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  • 06


    As revealed on our Ten Forward Weekly community stream last night, Star Trek Online is incredibly happy to announce our next Star Trek actor to join Victory is Life: Aron Eisenberg! Aron is returning to the role of Nog, the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, and the Captain of the U.S.S. Chimera. Nog is a former Chief Engineer of the Enterprise, as well as a veteran of the Dominion and Iconian Wars. With the return of the Hu’rq, he’s been called into action and will once again be interacting with your Captain in a race to save the galaxy. Welcome, Aron, we’re so glad to have you back! Check out our official reveal and interview with Aron Eisenberg from last night’s Ten Forward Weekly. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px;

  • 09


    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 10am-6pm PST today only, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: 30% OFF ALL COSTUMES IN THE C-STORE! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%;

  • 11


    Star Trek Online is running a special weekend event where you can earn bonus Dilithium Ore by playing content throughout the game! It’s time to hit the drills, Captains! The Dilithium Ore event runs from 8AM PT Thursday, April 12th to 10AM PT Monday, April 16th. During the event, bonus Dilithium Ore will be provided for the following content: Vlugta Asteroid Field: 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions 100% Bonus to all Rich Dilithium Claims Fleet Dilithium Mine: 100% Bonus Dilithium Ore for Daily Mining Missions Everywhere else in the game 50% Bonus Dilithium Ore Dilithium rewards from completing Event Reputation Projects no longer receive a bonus. This excludes Event Reputation Projects Please note: The Dilithium Weekend does not effect rewards from the Endeavor system. We hope you enjoy this special event and we’ll see you in-game!

  • 12


    General: The Renegade’s Regret: Added a short cutscene of the bombed moon in Atosee. Made some minor updates to other cutscenes. Resolved further issues with Tzenkethi mouth movement in cutscenes. Resolved an issue where players would be referred by the incorrect name when speaking in chat. Resolved an issue which was causing the terrain to be missing in the episode “A New Link”. Resolved an issue which would cause power tray settings to change after playing as another character or ship like in The Renegade’s Regret. Starbase 24: This queued map now sets enemies to the average level of all players participating on the map. Resolved an issue where Reman shield visuals were bright white in Sol System. Resolved an issue where the Slipstream Drive UI was incorrect when in any ship with a non-standard Slipstream drive.

  • 12


    We have exciting news! Captains on PC will be able to enjoy a bonus on purchased ZEN! Is there a ship in the C-Store that is tempting you? Now is the perfect opportunity to grab ships, keys, and whatever else has caught your eye. From April 12th at 9am PT to April 16th at 9am PT, Captains will earn an extra bonus on purchased ZEN when you charge through Direct Credit Card, PayPal, Skrill, BoaCompra, Xsolla, Paysafecard, or Steam. *Please note that this Charge Bonus offer is ONLY available for the following payment processors: Direct Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover) PayPal Skrill BoaCompra Xsolla Paysafecard Steam .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0;

  • 12


    Is there anything better than getting the chance to hang out with your favorite Star Trek actors? How about getting to hang out with them while on a completely relaxing Caribbean vacation? That’s the experience you’ll have on Star Trek: The Cruise III, beaming out of port January 2019 on the Norwegian Jade. Hang out with STO alum like Michael Dorn, Denise Crosby and Robert Picardo, and meet the members of the cast of Victory is Life, like Chase Masterson, Rene Auberjonois, and Nana Visitor! It’s a Star Trek experience unlike any other this side of the Gamma Quadrant. The best part is, by entering below you have a chance to join this wonderful experience for free, because we’re giving away a cabin for two on board the ship. You’ll also win a Star Trek Online prize pack that contains EVERY single ship in the C-store on PC, so you can fly the stars to your heart’s content. Still want more? Good,

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    It’s time to round out the cast, and reveal the final Star Trek Actors who will be joining us for our newest expansion, Victory is Life! First, let’s run down the ones you already know: Alexander Siddig as Doctor Julian Bashir, former Chief Medical Officer of Deep Space Nine. Andrew Robinson as Councilor Elim Garak, formerly “just a simple tailor” and covert operative for Cardassia. Armin Shimerman as Quark, DS9’s resident Ferengi entrepreneur and bartender. Aron Eisenberg as Captain Nog, the first Ferengi to join Starfleet, who grew up on DS9. Jeffrey Combs as Weyoun (a cunning Vorta diplomat) and Brunt (a Liquidator of the Ferengi Commerce Authority). J.G. Hertzler as General Martok, hero of the Klingon Empire. Nana Visitor as Kira Nerys, Kai of the Bajoran People. René Auberjonois as Odo, former Chief of Security at DS9, who is now a Dominion Ambassador. Who else has joined

