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  • 07


  • 07


    The Lave Radio Network, an independent organisation based in the Lave system, has announced plans to broadcast its annual conference, which this year will take place in the Diso system from the 24th to the 25th of June.

    To ensure they can share the event with the entire galaxy, the Lave Radio Network has placed an open order for various commodities, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver these commodities to Lave Station in the Lave system.

    But not everyone is enthusiastic about the event. The Lave Jet Family has responded with a rival campaign expressly designed to undermine the Lave Radio initiative, and has invited pilots to deliver commodities to help construct a signal jammer.

    The two organisations have set out week-long operations to achieve their aims, which will begin on the 7th of June 3304.

  • 07


    There has been a positive response to the campaign to fund repairs for starports in the Pleiades Nebula. Huge quantities of construction materials were received, which will be used to restore many of the stations damaged by the Thargoids.

    Senior engineer Lilith Galloway made a statement on behalf of Aegis Research:

    "We didn't expect so many of you to help. But that's the spirit here in the Pleiades – we come back stronger. Our thanks to everyone who supplied us with what we need."

    Pilots who contributed to this project can now collect their rewards from The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector Ir-W D1-55 system.

  • 07


    The campaign by Aegis Core to fund the refurbishment of starports in the core systems has now ended. A large quantity of construction materials were delivered to Dantec Enterprise.

    Carter Armstrong, chief administrator for the project, announced his thanks:

    "The galactic community has really pulled through for us. These materials will be put to good use in repairing the damage caused by Thargoid attacks. We'll soon have these starports restored and offering the high-quality services you'd expect."

    Pilots who made deliveries for this initiative can now collect their rewards from Dantec Enterprise in the Socho system.

  • 07


    General: Resolved an issue which was occasionally causing maps to crash. Deep Space Nine: Resolved an issue that caused the consoles in the ship yard to be exclusive to one player at a time. Qo’noS: Resolved an issue where the new banks were exclusive to one player at a time. Resolved an issue where players who logged out in the old Deep Space Nine interior were not immediately taken to the new interior when logging back in. Cardassian Bridge Officers can no longer be sold on the exchange. Resolved an issue where the Gamma Vanguard Species description was incorrect in the C-Store. Added messaging that states a Jem’Hadar captain needs to have played for 20 hours in order to receive the 50,000 Feet Dilithium reward for joining a fleet. Resolved an issue where the Marks Weekend that started on July 5 was set to run for 2 months. Content: Swarm Elite: Resolved an issue where the

  • 07


    Here's a couple of striking Wing Commander Movie concept images from around LOAF's previous Cloud Imperium office. They feature the Broadsword and one of its primary foes, the Fralthi. Look closely and there's some interesting notes about how the reinforced bow could be used for ramming. We don't often see this tactic employed by Wing Commander capships - short of a rare last ditch self destructing maneuver - but it would be an interesting dynamic to add in to capship battles. Star Trek Discovery had a pretty impressive

    combat ram

    last year, and it'd be neat to see more of that.


    Good old Broadswords; not fast, but they got you home safe.
  • 06


  • 06


    Victory is Life is now live on PC, and we’re so excited that you all can join us in the Gamma Quadrant. We hope you have fun with your new Jem’Hadar Gamma Recruit, and show the Hur’q what the Dominion and the Alliance are made of! As a measure of improving moral in the battle against the Hur’q, we’re providing you with a Victory is Life Wallpaper for your desktop to spread the spirit and immerse yourselves even further in the world of Star Trek Online: Victory is Life! You can find the wallpapers here .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT {

  • 06


  • 06


    Raph Koster

    has posted


    snippets from his upcoming book on video game development,


    . This time he provides a glimpse into the incredibly ambitious economy that Privateer Online was supposed to include. This includes complex guild mechanics, a virtual stock market and an offline web-based interface for certain tasks. Pretty wild for the time! The 700 page paperback publication is still slated for June 26, but ebook editions are starting to trickle out. The

    B&N Nook

    version is already available at just $20.

