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    The long awaited Artemis mission has finally lifted off! If you were like all of us in #Wingnut, you were glued to your screens to watch the historic event. But since everything went down at nearly 2 am US Eastern time, here's a quick recap video if you haven't had the pleasure of watching the Space Launch System rocket launch. This marks the beginning of a 26 day mission to reach and circle the moon. Crewed missions will follow, and with steady progress, this could be a big step towards reaching Mars. Congrats to all of the many people who helped make this possible!

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    AtolmAzel is an artist over on DeviantArt who specializes in sci-fi art. Among their many galleries is a special section with sketches inspired by Wing Commander. Check out some of their slick pieces below! The sampling below shows off the Dralthi, K'ha'haf, Rapier, Longbow and a handful of capships. They incorporate some very distinct familiar themes with some smooth artistic license. You can find all of their sketches here!


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    ParadiseRegaind has posted an extremely cool and unique collectible. He worked with apesincaves to commission an awesome diorama cube of the key original Wing Commander art and Hornet cockpit. The artist also makes them for Tie Fighter, Doom and many other franchises. You can even pick one up for yourself for about $42!


    Picked up these really cool diorama shadow boxes on eBay recently. The maker/seller is great and made the Wing Commander one at my request. I’m trying to get him to make a Descent one now!


    He has a ton of these for various classic games and series. Well worth a shout out!
  • 03


    Introducing Tier VI Reputations! We’re excited to announce a new addition to our reputation system, Tier VI! With the new Tier comes new powerful and useful rewards. Our Tier VI additions focused on expanding on an already extensive number of options for Captains. Things such as, alternate energy type weapons, new vanity shield coloration options and improved reputation traits are some of the rewards you can expect. We didn’t want to just give power and variety though. With the release of Tier VI reputations we will also be streamlining the process of reputation sponsorship. Reaching Tier V of any reputation will now automatically sponsor that reputation for your account. That’s not all though, for every Tier 6 reputation that a player achieves they will be able to claim a Fleet Ship Module and a Retrain Token. We didn’t want to give all of these options without making it easier to try

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    TV Spot Movie Fan has just posted a fun collection of television ads from the March 1999 marketing campaign for the Wing Commander Movie. We've essentially got these same clips in our video archive, but in some cases ours lack the temporal bits. For example, at the 13 second mark of the 4th video and 19 second mark of the 4 5th video, there is an "in XX days" countdown reference. Other clips refer to the upcoming "March 12" release date or the movie being "out now." I had the extreme privilege of catching these countdown commercials as they were broadcast live in real time back in the day, so they really trigger some fond memories here. It's nice to see them again!

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    Thanks so much for all of your feedback following the launch of Atlas Rises, it’s great to see so many of you enjoying the update.

    Today we’re releasing Patch 1.31 on PS4, and it will follow soon on Steam. This fixes a number of issues including:

    • Fixed an issue causing some players to crash when accessing the galactic map while having too many waypoints active
    • Fixed a crash some players experience when pinning certain tech
    • Fixed a crash which occurs when players with particularly long play-throughs attempt to save the game
    • Fixed an issue that sometimes resulted in guild missions not crediting correctly

    If you experience any issues, let us know by submitting a bug report.

    Hello Games

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    Thanks for your continued feedback following the release of Atlas Rises! Today we’re releasing Patch 1.32 on PS4 and PC, which addresses the following issues:

    • Fixed an issue that could cause cargo slots not to unlock after purchase
    • Players who had previously learned all alien words are now able to progress through the story
    • Players who’ve unlocked all general exosuit slots can now unlock tech and cargo slots as intended
    • We’ve fixed an issue that caused base NPCs to stop responding after claiming a new base location. This will prevent new occurrences of the issue, a fix for those who have already experienced it is under investigation
    • Fixed an issue preventing players from being able to finish farmer and exocraft missions
    • The base terminus teleporter will now display mission objectives, allowing you to select the correct system. It will also no longer ‘forget’ mission critical systems. This will prevent
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    Hello Travellers!

    Today we’re releasing Patch 1.33 on both PS4 and PC. It addresses a number of reported issues – here’s a full run down of what to expect:

    • Fixed issue where player bases were given the name “Unknown Base” rather than a generated name
    • Fixed S-class ships having incorrect pricing and numbers of slots
    • Added rockets to starting ship in creative default save game
    • Added new icon for solo difficulty AI ships
    • Fixed Albumen Pearl plants using the wrong name on their interaction labels
    • Fixed the landing marker being visible in some fighter cockpits
    • Fixed texturing issue seen with some combinations of AMD GPU and drivers
    • Added and improved audio at the ending of the Atlas path
    • Added and improved audio for terrain editing
    • Improved audio for missions
    • Improvement to vehicle boost timings
    • Made marker for rare graves stay up for the same time as other object markers
    • Prevented trees in frozen biomes
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    Thanks for continuing to share your feedback and reporting issues to us – we’ve been working hard on our next patch which is coming to both PS4 and PC today! Here’s a look at the fixes and changes you can expect:

    • Fixed an issue where large numbers of portal visits would be added to save files, greatly increasing the save size and impeding the ability to save the game. We’re aware there are still some players experiencing this issue, and we’re currently investigating any remaining reports.
    • Prevented the terrain editor draining in charge when editing empty voxels
    • Prevented players being able to edit terrain outside their base radius for free while standing inside their base
    • Fixed responses made to Artemis and Apollo at times being incorrectly tracked
    • Prevented players being blocked from progressing if they decline to enter glyphs into a particular story portal
    • Fixed instances where Atlas text was appearing
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    Patch 1.35 is here and introduces a number of quality of life tweaks and changes, while also fixing some of the remaining issues you’ve reported to us. The patch will be available on both PC and PS4 today! Here’s a closer look at what you can expect:

    Features and changes

    • Introduced ship handling variances between types/classes. Each individual ship now has procedural handling and speed characteristics, based on their type and class
    • Handling is now displayed as a value on the ship statistics screen
    • It’s now possible to craft multiples of the same product at once
    • Added the ability to craft more of the same product on top of an existing stack
    • Improved transferring items between inventories
    • Added a toggle to switch from buy to sell screen on the trading menu
    • Added variance in handling between ship types
    • Improved the appearance of popup menus
    • Improved speed and smoothness of user interface page transitions
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    Stephane L has put together a nifty piece of music based on Privateer 2. It's a cover of the intro soundtrack. We don't see a lot of artistic works based on The Darkening, so this is really nice to see (hear)! It's definitely a more rich and fuller take on the classic, and we'd be very open to hearing more like it. I noticed that his Soundcloud name is "S Lev." I suppose it could be his own initials, but that would be quite a coincidence with Clive Owen's Ser Lev Arris. I know how to spot a P2 fan when I see one!

    In case the original tune isn't on the tip of your brain, here's a reminder of what it sounded like in 1996:

  • 27


    Today we've got a peek at the August 1999 advertisement for Wing Commander on Pay Per View. We shared this clip many years ago, but it was on an account that was taken down at some point. So now we've rehosted our own permanent copy. Why is it important? In today's modern streaming landscape where digital copies are easily accessible at your fingertips, it can be hard to imagine a world where you couldn't just call up any movie on demand. The DVD had just come out in July and wasn't necessarily readily available everywhere. The VHS cassette was still only sold to rental stores. Many people weren't yet accustomed to buying things online, so ordering a PPV showing was the prime way for some people to watch. It's a very '90s product of its time!

    At the edge of the universe, all hell is about to break loose! The final battle for Earth begins on Pay Per View. Take a high flying thrill ride through
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