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    Wide Awake and Dreaming

    Far away from the Crucible, you’ll find the first dedicated endgame destination we’ve created, home to our largest endgame experience ever.

    You’ll discover the Dreaming City in Destiny 2: Forsaken.

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    The Foundry is a special program within Star Trek Online that allows users to make their own episodes, playable by other Captains within STO. To access it, open your Mission Journal, and select “Foundry,” at the top. Every month, we like to spotlight a particularly interesting or unique mission for all of you to experience. This time, we’re spotlighting “Time Will Tell,” by XR-377. Time Will Tell (ID: ST-HG930DWIE) is a KDF mission that begins when a mysterious anomaly appears in the Kahless Expanse, and takes its captains on a journey through time, space, and a plot that has its tongue firmly planted in cheek. I don’t want to spoil too many of its twists and turns, but be sure to keep a sharp eye out as you play, especially for some of the character names. Got a mission you think is worthy of being spotlighted in one of our monthly blogs? Submit it to us! After you’ve built it in the

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    This week at Bungie, we welcome back the Factions.

    Everyone is back from E3, and we’re heads down, working hard on Forsaken. Several thousand players already got to play Gambit, and we’re extremely excited for more to play it, both at GuardianCon and when Forsaken releases on September 4.

    Meanwhile, the Iron Banner rages on. You have the rest of the week to rank up with Lord Saladin and earn the Season 3 ornaments for your gear. Make sure you turn in everything before the reset on June 26 at 10 a.m., or you will have to wait until the next Iron Banner to claim your rewards. Your tokens and ornament progress will carry over.

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    This week at Bungie, we revealed Cayde’s fate.

    If you want to remain spoiler-free, you should stop reading now and not look at the internet until September 4. As many of you already know, we gave you a glimpse of beloved Hunter Vanguard Cayde-6’s final moments earlier this week.

    We told you that Forsaken is taking a darker tone and has a Western revenge vibe. It looks as if many of you have taken it upon yourselves to avenge Cayde. In September, you'll get your chance to hunt down the Barons, confront Uldren, and make him answer for his crimes.

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    Friday night score! Happened across several pre-release Super Wing Commander screenshots. Note the older VDU graphics and the early cockpit that's more TIE Fighter than Hornet!

    swc_preview_blurbt.jpgA preview build seems to have been provided to magazines in early 1994... wonder if it's floating around somewhere! Here's what the finished cockpits looked like.

    swc_cockpit1t.jpgswc_cockpit2t.jpgswc_cockpit3t.jpgswc_cockpit4t.jpgswc_cockpit5t.jpgAnd here's some footage of a pre-release build, from a VHS trailer. You can see the same WIP VDU images... plus a cut enemy ship at the 28 second mark!

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    Prolific YouTuber Zaranyzerek has posted an in-depth “Closer Look” video at the Wing Commander Academy series on DVD. He shares with viewers a nice overview of what the show was about, the voice actors and how it fits into the Wing Commander universe. This actually isn’t the first time Zarany’s done a video on WCA. You can find the first in our archives back in 2014. As he’s mentioned before, not enough people know about Academy, so we love to see it get the extra visibility! Here we also get a nice and detailed tear down of the box and its contents from slip cover to disc art. Check the video out below and be sure to grab a copy of the season on DVD for just $8. You can also stream it on Peacock.