News categories list

  • 01


    From Thursday, February 1st at 8AM PT to Monday, February 5th at 10AM PT, we are having a 20% off sale on the services listed below. Now is the time to purchase these in the C-Store! Character Slots (4) Account Shared Bank Slots (10) Bank Slots (12) Bridge Officer Slots (2) Captain Rename Token Captain Retrain Token Character Slots (2) Duty Officer Roster Slots (100) (limit 4) Duty Officer Roster Slots (25) Inventory Slots (12) Outfit Slots (2) Ship Loadout Slots (10) Ship Slots (2) Dry Dock Slots (5) Energy Credit Cap Increase .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI

  • 01


    Each week we’ll roll out a new reward for the Featured Episode “Scylla and Charybdis.” The first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 50 or above. After the Defense of Bajor, a Tzenkethi Deflector Dish was salvaged and reverse engineered, allowing the allied forces to develop their own version of the technology. It improves your ability to control and subdue your foes, while also leaving a residual scattering field that reduces the target's weapon damage

  • 05


    Priority One: A Roddenberry Star Trek Podcast is one of our favorite podcasts about STO (and everything else Star Trek), and they had the chance this week to sit down with Lead Systems Designer Jeremy "Borticus" Randall. A lot of interesting ground was covered, especially about Re-engineering and the future of the game. Here's their description: This week we Trek Out some new science in the form of Holograms!! — well, sorta! More actors express interest in a Tarantino Star Trek Film, Snoop Dogg is a trekizzy, and Discovery continues to break records. In Star Trek Online, the 8th Anniversary Celebrations continue and we review the latest featured episode — additionally, we’re joined by Systems Designer Jeremy Borticus Randall to discuss the new Re-Engineering system. On Screen is episode 13 of Star Trek Discovery, “What’s Past is Prologue” And, as always, before we wrap up the show,

  • 07


    General: The Episode “Beyond the Nexus” has been moved to the New Frontiers arc before “Melting Pot” for Federation and Federation Aligned Romulan Captains. Dranuur Scout Ship: Added a missing Tactical Console slot to the Dranuur Scout Ship [T6]. Updated the Hull and Shield Mod on the Dranuur Scout Ship [T6] to reflect their proper "Fleet" quality: 0.9 Hull Mod changed to 0.99 1.1 Shield Mod changed to 1.21

  • 07


    Still striving to get the greatest performance out of your equipment? This weekend will be the perfect time to apply Tech Upgrades to your gear, as we’re doubling the amount of Technology Points earned from each one applied! From Thursday, February 8th at 9AM PST to February 12th at 10AM PST, every Tech Upgrade used will apply twice as many Technology Points toward your next Upgrade! This in turn reduces the amount of Dilithium that must be spent to reach each Upgrade threshold, allowing Captains additional chances to attain both Mark and Rarity increases on their favored load outs. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s;

  • 07


    UPDATE: Thanks to everyone for playing, and congrats to our winner! (We haven't gotten permission to reveal his name yet, so I won't be doing that here. :) ) In case you were curious how this particular one is solved: The spectrograph waveform of this audio file is shaped to look like letters. So if you downloaded the image and ran it through any audio processing software, and switched the waveform to "spectrograph," you would see something like this: Which, of course, was the answer, "Leah Brahms." Thanks to everyone who participated! During today's downtime, we're conducting a new giveaway every single hour, in a different location! This morning has already seen giveaways in progress on our Twitter and our Facebook, but now is the time to step up and win on the official STO blog! It's not going to be easy. We've received a coded message from Starfleet, concerning the personal logs of a

  • 08


    Some Captains are cut from a different cloth. These players know that to be a respected captain, you can’t just act the part – you have to look it too. This weekend, we’re putting our costume packs on sale for 20% off. From 2/8 at 8AM PST to 2/12 at 10am PST, fashionable captains can grab outfits that they’ve had their eye on. Show off your evil counterpart with the Mirror Universe costume pack, trek a familiar path with the Original Series uniform, or prepare for your journey into Delta Rising with the Seven of Nine uniform. There are tons of different appearance options waiting for you this weekend. Grab your costumes today and make your captain look the way you’ve always envisioned. Plus, from 2/8 at 8AM PST to 2/12 at 10am PST, we are having a 20% off sale on all boosts listed below. Now is the time to purchase these in the C-Store! Commendation Point Boost (Large) Commendation Point

