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  • 05


    Titan Taranis, one of the eight Thargoid motherships, is presumed destroyed after a concerted attack using Guardian nanite torpedoes.
    The journalist Jade Sanderlyn published a bulletin via Vox Galactica:
    "We're receiving incredible news from the Hyades Sector FB-N b7-6 system, where independent pilots were supporting Aegis's assaults against the Titans. The new Guardian nanite torpedoes have proved effective against the Titans' thermal vents, forcing their hulls to open and vent internal heat. And that has allowed Commanders to target the core of each gigantic ship."
    "What were believed to be Taranis's death throes were closely observed. A massive release of energy repulsed all ships, followed by further explosions. At present the Titan's status cannot be verified, due to an intensely corrosive gas cloud that prevents ships from approaching. Aegis is confident, however, that the detonations

  • 06


  • 07


    I added a WCpedia page for the Wing Commander II Demo with all kinds of neat history:

    Wing Commander II Demo is a rolling demo of Wing Commander II: Vengeance of the Kilrathi. It features an early version of part of the game's introduction showing Prince Thrakhath's audience with the Emperor. It was the first Origin product to include recorded speech. The demo was created by Origin Systems to demonstrate the game at Winter CES 1991 (January 10 to 13 1991) and was released to the public via BBS afterwards. At the time it was published Wing Commander II was scheduled for a Summer 1991 releasee. It ultimately shipped in September, making the eight months between the demo and the final product the longest such stretch in Wing Commander history. The demo is not known to have received a physical commercial release.


    • The 3space engine section uses a version closer to the original Wing Commander. It
  • 09


    Thinking about the Privateer 2 pirate factions today. Do their VDU images match the lore? I think so!

    p2_faction_lore1t.jpgThe official guide has two that aren’t in the final game, too: an evil Crow T. Robot for the Chirichans and a space owl for the Papogods. Seems like Priv 2 must’ve gotten a ‘is this too crazy?’ pass.

    p2_faction_lore2t.jpgp2_faction_lore3t.jpgMaybe the same pass that robbed us of a space porpoise.

    p2_delphinius1t.jpgp2_delphinius2t.jpgIt’s an old trivia item that all four groups are named after North American indigenous groups too:

  • 10


  • 11


    LeHah spotted a new Wing Commander autograph opportunity. SWAU is offering Freddie Prinze Jr signatures via its website for the next month. There are a lot of photo choices associated with his role in Star Wars Rebels, but it's nice to see that they have five WC Movie options as well. The final press kit shot with Prinze in marine armor is less common to see, so that's a fun inclusion! You can place orders here. Prices are a bit steep at $95, but autographs are expensive these days!


  • 12


  • 12


  • 12


    The recent destruction of Titan Taranis has yielded a significant amount of data that scientists across the galaxy have begun interrogating.
    Science correspondent Leon Banerjee summarised for Vox Galactica:
    "Research on Titans has been ongoing since their first appearance, and understanding how they function has been considered crucial to humanity's survival in the Thargoid war."
    "I have spent time with everyone from the smallest private research bodies to the largest corporations in the past few years, and the common anxiety amongst the scientific community is still how little we truly understand about the Titans."
    "What answers does the caustic remnant of Taranis contain? What might have survived the destruction? When the wreckage is safe enough to enter, the additional data to be found there will doubtless benefit humanity in some form."

  • 14


  • 15


    Dominus of Exult has some more cool collectibles to show off! He's managed to track down a pair of Wing Commander games localized in Portuguese. These rare copies of WC4 and Privateer 2 have a bit of warping and tearing damage, but it's still wonderful that they were saved. I'm still poring over the minute differences here despite not speaking the language! These should look great alongside his Portuguese copy of Privateer 1.

    Got some new rarities. Portuguese Wing Commander IV and Privateer 2. Unfortunately the seller stored them in a very humid place. Trying to open the IV he destroyed the slide cover.


    LOAF: Are they localized at all?

    Dominus: Boxes and documents all in Portuguese. At least the intro has no subtitles. Look like the standard UK CDs. Even the quadruple CD case inlays are the UK ones and not translated (manual etc. are translated).

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  • 17


    Today we have a jazzed up version of the Armada intro from Retrobear Diskette Quest. There's a little bit of DOSBox scaling happening that supposedly makes it look better at higher resolutions, but the visuals aren't the draw here. It also has some "Roland MT-32 emulation" turned on, and I do hear the extra notes associated with that! Armada is a wonderful game that doesn't get as much time in the spotlight as it deserves, so take this as a plug to fire the game up this weekend!

    How do you think the video above compares to the version that FekLeyrTarg rebuilt from scratch with Origin model assets? They both have their particular charms!