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    11h - Cozmo

    This week at Bungie, we prepare for our Last Wish.

    We’re deep into week two of Forsaken. Many of you have finished your hunt and served justice to Uldren. That was just the beginning. The bravest Guardians have already visited the Dreaming City and begun to uncover its secrets. Tomorrow, fireteams will make their first attempts at defeating our latest raid, Last Wish.

    As with every raid, we will be watching the streams and cheering you on. The completion of the raid is not even the endcap of what the Dreaming City has to offer. There are many more mysteries to uncover once the final boss has been slain.

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    Wide Awake and Dreaming

    Far away from the Crucible, you’ll find the first dedicated endgame destination we’ve created, home to our largest endgame experience ever.

    You’ll discover the Dreaming City in Destiny 2: Forsaken.

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    This week at Bungie, we welcome back the Factions.

    Everyone is back from E3, and we’re heads down, working hard on Forsaken. Several thousand players already got to play Gambit, and we’re extremely excited for more to play it, both at GuardianCon and when Forsaken releases on September 4.

    Meanwhile, the Iron Banner rages on. You have the rest of the week to rank up with Lord Saladin and earn the Season 3 ornaments for your gear. Make sure you turn in everything before the reset on June 26 at 10 a.m., or you will have to wait until the next Iron Banner to claim your rewards. Your tokens and ornament progress will carry over.

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    This week at Bungie, we revealed Cayde’s fate.

    If you want to remain spoiler-free, you should stop reading now and not look at the internet until September 4. As many of you already know, we gave you a glimpse of beloved Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6’s final moments earlier this week.

    We told you that Forsaken is taking a darker tone and has a Western revenge vibe. It looks as if many of you have taken it upon yourselves to avenge Cayde. In September, you'll get your chance to hunt down the Barons, confront Uldren, and make him answer for his crimes.

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    This Week at Bungie - 8/16/18

    Aug 16 - dmg04

    This week at Bungie, we’re heading to gamescom.

    The away team is all packed up and ready to ship out to Köln, Germany, for a week of community love and Gambit trials. Our booth will be home to some friendly skirmishes. We’ll host as many Guardians as we can. We'll find some moments to show you some things you have yet to see and tell you some things you have yet to hear. Keep your eyes on our social channels next week!

    Not all of us will be battling jetlag and minions of Darkness. Here at home base, Forsaken is in the very final stages of development. We’re applying finishing touches, and we know there are still
    some questions you want answered before the Prison of Elders is

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    Here's kind of a bizarre little video. Nacho Rolon is a Youtube account dedicated to posting short clips comprised of photos of printed work. It's mostly things like posters, but there's an odd book here and there. Somehow, the account has more than 3000 subscribers and 1.5 million views. Wing Commander 3: The Heart of the Tiger was recently added, but I'm not quite sure why. It's certainly a slideshow of photographs of the WC3 novelization!

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    Dennis Mull is back with another wonderful Wing Commander find. The latest addition to his collection is the Special Edition of Wing Commander Prophecy. While these are fairly uncommon in English, it's even more rare to see a German one floating around. The main differences are the Cobalt 60 soundtrack as well as the awesome Wasp mouse pad. This is a nice pickup!


    Mail Day: #WingCommander Prophecy Special Edition (German Release) complete with Mousepad and Soundtrack CD
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    Geraldo Rivera Rivera sent in this snippet of a wonderful OK PC magazine review for Wing Commander Academy. There's a lot to like in this article. First off, it's a Spanish magazine, so we get a slightly different take on early '90s Wing Commander compared to the standard fare. We got a peek at this version of Academy via DROSoft translation earlier this year. Secondly, it's a full four-page spread dedicated just to Academy. Without context, people today might blow WCA off as a simple mission builder, but at the time, this was a revolutionary way for fans to create their own missions. It was something fans were clamoring for and absolutely warranted being a standalone boxed product that people would run out and buy. At twelve years old, I put a lot of hours into mission building and loved the flexibility to pick ships and wingmen at will. Finally, from a magazine layout point of view, I like

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    Here’s the Union of Border Worlds’ Avenger torpedo bomber! The Avenger was introduced in Wing Commander IV as a flyable ship.

    avenger_recap1t.jpgavenger_recap2t.jpgThe Avenger was named in honor of the TBF Avenger, also a carrier-based torpedo plan. In lore it was said to have been built by Saab Engineering, a nod to Origin 3D artist Pauline Saab.

    avenger_recap3t.jpgThe Avenger made one more appearance in the Wing Commander canon: a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo as a renegade shuttle in the second episode of Academy. You can see the scale is way off: compare the 33-meter Avenger to what should be 28-meter Dralthi parked nearby!

    avenger_recap4t.jpgHere’s the original concept sketch for Wing Commander IV!