  • 08


    Each week we’ll roll out a new reward for the Featured Episode “Scylla and Charybdis.” The first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 60. The Engine was developed for close proximity maneuvering. During operation, the engine generates a secondary protective shield around the ship’s hull, enhancing its structural integrity. This secondary shield harmonizes with enemy shield frequencies, allowing for ramming maneuvers to be employed without taking any damage,

  • 10


    Protect Your Account With Arc Defender We've noticed some recent suspicious activities on a few Arc accounts, and want to take this opportunity to remind you to protect your information using Arc Defender. Utilizing Two Factor authentication, Arc Defender ensures that your Arc account is kept safe! Your security is our top priority and Arc Defender helps make sure you are protected from internet threats. We always recommend activating Arc Defender to protect your precious Arc games, game saves, and personal information. Defender creates a unique profile for PCs that you authorize, which allows you standard username/password access. Unauthorized computers require an additional verification step in order to access Arc, your game saves, and personal information. This feature should be enabled by default, but just in case, the section below explains how to set it up. How to Set Up Arc

  • 12


    Tzenkethi forces loom, threatening life in every corner of known space, even as a dangerous and unknown threat surfaces. Amid this chaos, new technologies are being pursued by Alliance scientists and engineers in hopes of returning peace to the Alpha Quadrant. The latest projects have been exploring techniques common in the shipbuilding practices of species that haven’t typically stood at the forefront of the Alliance. These efforts have produced a new breed of Pilot Escort, representing a unique blend of these technologies. Andorian members of the Federation have offered their superior mobility subsystems and targeting computers, while Lethean neuro-interfaces have been integrated to improve crew response times with other surprising results. Meanwhile, a team of scientists from the Romulan Republic have been studying and restoring ancient Dewan technology found in the ruins beneath the surface of

  • 13


    This new breed of Pilot Escort represents a unique blend of technologies from each of the primary Alliance members, with various projects and subsystems pulled from Andorian, Lethean, and Dewan techniques. The sleek styling, tight maneuverability, and impressive arsenal of offensive capabilities of existing Andorian Escorts have informed a great deal about the core functionality of all of these vessels, as is obviously reflected in these modernized Andorian starships. Players will soon see the addition of Allied Pilot Escorts to the C-Store! These ships will be available individually, as 3-ship Faction Bundles, or as a 9-Ship Megabundle. Each of cutting-edge Escorts possesses impressive and unique capabilities, inspired by their unique lineage. Starfleet officers will gain access to the following starships: Andorian Kuthar Pilot Escort [T6] Andorian Chimesh Pilot Escort [T6] Andorian Thozyn Pilot

  • 14


    We have exciting news! Captains on PC will be able to enjoy a bonus on purchased ZEN! Is there a ship in the C-Store that is tempting you? Now is the perfect opportunity to grab ships, keys, and whatever else has caught your eye. From February 14th at 8am PT to February 20th at 10am PT, Captains will earn an extra bonus on purchased ZEN when you charge through Direct Credit Card, PayPal, Skrill, BoaCompra, Xsolla, Paysafecard, or Steam. *Please note that this Charge Bonus offer is ONLY available for the following payment processors: Direct Credit Card (Visa, Mastercard, American Express and Discover) PayPal Skrill BoaCompra Xsolla Paysafecard Steam Packs in the store on the Arc website will be 20% off from 9AM PT on February 14th to 9am PST on February 20th. The following packs will be a part of the sale. Click the links to be taken to the purchase page! Temporal Special

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    This weekend, starting Thursday, February 15th at 8AM PT to Monday, February 19th at 10AM PT, we are running a special event where Captains can earn bonus Marks by playing content throughout the game! During the event, content that provides Marks (Fleet or Reputation) will reward a 50% (1.5x) bonus above normal amounts – this bonus is available for all content that rewards Marks, including the three new reputations that came to Console with Agents of Yesterday. Start building your Fleet projects and reputations! We hope you enjoy this special event and we’ll see you in-game! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(http://images-cdn.perfectworld…157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition:

  • 15


    General: Bajoran Interceptors will no longer spawn randomly with Federation ships in content other than "Scylla and Charybdis". Updated Short Descriptions on all Miracle Worker Cruiser C-Store entries, to be more descriptive Systems: Resolved an issue that prevented the Phase-Shifted Personal Shield from gaining a modifier when upgraded to Epic quality. This updates existing Phase-Shifted Personal Shields to gain their Gold modifier. Added missing gold modifiers to some Nukara Web Mine Launchers and Vaadwaur Cluster Torpedoes. Resolved an issue where Fleet Secondary Deflectors could roll out of their unique modifiers into other Secondary Deflector modifiers. Items in this incorrect state have had their incorrect modifier replaced with one that is appropriate. Resolved an issue that allowed some Impulse Engines to be obtained with Multiple [Aux] modifiers. Existing

