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    Baka Mitai

    Here's a slightly ridiculous video to help break up the doom scrolling. We found it on the cutting room floor after EmuMusicFan's first round of Dame Da Ne memes. It's oddly hypnotic, and I'm slightly embarrassed by how many times I've watched it. Although this might not be the most revelatory update, we are working on a very cool news post that I'm looking forward to sharing later this weekend!

    Anyway... I think, well, machine learning can certainly do some amazing things, but then again, it can also be used for "silly" and interesting experiments, like this one.
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    Here's a fun little teaser of the next's Mac's Lore video. It features a vast Confed fleet inspired by the massive task force assembled at Vukar Tag in End Run. Everything is anchored around Klavs' massive Confederation class dreadnought model, but there are plenty of gorgeous ships flanking it as well. We can't wait to see the finished product!

    "We have spent half a year planning this campaign, making sure every piece was in place. Here...we have assembled the largest task force in over a decade. Four major carriers, and over seventy other ships."
    - Admiral Wayne Banbridge#wingcommander

    — Mac's Lore (@MacsLore) September 11, 2022
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    The music website Bandcamp is holding a special event on June 17 to donate their share of album sales to causes that promote racial justice efforts. This commemorates the Juneteenth national holiday in the United States, which celebrates a major milestone on the path to ending slavery. Wingnuts looking for a way to support this are in luck! Earlier this year, The Fat Man released an ultimate MT-32 Archival Edition of his legendary WC1 soundtrack. The album is available to listen to for free on YouTube, but it's only $10 to own a portable copy of your own via Bandcamp. It's a pretty cheap way to help a good cause and get your Wing Commander fix at the same time!


    Way back in 2007, George put out a fantastic album of WC1 music known as Wing One, and it's been on our highly recommended list ever since. This new edition scrubs Fat's archives for a complete reckoning of all the music in the game.
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    wc1_ost_mt-32_archival_edition_covert.jpgBandcamp has announced that they are once again holding a fundraiser to support a charity associated with the Juneteenth holiday. This year's recipient will be The Soulsville Foundation, "which perpetuates the soul of Stax Records by preserving its rich cultural legacy, educating youth to be prepared for life success, and inspiring future artists to achieve their dreams." If you've been thinking about picking up Team FAT's Wing Commander I Complete Soundtrack, MT-32 Archive Edition, now is a great time. It's a fantastic deal at just $10! And while we definitely think you should buy a copy of your own, it's also available for streaming on YouTube as well as Spotify. Give it a listen below!

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    Bandcamp is once again having Juneteenth fundraiser. This means that their share of the proceeds from each sale go towards advocacy for racial justice. They are the prime retailer for the MT-32 Archival Edition of Wing One, the album of original Wing Commander music, so this is one of the rare opportunities for your WC purchases to go towards a charitable cause. If you don't own a copy, this is a wonderful audio experience to fill out your WC collection with! Grab it here for $10 (and do it on Monday for the Juneteenth benefit!).

    On Monday, June 19th, from midnight to midnight Pacific Time, we’ll hold our fourth annual Juneteenth fundraiser, where we donate 100% of our share of sales to the NAACP Legal Defense Fund, a racial justice organization with a long history of effectively enacting change through litigation, advocacy, and public education.

    There is also a publisher-authorized free streaming

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    70er Jahre Junge has conducted a super fun interview with veteran game developer and musician Barry Leitch. He's well known as a game music composer, but his claim to fame with the Wing Commander series came as the spaceflight dialogue editor for Wing Commander 3. There's some fun anecdotes of his time at Origin where he edited over 11,000 lines of speech for it. He also did music and sound effects for Privateer Righteous Fire and Wings of Glory, among other local contemporaries. Mr. Leitch has a wealth of knowledge about the industry and a good easy-going way of sharing it. You can find his personal site here or check out the conversation below! You can jump to the 30:10 point for the specific discussion on Wing Commander and Origin.

    Barry Leitch is an absolute legend among computer game composers. The Scotsman has written the soundtracks of games such as Lotus Turbo Challenge, Gauntlet Legends,
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    The conflict between two opposing factions in the Wally Bei system has ended. The fleets of both Wally Bei Technical and the Traditional Wally Bei Constitution Party were significantly reduced in a prolonged series of battles.

    The leaders of both organisations issued a joint statement:

    "We recognise that our military leaders overreacted to accusations made by both parties. For humanitarian reasons, we have agreed to bring hostilities to an end. But we will honour the commitment made by independent pilots on both sides, who are now authorised to collect their rewards from the Wally Bei system."

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    Nothing is ever simple when dealing with the Mirror Universe. Nothing is ever simple when dealing with temporal displacement. Even fewer things are simple when dealing with temporally-displaced members of the Mirror Universe. In Pahvo Dissension, a new Featured Task Force Operation, five Alliance captains will deal with the aftermath of the recent events at Pahvo. Wreckage of the I.S.S. Charon has crash landed on the planet, torn through time and space due to ion storms, mycelial interference, and Captain Tilly’s nefarious actions. The Terrans want to make Prime Pahvo into the bioterror that is Mirror Pahvo. Help the planet purify the crystals that have been corrupted by Terran agonizers. Do this to keep Pahvo from being subjugated by hate. This event will last for 3 weeks starting in February for PC players, and on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 in the spring of 2019. All players level 10 and above

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