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    Want to work with a star? Your dream could come true if you get hired by Steven Petrarca Events. While the delta variant continues to scourge across the land in my area and many others, California has taken a relatively modest hit and the fancy gathering industry appears to be booming. SPE is hiring, so the opportunity exists to pick up gigs working as "servers, bartenders, models/brand ambassadors, tray passers, scullery, and more!" I looked it up, and scullery has something to do with washing dishes. Mr. Petrarca has been doing this for almost fifteen years now and has garnered even more attention in the hospitality industry than in the acting business - where he famously starred Lance Casey in Wing Commander Prophecy!


    SPE is a boutique event planning and hospitality company located in Los Angeles, California, known for thoughtful residential style, and relaxed sophistication. We specialize in
  • 08


    Some Captains are cut from a different cloth. These players know that to be a respected captain, you can’t just act the part – you have to look it too. This weekend, we’re putting our costume packs on sale for 20% off. From 2/8 at 8AM PST to 2/12 at 10am PST, fashionable captains can grab outfits that they’ve had their eye on. Show off your evil counterpart with the Mirror Universe costume pack, trek a familiar path with the Original Series uniform, or prepare for your journey into Delta Rising with the Seven of Nine uniform. There are tons of different appearance options waiting for you this weekend. Grab your costumes today and make your captain look the way you’ve always envisioned. Plus, from 2/8 at 8AM PST to 2/12 at 10am PST, we are having a 20% off sale on all boosts listed below. Now is the time to purchase these in the C-Store! Commendation Point Boost (Large) Commendation Point

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    About ten years ago, it was briefly popular for Wingnuts to splice up clips from various Wing Commanders and pair them with popular music. You don't see this much these days, since the overall novelty of casual video editing has worn off and it takes significantly more effort to create a slick production that stands out in the crowd. Nevertheless, Abbat Faria recently paired up cuts from the Wing Commander movie with Linkin Park's "By Myself." I'm still slightly baffled as to why it exists, but it's not the craziest Wing Commander creation I've stumbled across lately. I can only imagine that this version is superior to the original video though. Perhaps it resonates a bit more with people who are fans of the music...

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    Inspired by UnnammedCharacter's WC Toolbox and Marty2Life's recent German translation, L@Zar0 has put together a brand new Spanish translation! He's been steadily making progress for the past month, so releases are available for both Wing Commander 1&2, plus both Secret Missions and Special Operations. This is a wonderful surprise for fans trying to play the classics in their native language, and there's even hope that he might tackle Privateer in the future. You can download the WC1/SM package here (4 meg zip) and the WC2/SO package here (5 meg zip). Readmes are included with more instructions or you can learn more at these pages at his site. This should work for either the original DOS or GOG versions. Even if you're not up for playing through the game in another language, check out these juicy images of it in action!


    I want to give the thanks to UnnamedCharacter (and the members) that have
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    We recently reported that Wing Commander SNES artist Mike Winterbauer had launched a Kickstarter to create a physical portfolio showing the creation and use of his cover painting. We're happy to report that the $500 funding goal has been reached... and then some! As of this writing, the project hass already brought in pledges for over three times the original goal. Congratulations to Mr. Winterbauer and good work to the Wing Commander community.

    One of the first questions about the campaign was: how can I get EVERYTHING? To that end, he has added a new "Ultimate Wing Commander" pledge level. For $230 you get the book, the metal sign, the magnet, the six prints, the art card, the canvas print and the giclee print! If you love the Wing Commander SNES painting as much as we do that's a heck of a deal. You can join the campaign or adjust your pledge here. There are still three weeks to go... so who knows,

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    It is time again for Risa’s annual Lohlunat Festival, and with it some much needed R&R for Captains from all corners of the Milky Way. From August 4th to September 3rd, the residents of Suraya Bay and the Lobi Crystal Consortium have once again partnered to bring festival participants the highest quality wares. Among these exciting prices are the all new Risian Weather Control Vessel [T6]. A Dev Blog containing full stats and descriptions will be published separately, so keep your eyes open for it. This year’s celebration will launch simultaneously on PC, Xbox One and PlayStation 4, allowing players of Star Trek Online to get into the summertime spirit regardless of their platform of choice. As for other Risa activities, all of your old favorites from previous years will be returning, including Powerboard Races, the Biathlon, Horga’hn Hunting, Scavenging with Sovak, and of course the

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    Technology journalist Harlow Nassry has published an article in The Federal Times regarding a mysterious criminal group known only as 'the Collective':

    "Several recent digital crimes, including the theft of a billion credits from Zachary Rackham, have now been attributed to the Collective. Security forces have launched investigations, but it seems that the name is already well known among hacker communities."

