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    Christian Klein

    has found Spanish translations of most of the Wing Commander games from the first few years of the series, so missing Privateer would be a big omission. But, he's managed to finally locate a copy so he can cruise the Gemini Sector en Español. It includes a full suite of translated documentation too, which is one of the coolest parts. Check it out below!


    Woohoo! Another rare Wing Commander version to add to the archive. It's Privateer localized for Spain. I never saw one before. #DOSgaming
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    Our 10th Anniversary is here, and the Legacy begins. Star Trek Online: Legacy is live right now! Cryptic Studios is over the moon to present our Tenth Anniversary Celebration to our fans on PC starting today, and on Xbox One and Playstation 4 March 3rd. We’re excited to share all of the content in Legacy with you, some of which you’ve known about, some of which is brand new. First up, a brand new, two part episode, The Measure of Morality. This episode returns Captains to Excalbia, from the Original Series episode “The Savage Curtain.” The Excalbians have decided to put on another test of Good and Evil, and your characters will play a major part in it. But you won’t be alone. Returning to the game for the first time since Delta Rising, Jeri Ryan portrays a Seven of Nine that’s different from any we’ve seen before. And for the first time ever, Sonequa Martin-Green joins the cast to bring

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    Marine One

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    The team at Star Trek Online is so happy to announce that, beginning in March, Captains on PC will be able to 3D print their personal starships from the game! We’re partnering with Mixed Dimensions to allow you to create custom 3D handcrafted starship collectibles for your desk, home and more. Almost all of the over 500 playable starships will be available for print, including your personal customizations like ship names, colors and shield skins. You’ll even be able to print the customizations you’ve made using the parts available to your ship in the ship tailor. Once you have your ship where you want it, you’ll be directed to Mixed Dimension’s GamePrint web site, where you’ll will be offered several different purchase options. Captains can commission one of the company’s master artists to hand paint an incredibly detailed, 12” resin high-end collectible version of their starship. You

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    Greetings Captains! It’s been a while since we attended a convention in Europe, and we thought it was about time to come back. We are very happy to announce that Star Trek Online will be attending Destination Star Trek Germany from April 27th to April 29th 2018. Destination Star Trek is the official Star Trek convention in Europe, and this year looks amazing. They've got over 25 actors from all across Star Trek attending, including STO Alumni like Chase Masterson, and two of our newly announced cast members, Nana Visitor and René Auberjonois! Now that we've announced our brand new expansion, “Star Trek Online: Victory is Life,” we can’t wait to talk about the new content with the community and Star Trek fans. Meet our European Away Team and Cryptic Developers to get the latest update on “Star Trek Online: Victory is Life” and have a fantastic Star Trek experience in Dortmund, Germany. We

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    “Admiral, the Steadfast is heading towards Federation space. Estimated trajectory would have them arrive at Izar in a little over two days.” “So, have they abandoned their mission?” Admiral Tzen-Tarrak asked. “Yes, sir. Their assigned systems are all returning positive scans. No Drantzuli purges have taken place in any of them.” “Have Commander Neth Parr assemble a team to intercept the Steadfast. Give her the prototype. And tell them not to let Captain Tzen-Crinnu’s noble blood slow them down,” The admiral practically spat out the traitorous captain’s name. “As of this moment, he is an enemy of the state, and will be dealt with as such. If I had my way, he’d be strapped to a protomatter bomb at the next Drantzuli purge.” “Y-yes, sir,” the startled adjutant replied. “I’ll let her know, Admiral - at once!” *** Commander Neth Parr flew to intercept the Steadfast

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    It's an especially Happy Halloween this year for CIC founder Bandit (LOAF) who finally found the Cinema Secrets Kilrathi mask after nearly 20 years of searching! When the WC Movie


    was originally


    back in early 1999, LOAF said, "...very cool, I can't wait to get mine" and now it's finally here! He's still looking for a set of shoulder armor, so if you have a lead, drop him a line!

    LOOK WHO I FOUND! I have been searching for ‘Kilrathi mask’ on eBay for at least 15 years. A few weeks ago I decided to try and learn more about the company that made them. One eBay search for just the company name later and...


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    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 10am 9/27 -10am 9/28 PT, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: Save 20% on Keys! Keyring Bundle! Get your hands on this special bundle of twenty master keys, and an Ultimate Tech Upgrade! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI {

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    A new poll is up, and this time it asks what your guilty pleasures are in Wing Commander. Everyone knows what the fun things are to do in the most popular games, but there are plenty of fringe activities that fans also enjoy. A sampling has been provided for you to vote on, but if we missed anything good, let us know!

    provinggrounds01t.gifwc1_eject1t.gifGamerScore17t.jpggog_privateer9t.jpgvancouver1t.jpgThe previous poll asked about the best years in franchise history. There was pretty solid support throughout the '90s, but both 1994 and 1996 came out ahead. Wing Commanders 3 and 4 were major heavy hitters in these years, but it helped that they were bolstered by a wide variety of new products.

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    Guys – as an avid Mass Effect fan, I would absolutely be doing my gaming heritage an injustice if I didn’t talk about the recent Mars findings by NASA. When in doubt, go Paragon. But seriously, NASA’s rover Curiosity found some interesting things on its latest expedition on the Red Planet and if video games have taught us anything, this could be really cool – or end in a Reaper invasion. There really is no in-between.

    According to the official NASA report, their rover “found new evidence preserved in rocks on Mars that suggests the planet could have supported ancient life, as well as new evidence in the Martian atmosphere that relates to the search for current life on the Red Planet. While not necessarily evidence of life itself, these findings are a good sign for future missions exploring the planet’s surface and subsurface.”

    To read the FULL transcript of the podcast above, check out LiLi’s article

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    Feb is having a sci-fi midweek sale that's briefly discounting Wing Commander - and many more space sims! Each WC package is just $1.49 or a whopping $11.92 for the entire set of DOS and Windows games in the series. Of course, most of the people reading this already own the games, but there's a whole new generation of gamers out there who barely know what Wing Commander is. The GOG sale ends late tonight, but their frequent discounts are an excellent opportunity to bring new people into the fold! Also, Rebel Galaxy Outlaw is now included since it has been recently released on GOG. It's a wonderful WC-inspired game half off now for just $14.99! RGO makes it easy to pretend you're playing a brand new Privateer spinoff.


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