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    recently shared the Galaxy merchant vessel that he created in the sandbox game

    Space Engineers

    . Players build their own creations and fly them through the cosmos. The outer hull looks pretty good, but the interior cockpit is where the design really shines. Privateer conveyed the fact that the Galaxy has a large two-pilot setup, but good use of windows and position of screens does a lot to enhance the atmosphere here. He's taking a break from Space Engineers for now but could come back for more with a future iteration of the game as it gets updated.


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    Lakon Spaceways has announced that a new ship, the Alliance Crusader, will soon be available for purchase.

    Meera Callanach, head of military projects at Lakon, gave some details to the media:

    "The Alliance Crusader is mechanically similar to the Alliance Chieftain, with one key distinction. Our engineers have removed some internal hardware to accommodate a fighter bay. Inevitably, this means the Crusader is marginally slower and less manoeuvrable than its siblings, but this is compensated by its ability to ferry fighters into a conflict zone."

    "The Crusader's offensive capabilities are enhanced with three internal military compartments. We are confident that the ship will be able to hold its own in any combat situation, especially against the Thargoids."

    The Alliance Crusader will go on general sale on Tuesday the 28th of August.

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    has once again touched on Wing Commander in one of its frequent sci-fi starship videos. This clip is actually an interesting segment on the role of multi-mission or specialized craft across science fiction universes. The author comes down heavily on the side of mission-specific vessels from both a practical and narrative standpoint. He credits the Wing Commander series for sticking to this concept and making traditional carriers that usually aren't just super ships that can do everything. The prime example are Yorktown light carriers such as the TCS Victory. Sure, dreadnoughts, supercarriers and megacarriers like the Concordia, Vesuvius and Midway are crazy cool, but I can certainly see the point in rooting for the underdogs. The Victory gets bonus points for operating as part of a small fleet as well. Jump to the 7 minute mark below for the part on Wing Commander. You can also find

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    We’re pleased to announce that we’re teaming up with Pinny Arcade to provide an STO themed pin to attendees of PAX West this year! If you’re heading to the convention, make sure to stop by the Perfect World booth, #1115! You’ll be able to sit in the Captain’s Chair that we debuted at STLV, and if you take a photo in the chair, play one of our games, and share your email with the PWE team, you’ll earn a Victory is Life themed pin! Take a look at the design: You can see the design process that Lead Ship and UI Artist Thomas Marrone went through to arrive at the pin below. We can’t wait to see you at PAX West! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent;

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    NinjaLA found a neat interview at


    with the Cushman brothers, who created all those awesome Star Trek cutaway posters back in the day. It's an interesting discussion that provides insight into the design process and what goes into creating magnificent pieces of art like this.

    These clips are entirely focused on the Star Trek work, but it's also important to note than Michael Cushman was the creator of Wing Commander's own awesome Tiger's Claw cutaway poster tie in to the Wing Commander Movie. It was fully designed but never released, and the

    Cushmans helped

    bring this long lost gem to fans. It's been a few years since we've mentioned it in the news, but it's absolutely not to be missed, so here it is again:


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    Hull numbers are hard. The Wing Commander II box has a beautiful rendering of what should be the Concordia under attack... but it has a huge 14 instead of the 65 seen in the game! How did that happen?! End Run features what should be the escort carrier TCS Tarawa. Except it says 12 and this is literally the second sentence of the story: "The carrier off his port quarter was the newest addition to the fleet, emblazoned upon its armored bow the proud name CVE-8 Tarawa..." Several cutscenes in Wing Commander IV accidentally swap the Vesuvius and Mt. St. Helens hull numbers. Vesuvius should be 01 and the St. Helens should be 02. This was bugged by QA but there wasn't time to render new cutscenes (which required days on an SGI machine at the time.)

    hullnumbers1t.jpghullnumbers2t.jpghullnumbers3t.jpghullnumbers4t.jpghullnumbers5t.jpgOne neat trick in Wing Commander IV is that individual ships can have unique skins in engine. That’s common today but it felt luxurious at the time. The

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    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 12pm-8pm PST today only, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: 30% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE "DUTY OFFICERS" AND "PERSONNEL" TABS IN THE C-STORE! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer

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    Three recently detected energy signatures have been confirmed to be of a similar nature.

    The engineer Ram Tah made a statement to the media:

    "As part of my research, I regularly review data from surveillance satellites and ships that have picked up atypical signals. Although most turn out to be of no consequence, on this occasion I have identified three energy signatures that I believe warrant further investigation."

    "The signals originate from the NGC 2451A sector, the IC 2391 sector and the Synuefe EN-H region. I have no further data, and at this time the signatures' meaning remains a mystery."

    "I encourage any independent pilots operating in these regions to investigate. I do of course apologise if this turns out to be a pointless exercise, but in the pursuit of scientific knowledge, even the smallest opportunity must be explored."

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    The Colonia Council has announced that four engineers have established bases in the Colonia region, to provide services to independent pilots.

    Councillor Giselle Kingspear gave a statement to the media:

    "The Council believes it has a duty to support those who contribute so much to the region's stability. That's why we have consulted with engineers in the core systems to identify individuals who could offer similar services here in Colonia. Consequently, we now have four engineers at planetary bases in the region."

    "Mel Brandon is based in Luchtaine, and specialises in laser-based armaments, shields, engines and frame shift drives. Etienne Dorn in the Los system, once lead engineer for Kraken Shield Specialists, is an expert on sensors, scanners and high-energy weaponry, among other things. Petra Olmanova is in the Asura system, and works with ship armour, countermeasures and explosive weapons,

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    Last Line of Defense

    now has a new Waterloo. It's an interesting translation of a WC2 design into WC3 styling. One of the most notable changes are the swap from flak cannons to designated gun and missile turrets.


    put together this nifty video of the ship fending off eight Dralthi with its updated weaponry. No problem for a heavy cruiser!

    Wing Commander Saga Waterloo under attack