    "The Collective is a group of anti-authority 'hacktivists' who believe that all information should be publicly available. It has existed for some years, but until recently its activities have been small scale."

    "Nobody knows the identity of the group's members, which has no spokespersons or apparent leaders. As anarchists, they delight in flouting the law, believing that all data should be in the public domain – except, of course, data about themselves."

    "Some see the Collective as

  • 08


    The British




    has a new song titled "The Video Game Champion." The track's official lyric video features footage from a wide variety of '80s and '90s video games and movies. There's a lot of vintage arcade and SNES in there, but DMJC spotted Wing Commander in the mix as well. You can see a Hornet walloping a Dralthi at 3:43 in the clip. It doesn't stay up for long, but if you want your classic video games video to have any credibility, it's got to have Wing Commander in there somewhere!

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    It's hard to believe, but we're already well into June and the (northern) summer is practically here. That means that it's once again time for us to start getting ready for the CIC Birthday Party! Just like we have for the last few years, we'll be shifting the observed date slightly to accommodate various conflicts. We hope you can join us on Saturday, August 17, at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT). This year we'll be celebrating the CIC's 21st, which is hard to believe!

    The party will take place in #Wingnut on our Discord server. As always, you're welcome to drop by the chat room any time beforehand to join in the fun. We're still working out the specifics, but for the first time, there's a chance we might also have an accompanying simultaneous live stream to take the excitement to a whole new dimension! Stay tuned for more details as the event approaches.

  • 06


    Coffeehound RetroSharka has published a fun video in her Nostalgic Nibbles series. This one focuses on the Super Nintendo version of Wing Commander. The author here has a lot of positive things to say about the game, and they're coming from a place of experience. She played the original Amiga Wing Commander and picked up the SNES version not long after its release. They've even played the Sega CD edition and Super Wing Commander on 3DO but considers this version a favorite. I have to agree - there are many limitations compared to the DOS release that most folks are familiar with, but the game's punchy opening music coming through lo-fi speakers is just an indelible memory. The controls were dense for a console at the time, but it was possible to do almost everything in the cockpit that a PC could. This is a good overview of the game, although I can't forgive the person for pronouncing SNES as

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    General: Added the D.O.M.I.N.O. console to the "Allied Dogfighters" console set. Also added a new 4 piece Bonus to the set. The 3 piece Bonus from the "Allied Dogfighters" console set now also affects the cooldown of the D.O.M.I.N.O. console. The Andorian Wing Cannons can now be equipped on any Andorian Escort. Foundry: The Lethean and Dewan escorts and the Lukari science ship show up correctly in the Foundry costume editor. Resolved an issue that could cause windows on the new T6 Andorian ships to sometimes float above the ships. Dewan and Lethean Wing Torpedo Platforms now display the correct allegiance when targeted. Resolved an issue that caused the "Promise of Ferocity" starship trait to display as "Promise of Ferocity - Lockout" in some places.

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    Foundry Spotlight: [AEI] In Silence The Foundry is a special program within Star Trek Online that allows users to make their own episodes, playable by other Captains within STO. To access it, open your Mission Journal, and select “Foundry,” at the top. Every now and then, we like to spotlight a particularly interesting or unique mission for all of you to experience. This time, we’re spotlighting “[AEI] In Silence” by Starfarertheta. In Silence is part of an initiative called the Alliance Exploration Initiative, created by fan podcast The Foundry Roundtable. The goal was to create missions based around exploration, not just combat. In Silence takes you on a mission to meet up with a very demanding ambassador, which quickly goes off course and becomes an exploration of a long-dead space station, full of interesting and wonderful surprises. I particularly enjoyed the dialogue choices in the