 review from the October 1991 issue of Advanced Computer Entertainment. A curious element is that they title this "Revenge of the Kilrathi." This is just a mistake or stylistic rebranding. The game was publicly announced as Vengeance of the Kilrathi, so this isn't a case of early marketing change (like with ACE's August 1990 preview of Wing Leader). They give the game an "800" score, and I like all those character profiles!


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    wc1_ost_mt-32_archival_edition_covert.jpgIt's officially the season of giving now, so here's our annual recap of Wing Commander items to gift to your friends and family - or help round out your own collection! The most popular deal continues to be the discounted digital purchases of Wing Commander games. They're 75% off for the next week at

    One new addition this year is the MT-32 Archival Edition of Team Fat's classic Wing Commander 1 audio album. It's a super sized sampling of some stellar WC tunes. I also can't recommend a physical copy of Academy on DVD highly enough. They're dirt cheap and preserve you ability to watch the show forever!

    CIC Drink Coasters are also 25% off today!

    Movies & TV
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    Happy Thanksgiving out there to Wingnuts who celebrate! We hope you are all able to have a safe and healthy day with your families. As a prime Pilgrim-themed holiday, it's a good opportunity for us to remind you that the third and final Wing Commander Movie novel, Pilgrim Truth, is available online. And of course, it's not all about the Pilgrims. Native partners, such as the Mopoks and Dolosians, were critical in the effort to defeat the Kilrathi!


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    The crew of the TCS Majestic is gearing up for their final battle and conclusion of a two year campaign. Everything culminates this weekend in the Gemini Sector RPG. This won't be the end of the group's online roleplay adventures, but it does mark the end of a major story arc. Even if it feels like an odd time to join in, the group welcomes all to join and watch at their Discord server! It sounds like they'll have a great time. Check out a few associated vids to set the scene below:

    The crew ready for a final strike on the Zhelnar tactical carrier. This is the final mission of the Nitir Campaign. If the pilots manage to destroy the carrier, the kilrathi presence in Ragnarok will be destabilized to a point where ISS can safely protect the colonies.
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    Andrea Contato is back with a new series of retro gaming history books. He's planned out everything from the 1970s through today in five volumes. The first couple are already researched and written, and he's now in the process of translating them from Italian to English. These earlier issues won't quite get to Wing Commander's timeframe, but his previous books on the History of Origin Systems were interesting and insightful looks back at the company's history. You can still order these at his website - the hardcover version is currently on sale, although it looks like the WC-themed extra (bookmarks and cloth art) are probably out. You can also learn more about his new project here.


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    Today we've got a pair of fabulous 3D printed bombers to show off. They're the latest creations by Adm_Maverick. These are some of the biggest pilotable craft out there, and at nearly a foot long, they've been built to an appropriately hefty scale. This allows for some of the detailed elements like turrets to really stand out. Mav has some quirks that they'd ideally like to correct, but I think the results are already pretty fantastic. Bravo!


    Printed up, and assembled the parts for a Longbow heavy bomber. There is something I really like about of the Longbow. Sadly the printing process was somewhat uneven resulting in some warping and deformations. I’m not entirely sure what I’ll do about it. I could make new parts, reprint the original parts with different settings, or maybe create new files to be printed. On a side note, I need to do some number crunching but I think this might actually be
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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    The Kingfisher megaship has received commodities in advance of its mission to communicate with the first rogue signal source.
    The Thargoid Advocacy Project reported that the shipments of semiconductors and Muon Imagers will contribute to the communications array aboard the megaship. The deliveries of basic medicines, fruit and vegetables will be made available to its crew and passengers, which include thousands of pro-peace supporters.
    Deutsche Elite Piloten Interstellar has announced that contributors can now collect payment from Blenkinsop Hub in the Andavandul system. This includes bounty voucher reimbursements for all pilots who eliminated criminal vessels threatening deliveries during the initiative.
    The Kingfisher will tomorrow make the journey from Andavandul to the permit-locked Hyades Sector YO-Q b5-1 system. The first of the rogue signal sources, which has

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    As the rogue signal sources draw closer to human-occupied space, work is underway to initiate peaceful inter-species negotiations.
    Dr Elias Pope is a graduate of Orion University with degrees in interstellar relations, political science and xenology. He has recently joined the Kingfisher megaship's crew to oversee the Thargoid Advocacy Project's diplomatic mission. In an interview with Vox Galactica, Dr Pope explained his role:
    "Like most of the Kingfisher's crew, I volunteered to take part in this operation. It feels like my whole professional life has been leading to this opportunity. Many of the fine people here feel the same way I do. If there's even a chance that we might begin properly talking to the Thargoids, well… it'll be historic."
    "Luria , my assistant, tells me there are some media-friendly names for these anomalies now. As a scientific purist, she's very unhappy about that! This

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    Today we've got a new scan previewing the release of The Secret Missions on the Super Nintendo. AD found it in the November 1993 issue of Super Action. I love how colorful and exciting everything looks. We get plenty of screenshots of spaceflight, life aboard the Claw and of the special new War Hammer XII cutscene added to the game. The images repeat film-reel style across to top to sell how cinematic something like this was considered at the time. As was also common back then, there are also some basic tips for how to approach the different types of missions. You heard it here first: "a lot more technical," "big improvements all around" and "a lot more depth than the original!"


    The sequel appears a lot more technical than the original, basically because of all the options and choices on offer. The amount of onboard information you can punch up with a slight slap of your joy pad is staggering.

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