    Another feature of Privateer Online that arose out of its heavily commerce-oriented gameplay was its in-game stock market... which may not have worked the way you'd expect. Long before Farmville, MMOs were exploring asynchronous play. There were player vendors in UO, of course, but in Privateer Online we planned to extend that to a fully player-driven economy. I mean, we were
  • 05


  • 05


    Rule of Acquisition # 74: Knowledge equals profit. Any wise Captain knows that when a sale this good comes your way, it’s best to take advantage of it. We’re pleased to announce that Ferengi Merchants are putting a 15% sale on Keys from Tuesday, June 5th at 8am PST to Tuesday, June 15th at 10AM PST! Now is the best time for Captains to load up on your Keys and grab those ships you’ve been eyeing. Remember Captains, Rule of Acquisition # 22: A wise man can hear profit in the wind. Now is the time to act. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer

  • 05


    The Gamma Vanguard Pack and the Gamma Starter Pack are two of the most exciting parts of jumping on board Victory is Life. And while tons of you have already preordered the pack (and picked it up today) from the official Arc website, a lot of you have been asking when these packs will be available on the in-game C-store. The answer is, of course, right this minute. If you head to the C-store right now you can get a jump on Victory is Life with the Gamma Starter Pack for 2000 Zen, and the Gamma Vanguard Pack for the introductory price of 13,000 Zen. That price won’t last forever, so if Zen is the way you want to get the pack, jump on it now and get eight Tier 6 Starships, new uniforms, items, and the Vanguard Jem’Hadar race, all unlocking immediately. We hope you’re enjoying Victory is Life, and we hope you enjoy these packs, Captains! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0;

  • 05


    This year marks the 25th Anniversary of the launch of Deep Space Nine, and the team for Star Trek Online couldn’t wait to mark the occasion with our fourth full expansion: Victory is Life. The only way we could see to top our previous expansions was to not only introduce a brand new player faction in the Jem’Hadar, but also throw in a level cap increase from 60 to 65! Starting today, Captains in Star Trek Online will have the opportunity to create a brand new captain in their own Jem’Hadar faction. All Jem’Hadar captains will be as formidable right out of space dock as their namesakes, as they will be leveled up to 60 with a fully equipped ship, a fully geared crew, and a variety of completed Reputations, Specialization trees, and R&D progress. As a fresh captain you will have all the tools you need at your disposal to dive in and play Star Trek Online right at end game, all 100% for

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  • 05


  • 04


    New Features: Create a Jem’Hadar Captain: Create a Jem’Hadar Captain from the character select screen. These Captains begin at level 60 upon entering the game. After choosing a faction, Jem’Hadar Captains can fly most of their chosen faction’s ships. Upon completion of the new Gamma Quadrant Arc, Jem’Hadar captains will gain access to their chosen faction’s episodes prior to the events of the Gamma Quadrant Arc. All accounts will receive 1 free additional character slot to make a new Jem’Hadar Captain. For more details, please visit the Play as a Jem’Hadar blog at: Play as a Jem'Hadar in Victory is Life! | Star Trek Online Jem’Hadar Recruitment Event: For a limited time between June 5 and July 18, there will be a Jem’Hadar recruit event where all Jem’Hadar captains created during this time will be able to unlock rewards for the player’s entire account by completing

  • 04


    Every week, designers, engineers and other developers from our five offices around the world answer backer questions submitted on SPECTRUM and voted on by YOU. This week, we address questions on life support, updates to the Phoenix and Freelancer and some sort of signal interrupti—

    You can submit your questions for consideration in future episodes of Calling All Devs here.

    And for info on becoming a subscriber, go to: Subscriptions - Roberts Space Industries | Follow the development of Star Citizen and Squadron 42

  • 04


    The Hur’q are swarming across known space, and the Dominion is fighting a losing battle of attrition against a numerically superior foe. At no point in the long history of the Gamma Quadrant has the outlook been so dire. Allies are needed, as are updated batches of Jem’Hadar, bred to be leaders and trailblazers, born to reclaim their lives through Victory. From June 5th to July 18th, new Dominion captains will be known as Gamma Recruits, and they will be bred with the knowledge and capability needed to defeat this threat, save the Dominion, and ensure its future dominance over the Gamma Quadrant. As with previous recruitment events, the Gamma Recruitment Event represents an unprecedented opportunity for getting a leg-up on progression. Not only do Gamma Recruits themselves benefit from additional rewarding tasks while the event is active, but they will also be capable of earning additional