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    has previously

    set the record

    for the fastest winning and losing times for Wing Commander on the SNES. Now he's bested his previous run from Enyo through Hell's Kitchen by six seconds to 5:24. That might not seem like something to strive for to some, but finding the very fastest time from start to an endgame is a highly sought after milestone in the speedrunning community. Once you crunch this down smaller and smaller, shaving off seconds gets harder and harder! Check out the evidence here:

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    Aegis has announced that it will allow technology brokers to reduce their requirements for producing items, in order to increase overall combat effectiveness against the Thargoids.

    Henrik de Lacerda, a senior engineer at Aegis Research, clarified this development:

    "Aegis is aware that the galactic community has worked incredibly hard to oppose the Thargoids in the core systems. To show our appreciation, we are making it easier for independent pilots to obtain advanced weaponry and hardware."

    "We have contacted all registered technology brokers and supplied them with additional funding, resources and manufacturing equipment. As a result, they now need fewer commodities and materials from those purchasing their designs."

    "Our hope is that by helping pilots to upgrade their ships, we can enhance their survivability and encourage more Commanders to join the fight against the Thargoids."

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    Security forces in the Fousang system are reporting that criminal organisations in the area are executing more frequent and audacious raids on civilian traffic.

    Wing Commander Horatio Montange of Fousang security had this to say:

    "Our resources are stretched with the Thargoid threat, and a certain criminal element has taken advantage, increasing their presence in the system and attacking trade convoys. While our forces are continuing to maintain order, the need to defend the system from external threats has had an impact on our overall effectiveness. With the help of Blue Creative Company we hope to curb this sudden increase in crime, and continue to concentrate our resources on combating the alien insurrection."

    To counter this threat, the Blue Creative Company has placed a kill order on all ships on its wanted list, and has promised to reward pilots who deliver bounty vouchers to Akers

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    The operation to support construction of an Aegis military facility in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55 has reached a successful conclusion. Hundreds of pilots supported the initiative by delivering mined resources to The Oracle, and by protecting traders in the system.

    An Aegis spokesperson made the following statement:

    "Every pilot who contributed to this operation should feel a great deal of pride in what they've achieved. The construction of this military installation will allow us to more effectively resist external aggression."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from The Oracle in the Pleiades Sector IR-W d1-55.

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    During Star Trek Online’s 2018 Summer Event you will be able to obtain Lohlunat Prize Vouchers (2018) by participating in the “Flying High” event on a daily basis. These Prize Vouchers can be earned once per day, and used to complete an Event Reputation project to obtain the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]! This project requires 1000 Lohlunat Prize Vouchers (2018). Once this starship is obtained by any character on your account, any characters on this account can claim the Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] from the Account Claim tab within the Event Store (in the Event Reputation window). Vorgon Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] The Ytijara Dreadnought Cruiser strikes a balance in the Vorgon fleets, balancing somewhere between the massive battle station of the Ryn'kodan and the sleek maneuverable strike ship of the Xyfius. Still robust and utilitarian, the Ytijara is intended

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    Each week we’ll roll out a new reward for the Featured Episode “Home.” The first completion of this mission on an account this week will grant a Featured Episode Weekly Reward Box. This box gives your choice of an Enhanced Universal Tech Upgrade or a Captain Specialization Point Box, which gives the character who opens it a Specialization Point. The Weekly Reward Box, Tech Upgrade, and Specialization Point Box are all Bound to Account, and may be freely traded between your characters. The Specialization Point Box requires the opening character to be at least level 60. After the events on the homeworld of the Founders, non-sentient Morphogenic Matrix samples have been made available to the Alliance. Through clever use of miniature Polaron Shielding Arrays, scientists and engineers have managed to find a way to manipulate the Matrix into different shapes. The Morphogenic Polaron Energy Weapon

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    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 10am PT on 6/28, to 10am PT on 6/29, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: 30% OFF EVERYTHING IN THE “DISCOUNTED PACKS” SECTION OF THE C-STORE, ON ALL THREE PLATFORMS! This sale excludes the Gamma Starter Pack and the Gamma Vanguard Pack. Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity

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    New Featured Episode: Home The new Featured Episode “Home” has been added to the Featured Episode tab in the journal. Travel to the Founder Home World to stop the attack from the Hur’q! This episode is available for level 10 Captains and above. For more information, please visit the “Home” blog at: It's Time to Go Home | Star Trek Online General: Cardassian Captains now have access to the classic Cardassian Uniform in the tailor. Resolved an issue that was preventing Romulan Captains from buying some Fleet ships. Jem’Hadar Captains can now alter the registry information for allied ships they fly. Updated the Razor Chroma Keyboard colors for Jem’Hadar captains. Resolved a number of issues where the episode journal tabs would not visibly update correctly for Jem’Hadar captains. Adding in some spots of missing VO throughout the new Victory is Life content. Resolved an issue

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    Christian Klein

    has found Spanish translations of most of the Wing Commander games from the first few years of the series, so missing Privateer would be a big omission. But, he's managed to finally locate a copy so he can cruise the Gemini Sector en Español. It includes a full suite of translated documentation too, which is one of the coolest parts. Check it out below!


    Woohoo! Another rare Wing Commander version to add to the archive. It's Privateer localized for Spain. I never saw one before. #DOSgaming
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    From June 27th at 10am PT to June 28th at 10am PT, we are running a promotion that will provide an additional bonus when opening a Research and Development Pack. During this promotion, all R&D packs will be 30% off! When you purchase a Research and Development Pack from the C-Store and open it, you will receive either 10 Lobi Crystals or a Special Requisition Choice Pack - Tier 6 Promotional Ship Choice Pack in addition to the Research and Development Pack. The player fortunate enough to win this ship pack will be presented with a choice of claiming a package containing any one of the following ships: Krenim Annorax Science Dreadnought [T6] Elachi Sheshar Intel Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] Elachi Sheshar Command Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] Jem'Hadar Strike Ship [T6] Jem’Hadar Recon Ship [T6] Special Requisition Pack - 23rd Century Tier 6 Ship The Special Requisition Pack - 23rd