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    From February 15th at 8am PT to February 19th at 10am PT, we are having a 20% ship sale. Enjoy not just a discount on our ships, but fleet modules, dry dock slots and ship upgrade tokens as well! Have you been eyeing a new ship or ship bundle in the C-store? Now is the time to grab the ship you've always dreamt of commanding – including the brand new Allied Pilot Escort Mega Bundle on PC, and the Allied Flight Deck Cruiser Bundle on Xbox One and Playstation 4! All ships and dry dock slots in the C-Store are 20% off. This includes bundles which are comprised only of ships. This does not include bundles that have items other than ships in them. The ship upgrade token, ship upgrade token bundle, and the fleet module are all 20% off as well. Each time a player buys a Tier 5 ship, they will receive a free ship upgrade token. This only occurs when the Tier 5 ship is bought for the first

  • 15


    Each week we’ll roll out a new reward for the Featured Episode “Scylla and Charybdis.” The first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be level 60. Martok's notoriety as "The Butcher" was well earned during his skirmishes with the Tzenkethi. This House Martok designed Mek'leth was made available after the Defense of Bajor to inspire the respect and fear of the Tzenkethi who know of the damage this weapon is capable of dealing. This Mek’leth can cause deep wounds, resulting

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    The sound of a shattering PADD echoed through the underground offices. Vrosik hardly paid any mind now; she’d become used to the outbursts, the manic intensity, the slumps of dejection, and the heat of anger that cycled quickly through her co-worker. She waited for the string of invectives to die down, then picked up a fresh PADD from a neatly-stacked pile at the corner of her desk, pulled her goggles down over her light-sensitive eyes, and strode into the workspace next door. She extended the PADD silently. Callius, standing in front of his desk, moped silently for a few moments, then snatched the PADD from her hand. He looked down at it and tapped at it a few times, loading in his latest designs from the network and setting it up for use. Finally he mumbled, “Thank you.” Vrosik started to turn and head back to her workspace, then stopped. She wasn’t sure why she did. Callius’ outbursts

  • 16


    On the brink of ultimate disaster, the Iconian Wars came to an abrupt, improbable end. Billions had died across hundreds of worlds and the relentless mass of the Iconian war machine hung over Earth, ready to bring the Federation and her allies to heel. But against all odds and reason, the naive hope for peace prevailed. The exact details of why the Iconians ended their assault are shrouded in mystery. But ultimately the details matter less than the simple fact that here we are, watching a new dawn after a long night of terrible storms. The reversal of fortune sits heavy on those that were there for the Second Battle of Earth, also called the “Battle at Midnight” - a reference to the infamous Doomsday Clock from Earth’s 20th century. That battle claimed hundreds of ships and tens of thousands of lives. The survivors, now some of the most decorated officers in Starfleet, the RRN or the KDF, have the

  • 20


    The team at Star Trek Online is so happy to announce that, beginning in March, Captains on PC will be able to 3D print their personal starships from the game! We’re partnering with Mixed Dimensions to allow you to create custom 3D handcrafted starship collectibles for your desk, home and more. Almost all of the over 500 playable starships will be available for print, including your personal customizations like ship names, colors and shield skins. You’ll even be able to print the customizations you’ve made using the parts available to your ship in the ship tailor. Once you have your ship where you want it, you’ll be directed to Mixed Dimension’s GamePrint web site, where you’ll will be offered several different purchase options. Captains can commission one of the company’s master artists to hand paint an incredibly detailed, 12” resin high-end collectible version of their starship. You

  • 22


    General: Added the D.O.M.I.N.O. console to the "Allied Dogfighters" console set. Also added a new 4 piece Bonus to the set. The 3 piece Bonus from the "Allied Dogfighters" console set now also affects the cooldown of the D.O.M.I.N.O. console. The Andorian Wing Cannons can now be equipped on any Andorian Escort. Foundry: The Lethean and Dewan escorts and the Lukari science ship show up correctly in the Foundry costume editor. Resolved an issue that could cause windows on the new T6 Andorian ships to sometimes float above the ships. Dewan and Lethean Wing Torpedo Platforms now display the correct allegiance when targeted. Resolved an issue that caused the "Promise of Ferocity" starship trait to display as "Promise of Ferocity - Lockout" in some places.