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    From April 12th at 8am PT to April 16th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. Each time a player buys a Tier 5 ship, they will receive a free ship upgrade token. This only occurs when the Tier 5 ship is bought for the first time on an account. The Claim for this token will appear in the Promotions tab of the C-Store. When the player clicks claim, they will receive

  • 12


    Sometimes exploration of new ideas and new technologies leads to dark places. In Star Trek, we’ve seen many a cautionary tale about omniscient supercomputers, time travel, genetic manipulation, and telepathic oppression. The pursuit of knowledge isn’t always safe or pretty. Hearts and Minds is a mini-mission that explores the consequences of some unconventional research gone awry. This mission is a “story in one act,” so you can easily finish it in a quick play session, and it’s easy to complete it with any additional characters that you may have on your account – which is handy, because the mission offers a special reward. Since Hearts and Minds is a horror story, it will only be around for Friday the 13th, whenever that may fall on the calendar – and perhaps another sufficiently horrifying day that we might choose! Fortunately for the squeamish, Hearts and Minds is creepy, but not

  • 12


    Each week we’ll roll out new rewards for the Featured Episode “The Renegade's Regret.” The second week’s rewards is a choice of two new personal traits – the new ground trait Watch Your Back, or the new space trait Redirected Armor Plating. In addition, the first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 60. These new personal traits were inspired by Tzenkethi armor technologies, and how effective they can be when applied properly. While slotted, the Watch

  • 16


    Hoo Boy! This has been a long time coming, but man, is it ever exciting! So. . . how do you guys feel about a tough, little station near the Wormhole to the Gamma Quadrant? Yeah, we love it too, and we thought it was time to give her a little love. We’ve had a Deep Space Nine map in the game for ages now, but like other things from those days, DS9 has been showing its age. There are a lot of issues with the old map that we don’t need to get into, so let’s talk about what we’ve done on the new map instead. We’ve rebuilt the entirety of the Promenade ring to match the show. That means all of your favorite spots are there, including one you’ve already got a sneak peek at in the recent episode “The Renegade’s Regret”- the Security Office and its Holding Cells. In addition, we’ve updated or added the Infirmary, the Bajoran Temple, the Klingon Deli, the Jumja Stand, the Replimat,

  • 17


    With the coming of Victory is Life, and its connections to Deep Space Nine, it made sense to bring about one of the longest requested features in Star Trek Online: we’re adding Cardassians as a playable species for both Starfleet and Klingon Factions. Cardassians have a unique species trait and a unique optional trait – check below for some details on what this new race will bring to the table. DISCLAIMER: All information in this blog post is subject to change. Once a dominant force in the Alpha Quadrant, the Cardassian Union fought on the losing side of the Dominion War. The impact of that conflict is felt to this day on Cardassia Prime, left in a devastated state during the war’s final days. Despite many hardships, the proud, ruthless and cunning people of Cardassia have forged their way into the 25th century with a grim determination. After the Dominion war, Cardassia’s military is a

  • 17


    Upon the release of our next expansion, Victory is Life, all characters will find themselves capable of earning levels beyond the current cap of 60. Starting immediately, any and all Experience earned will start players on the path toward the new maximum level cap of 65. It has been almost four years since the last time we raised the Level Cap in Star Trek Online, which coincided with our second expansion, Delta Rising, in October of 2014. Since then, the game has expanded and grown by leaps and bounds, adding hundreds of hours of gameplay and a huge number of new story-driven missions, queues, battlezones, starships, costumes, and much, much more. The game is continuing to grow, continuing to expand, and continuing the story of the franchise that we all know and love. And this time, that is what the Level Cap Increase is primarily meant to reflect. New Experiences In addition to raising your level,

