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    After the deployment of the January Release today, we have been made aware of an issue with expeditions not appearing properly in The Agency. This has manifested itself for our players in the form of names, setting destination and the ability to warp to them being unavailable.

    We’re aware of this issue, which was not present in any of our testing and appears to be unique to Tranquility, and are currently working on a fix.

    While we look to remedy this issue, we’ve temporarily re-enabled the expedition tab in the journal with a hotfix, and have also added an Expedition filter to The Agency.

    We hope to have this issue fixed as soon as possible!

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    We're happy to announce that there is currently a 30% discount sale in progress on the following Equilibrium of Mankind SKINs in the New Eden Store:

    • Ark EoM SKIN
    • Aeon EoM SKIN
    • Archon EoM SKIN
    • Paladin EoM SKIN
    • Armageddon Navy Issue EoM SKIN
    • Apocalypse Navy Issue EoM SKIN
    • Absolution EoM SKIN
    • Guardian EoM SKIN
    • Devoter EoM SKIN
    • Omen Navy Issue EoM SKIN
    • Imperial Navy Slicer EoM SKIN
    • Malediction EoM SKIN
    • Anathema EoM SKIN
    • Purifier EoM SKIN
    • Crusader EoM SKIN

    These discounts will be available through until downtime on January 23rd, so be sure to grab SKINs for your collection at these lower prices while you can!

    Purchasing SKINs is easy:

    • Log into EVE Online
    • Have sufficient PLEX
    • Go to the New Eden Store (press ALT+4 or use the Neocom to access the store)
    • Purchase the SKIN(s)
    • The SKINs are then available in your redeeming system
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    We're happy to announce that the Octopus Red Flight SKIN set has been made available in the New Eden Store for selected Caldari hulls:

    • Cormorant – 190 PLEX
    • Jackdaw – 190 PLEX
    • Caracal – 230 PLEX
    • Cerberus – 230 PLEX
    • Drake – 230 PLEX
    • Raven – 290 PLEX
    • Golem – 290 PLEX

    Head on over to the New Eden Store to grab these SKINs for your collection!

    Purchasing SKINs is easy:

    • Log into EVE Online
    • Have sufficient PLEX
    • Go to the New Eden Store (press ALT+4 or use the Neocom to access the store)
    • Purchase the SKIN(s)
    • The SKINs are then available in your redeeming system
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