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    Every week, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on SPECTRUM and voted on by YOU. This week, we address questions on the party system, scanning ranges, cargo encumbrance and more.

    You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here

    And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: Subscriptions - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

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    One of the exciting features of our upcoming expansion, Victory is Life, is the addition of an all-new faction for players, The Dominion. Home to the most impressive military might in the Gamma Quadrant, The Dominion was featured prominently on-screen in Star Trek: Deep Space Nine, and we’re excited to finally give players the opportunity to be a part of this mighty force. Their fearsome warriors, the Jem’Hadar, will be available for players to create and jump right into the current storyline with the release of Victory is Life. Jump-Started Careers In order to best serve the Dominion, Jem’Hadar soldiers are cloned – engineered from birth to the highest standards, as dictated by the Founders. This unique process has them combat-ready within days of being birthed. To reflect this side of their biology, and to allow players to immediately start experiencing the vast amounts of high-level

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    Friday night score! Happened across several pre-release Super Wing Commander screenshots. Note the older VDU graphics and the early cockpit that's more TIE Fighter than Hornet!

    swc_preview_blurbt.jpgA preview build seems to have been provided to magazines in early 1994... wonder if it's floating around somewhere! Here's what the finished cockpits looked like.

    swc_cockpit1t.jpgswc_cockpit2t.jpgswc_cockpit3t.jpgswc_cockpit4t.jpgswc_cockpit5t.jpgAnd here's some footage of a pre-release build, from a VHS trailer. You can see the same WIP VDU images... plus a cut enemy ship at the 28 second mark!

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    Leeta poured a glass of Slug-o-Cola as her husband muttered to himself. She hated seeing him like this. He was a brilliant man and an excellent Grand Nagus, but when the stakes got too high, he had a tendency to get a little overwhelmed. She put the glass down on Rom’s desk and gently caressed his ear, eliciting a distracted shiver. “Perhaps it’s time to take a break, Husband. I’m sure that no problem is worth working yourself into an early grave.” She gave him a warm smile. “Thanks, Wife.” he picked up the drink and took a sip. “Mmm, slimy! But no, I need to solve this! The Ferengi are counting on me to lead them, and not to a state of bankruptcy – or worse!” Leeta frowned. “Should call your mother? I know that she has helped you with work issues in the past.” Rom shook his head. “Nooo. Moogie is trying to enjoy her retirement. Grand Nagus Zek picked me because he

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    The details of the negotiation that created the Alliance between the Federation, Klingon Empire, and Romulan Republic are slowly coming to life, years after the signing of the document. One very important, timed clause has no come to fruition, and the Romulan Republic will gain access to Federation and Klingon technology! As part of the constant evolving nature of Star Trek Online, we’ve decided to make a change to what ships Romulan Captains can access. Previously, Romulans could only fly Romulan ships, no matter who they were allied with. When Victory is Life launches, Romulan Captains will be able to fly the ships of their chosen allied faction! Take to the stars in the Defiant or a Bird of Prey, while still defending the honor of the Romulan Republic. This includes all allied ships except: Chimera/Manticore Heavy Destroyer (All variants) Peghqu'/Duvqu' Heavy Destroyer (All

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    The Utopia campaign to construct a military installation in its home system has now concluded. Many traders delivered a huge quantity of construction material to Bobko City, which will be used to build defences for the Sim-Archive. Other independent pilots protected the operation by eliminating pirate vessels.

    Utopia's spokesperson, Dr Leigh Constantinides, expressed her gratitude:

    "On behalf of Utopia, I would like to thank everyone who worked so hard to support this project. We hope that this will safeguard the Sim-Archive for the benefit of all our descendants."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Bobko City in the Narri system.

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    Captains! We're happy to announce that you'll be able to enjoy 20% off all Duty Officer Packs! Captains can select from the following Duty Officer Packs for 20% from Thursday, May 10th at 8AM PT to Monday, May 14th at 10am PT. Gamma Quadrant Duty Officer Cadre Reinforcements Duty Officer Pack Fleet Support Duty Officer Pack Romulan Survivor Duty Officer Pack Delta Alliance Duty Officer Pack Delta Pack Federation Pack Klingon Pack In addition to this sale, purchasing and opening any of the above packs during this promotion will provide an extra bonus prize, on top of all the Duty Officer packs’ existing contents! Opening any of them will be guaranteed to provide either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack, which contains one of the Tier 6 Starships featured in previous similar promotions. The Special Requisition Choice Pack will be bound-to-character when received,

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    Death^_ tipped us off about a really cool advertisement for Dragon Con 1996 posted by Wade Haddock. The sheet shows off the various celebrities that would be in attendance, including Mark Hamill! Note that this is not "Star Wars' Mark Hamill." In fact, Star Wars isn't mentioned at all, which is funny since this appeared in a Star Wars comic. He is simply billed as

    Colonel Christopher Blair in Origin Systems' Wing Commander IV.

    Right on! That's what springs to my mind first too... Of course, this appearance happened just four months after WC4's release, so it was particularly relevant at the time.


    Scan of an ad from the April 1996 issue of the comic adaptation of the Star Wars EU story "Splinter of the Mind's Eye" (third of four issues). Notice the Special Guest announcement on the bottom-right corner of the ad.

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    New Feature: Landing Page The new Landing Page will spotlight some features within Star Trek Online and provide quicker access to what is on the page. This new page will appear upon logging in and when exiting the game by use of the Esc key. Players who are below level 10 will not see this page upon log in. General: Resolved an issue which caused TXAA to not be available as an anti-aliasing option. Resolved an issue where the Elite Starter Pack was only rewarding 1 Captain Retrain Token instead of 5. Players which have purchased this item prior to this update to Holodeck will automatically receive 7 additional tokens to the 1 that came with the original purchase for a total of 8 to make up for the mistake. Going forward, new purchases will correctly reward 5 Captain Retrain Tokens. Romulan Imperial Minefield: Resolved an issue that caused choosing "depart

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