  • 18


    Every day, we get closer to the summer launch of the newest expansion to Star Trek Online, Victory is Life. But when the expansion comes, will you be ready? If you want a head start on everything the brand new Jem’Hadar faction has to offer, we’ve got some offers, available right now, to help you out. They’re called the Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack, and the Gamma Vanguard Pack, and here’s the breakdown of what they offer. You can pre-order both of these packs right now, and have your items drop as soon as Victory is Life goes live. We can’t wait for you to experience all of these new items, Captains. Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack (Click here to preorder the pack) The Gamma Vanguard Starter Pack contains several helpful items to start your adventure fighting the Hur’q within the Dominion. This Pack contains the following items: T6 Jem’Hadar Vanguard Dreadnought Cruiser Playable

  • 18


    Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling the amount of Technology Points earned from each one applied! From Thursday, April 19th at 8AM PST to April 23rd at 10AM PST, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade! This in turn reduces the amount of Dilithium that must be spent to reach each Upgrade threshold, allowing Captains additional chances to attain both Mark and Rarity increases on their favored load outs. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s;

  • 19


    Updates and Events: XP Boosts have been updated to provide a more improved boost to gaining extra XP! All XP Bonus Pools will now grant a 50% boost to the bonus XP earned, from the previous 20% bonus. Bonus Pool size has also increased: Small XP boosts have gone from 1,000 to 25,000 The price for these in the C-Store has not changed. Grande XP boosts have gone from 3,000 to 50,000 Venti XP boosts have gone from 6,000 to 100,000 Large XP boosts have gone from 10,000 to 150,000 The price for these in the C-Store has gone from 975 ZEN to 600 ZEN. These changes will affect all currently owned and unused XP Bonus Pool items. These changes will not affect active XP Bonus Pools. More information can be found here:…line/news/detail/10878854 The Delta Recruit event has returned! From April 19 to

  • 19


    As part of the lead up to the launch of Victory is Life, we’re making some changes to how XP Boosts throughout our game work for your characters. The good news – we’re making it so that you get more XP for your purchase, up to 50% from the previous 20%! Take a look at how these changes break down: Previous Pool New Pool 1,000 25,000 3,000 50,000 6,000 100,000 10,000 150,000 In addition, the XP Boost Increase [Large] is getting a price drop in the C-store, going from 975 Zen to 600 Zen! These changes are live right now. Enjoy these new boosts, Captains! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height:

  • 19


    During the Iconian War, the best and brightest of the Alliance came together and began anew – training a new generation to take up arms in the greatest conflict the galaxy had ever seen. This new generation of officers had a name, one that’s rung throughout history. The Delta Recruits. We’re pleased to announce that, for the first time since 2015, the Delta Recruit program is returning, first to PC, and later to Xbox One and Playstation 4 for the very first time. Starfleet, the Klingon Defense Force, and the Romulan Republic have all kicked up their recruiting efforts. New captains in any of these factions will be known as Delta Recruits, and they bring with them the knowledge and capability needed to see to the future of the galaxy. There will never been a better time to start playing Star Trek Online than during the Delta Recruitment event, which runs from April 19th to May 17th on PC.

  • 19


    Each week we’ll roll out new rewards for the Featured Episode “The Renegade's Regret.” The final week’s rewards is a new Melee Weapon – the Draconian Ceremonial Polearm. In addition, the first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 60. This Draconian Ceremonial Polearm was recovered from the blasted ruins of Draconis. It has absorbed a large amount of protomatter radiation, which may inflict additional wounds upon enemies when wielded. It has a variety of

  • 20


    We are getting closer and closer to Destination Star Trek Germany, and the Star Trek Online Away Team is performing our final preparations for the convention! Swag has arrived, the booth is almost ready and the shuttle is getting loaded with all that is needed to see you in Dortmund from April 27th to April 29th. On Friday and Saturday, we will hold panels presenting Star Trek Online and the upcoming expansion “Victory is Life” on the Voyager Stage! Get exclusive insider information, see what is coming to Star Trek Online with Victory is Life and take the opportunity to ask the team your questions. The panel on Friday will start at 16:00 CEST and on Saturday at 10:30 CEST. Captains who attend Europe’s official Star Trek convention will have the chance to visit us at our booth, right next to the autograph section and the Star Trek Discovery Display area. You will get the latest updates on Star