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    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for a two-week appearance beginning on September 27th, 2018. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, while the Deep Space 9 Lock Box will be retired. Updated Prize Lists Along with all of the prizes previously offered in previous appearances of the Infinity Lock Box, additional prizes originally seen in the Discovery Lock Box have been added to the drop tables. They now include all of the following: Crossfield-class Science Spearhead [T6] Sarcophagus Dreadnought Carrier [T6] Cross-Faction Consoles Multi-Target Tractor Arrays (Federation) Mycelium Ambush (Klingon) Cross-Faction Starship Mastery: Honored Dead (Federation) Black Alert (Klingon) DS9-themed Ground

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    Section 31. The Tal Shiar. The Obsidian Order. Intelligence services like ours have always been shrouded in mystery and the allure of power. One day, it will likely be known that the Romulan Star Empire was manipulated into war with the Dominion. When that day comes, it will brush aside the other legacies of Captain Benjamin Sisko like footnotes for all but Bajor’s faithful. Stories of secret intelligence service have resonated with us throughout the ages. The means they use (and the ends which justify them) cast a long and deadly shadow, shrouding the victors in a heavy moral gray. Folk scarcely notice the extra wrinkles on their leader’s face as they stand among the ruins of a town sacrificed to keep a secret. From the tiny spec that listens in the right room to the ultimate prize of a compromised head of state, intelligence services are a heavy burden and powerful tool for any nation. Star

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    People are always asking me: Ben, I want to enjoy The Secret Missions, The Secret Missions 2, Super Wing Commander's extra campaign and Freedom Flight together in the most technically correct but narratively meaningless order possible...

    sm_timeline1t.jpgsm_timeline2t.jpgsm_timeline3t.jpgsm_timeline4t.jpg... well if that's you then boy did I ever spend my day off making a needlessly confusing spreadsheet for you!

    sm_timeline6t.jpgIt also tells you when to read sections of Wing Commander I & II: The Ultimate Strategy Guide because Secret Missions 2 is the rare game that's novelized by two completely different writers!


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    As the superpowers establish their fleets in the HIP 22460 system, Azimuth Biotech prepares to deliver a decisive blow against the Thargoids.
    A segment from Salvation's briefing to the anti-xeno taskforce admirals was shared by Azimuth:
    "The Proteus Wave relies on power sources and components of Guardian origin, which will inevitably draw the Thargoids to HIP 22460. As we know, their hostile reaction to stockpiles of Guardian artefacts is instinctive. They have no defence against the weaponry of their ancient enemies, other than to launch pre-emptive strikes to prevent it being deployed."
    "Therefore, the Bright Sentinel must be protected as a priority while delivered artefacts are processed for transport to the Proteus Wave site, with independent pilots who support our endeavour aiding these efforts. I cannot stress enough how vital it is to keep the enemy at bay during this phase of the

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    During the Iconian War, the best and brightest of the Alliance came together and began anew – training a new generation to take up arms in the greatest conflict the galaxy had ever seen. This new generation of officers had a name, one that’s rung throughout history. The Delta Recruits. We’re pleased to announce that, for the first time since 2015, the Delta Recruit program is returning, first to PC, and later to Xbox One and Playstation 4 for the very first time. Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, and the Romulan Republic have all kicked up their recruiting efforts. New captains in any of these factions will be known as Delta Recruits, and they bring with them the knowledge and capability needed to see to the future of the galaxy. There will never been a better time to start playing Star Trek Online than during the Delta Recruitment event, which runs from April 19th to May 17th on PC.

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    With the launch of the Discovery Legends Reputation, we want to make sure Captains have a wide variety of content in which to earn progress towards their new items. With that in mind, starting with the launch of Rise of Discovery on May 14th, you’ll receive Discovery Marks from the returning Task Force Operations Pahvo Dissension, Peril over Pahvo, and Operation Riposte. The Defense of Starbase One will also be joining this reputation, switching over to grant a choice of Discovery Marks or Fleet Marks on completion. The Advanced and Elite versions of these TFOs will grant P.stellaviatori Spores as well. This means the reputation will be launching with four Task Force Operations that you can use to advance in it, and gain the technology and powers of the characters of Star Trek: Discovery. Enjoy, Captains. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(

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    Each week we’ll roll out new rewards for the Featured Episode “The Renegade's Regret.” The second week’s rewards is a choice of two new personal traits – the new ground trait Watch Your Back, or the new space trait Redirected Armor Plating. In addition, the first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 60. These new personal traits were inspired by Tzenkethi armor technologies, and how effective they can be when applied properly. While slotted, the Watch

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    Each week we’ll roll out new rewards for the Featured Episode “The Renegade's Regret.” The first week’s rewards is the Console – Science – Emitter Refocuser. In addition, the first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 60. The Console – Science – Emitter Refocuser is a new unique science console, inspired by Tzenkethi designs and technology. It passively boosts your Tetryon Damage, Shield Restoration, and Drain Expertise. Next week we’ll reveal

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    Mac has several goodies to share that are a happy byproduct of the research he's been doing for his next lore video. The results include a couple of new wallpaper images that feature Klavs' Rapiers. One is a slick technical interface that evokes the classic WC1 blueprints with a modern feel. There is also a mock-up of a Rapier dashing away from exploding Kilrah - perhaps in a world where Confed struck the planet much earlier in the war. Last, but not least, there's an embedded video with a cool spinning render of the ship. We're looking forward to see all these kinds of elements come together in a future Mac video!


    Yet another thing I've been messing with on the side is the idea of print-ready Tech Diagrams for the #WingCommander/#Freespace fighters and releasing to the public. I haven't printed any yet, but I'll try soon enough. The WC1 Rapier here is the first attempt at this.


    I think I might've