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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Children of Tothos cult has taken control of Archambault terminal in the Chun Tstar system. Access to most station services has been suspended. It is feared that the cult's leader, Barnabas Cole, plans to detonate the Lucifer Device as part of an apocalyptic ceremony.

    Rackham Capital Investments has appointed Taja Gavaris as its new CFO, following the death of its former financial officer. CEO Zachary Rackham was not involved in Gavaris's appointment, leading to speculation of a scheme to remove Rackham from the company.

    And finally, the Distant Worlds II expedition has gathered the resources required to construct a new megaship and installation in the Stuemeae FG-Y d7561 system. The fleet will now continue its journey towards Beagle Point.

    And those are the main stories this week.

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Children of Tothos are preparing to detonate the Lucifer Device as part of an apocalyptic ceremony that would destroy Archambault Terminal. Transmissions have been received indicating that ritual sacrifices have occurred at the starport, with civilians wishing to join the cult being forced to kill one of their crew upon docking to prove their devotion.

    Rackham Capital Investments has experienced a second tragedy, as the head of personnel suffered a fatal accident. The position was quickly filled with a supporter of Taja Gavaris, the recently installed CFO is believed to be positioning herself to acquire the company from owner Zachary Rackham.

    In other news, the occupant of a cryogenic pod retrieved from an outpost once used by Far God worshippers has been revived. Kiona O'Connor, a runaway taken in by the cult, was placed in suspended animation along with

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Children of Tothos have been thwarted in their attempt to destroy Archambault Terminal. Cult leader Barnabas Cole was killed by Special Agent Rochelle Karim while preparing to detonate the nuclear Lucifer Device, as Federal Intelligence agents arrested the remaining cultists. Karim and her team had infiltrated the starport by posing as devotees of the cult.

    The Federal Times has been asked to provide evidence as part of an FIA investigation into Rackham Capital Investments. A number of employees, including owner Zachary Rackham and current CFO Taja Gavaris, are understood to be the focus of the inquiry.

    In other news, Princess Aisling Duval has revealed details of a secret meeting with Hadrian Augustus Duval. The two met in the Paresa system, with Princess Duval expressing regret at the violent purge of Nova Imperium members. She further stated that

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Children of Tothos cult has been forcibly disbanded following its attempt to destroy Archambault Terminal with a nuclear weapon. Federal Intelligence Agency agent Rochelle Karim was praised for exploiting the cult's acceptance of new followers, giving her tactical team an opportunity to infiltrate the cult's ranks.

    The Federal Intelligence Agency has denied that it is conducting a criminal investigation of Rackham Capital Investments. In a statement, the FIA said it had not contacted the journalist Bryanna Blanco to ask for access to her files. Blanco has since queried if the agents who took her data were in fact part of the FIA.

    Finally, news of a meeting between Princess Aisling Duval and Imperator Hadrian Augustus Duval has caused controversy throughout the Empire, with Zemina Torval branding the princess 'an ideological traitor'. Commentators have

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    Prime Minister Edmund Mahon has clashed with President Kincaid in the Alliance Assembly. Following repeated demands to increase military funding, Kincaid was reminded by Mahon that executive presidential power had been turned down following a vote. The funding proposals were rejected.

    A Diamondback Explorer has been stolen from Fort Dixon in the Vega system despite a number of active security measures. Details indicate the thief was able to override the starport's security network and gain access to the ship from within the landing pad hangar.

    And those are the main stories this week.

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    Here are this week's main stories.

    The Distant Worlds II expedition has reached Beagle Point, its final destination. Thousands of independent pilots have travelled over 73,000 light years in the past three months, with the establishment of Explorer's Anchorage among their many achievements.

    President Kincaid has been accused of receiving illegal campaign funding from a senior figure at the Bank of Zaonce. Following a vote at the Alliance Assembly, Prime Minister Mahon authorised an official inquiry to establish the truth of these allegations. Kincaid is yet to provide an official response.

    In other news, the thief of a ship stolen from a starport hangar in the Vega system has been named as Gan Romero. Security reports indicate Romero has no prior criminal record and is believed to have acted alone. The search for his motive and current location continues.

    And those are the main stories this