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    Privateer 2's spaceflight has an interesting design where each ship model has just one set of textures... but they are designed to change their appearance based on which of ten or so palettes are selected.

    p2_palette1t.jpgp2_palette2t.jpgp2_palette3t.jpgp2_palette4t.jpgThe odd thing is that it's barely used! Each faction has a distinct livery that it uses this to display... but the game itself never actually changes them so you end up only ever seeing each ship with just one look.

    p2_palette5t.jpgp2_palette6t.jpgp2_palette7t.jpgp2_palette8t.jpgI'm not sure why it works this way at all, but it sure is cool to go back and see familiar ships in other colors!


  • 03


    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for an appearance on PC During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages. This run of the Infinity Lock Box will feature the addition of the Undine Cheirax Bio-Warship [T6], and the Borg Lockbox contents! Meanwhile, the Undine Kiwavi Bio-Cruiser [T6] will be joining the Lobi Store! Continue reading further on for the full details on these new offerings. Updated Prize Lists! Along with the undine ships and all of the prizes offered in previous appearances of the Infinity Lock Box, additional prizes originally seen in the Borg Lock Box have been added to the rewards! They now include all of the following: Liberated Borg Command Juggernaut [T6] Console - Universal – Retrofitted

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    AD found a neat new Lego creation over at Bricklink. It's a mini Banshee created by CBSNAKE. A lot of Lego miniatures make compromises and don't resemble their intended inspiration particularly well, but wow, this just nails it! All the key features are depicted, and the colors are even spot on. This would be a fun project to actually source the pieces and build!


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    We talk a lot about the Super Nintendo ports of Wing Commander here, because they were a major vector for many people to get hooked on the series in the early '90s. Despite that, there were a few major things that generally fly under the radar and haven't been widely seen. One such change is the intro to The Secret Missions. It features an entirely new cutscene talking about the march of the Kilrathi and the development of their new super weapon (which ends up being the graviton weapon employed by the Sivar dreadnought at Goddard). I love the WC1 intro below for its clippy music and downscaled graphics, but you have to check out the second clip with the new Secret Missions vid! You can find more classic game intros at Retro Opening Games. Nintendo World Report TV also recently put out an exhaustive overview of WC on Nintendo platforms, which you can find here!

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    Here's a peek at an interesting prototype of the Wing Commander Universe Map included with Wing Commander Prophecy. We first caught a glimpse of this during our 2012


    to the University of Texas archive. While the

    final map

    detailed many sectors where most of the main events happened in the series, this appears to be a little snippet that just traces through the events of WCP. Due to the number of differences, it appears to predate even the

    preview map

    that was released online during development, which is pretty cool! Extra bonus: Pix, ace and LOAF posing Texas-style with George Oldziey's CD!


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    Here's a peek at an interesting prototype of the Wing Commander Universe Map included with Wing Commander Prophecy. We first caught a glimpse of this during our 2012


    to the University of Texas archive. While the

    final map

    detailed many sectors where most of the main events happened in the series, this appears to be a little snippet that just traces through the events of WCP. Due to the number of differences, it appears to predate even the

    preview map

    that was released online during development, which is pretty cool! Extra bonus: Pix, ace and LOAF posing Texas-style with George Oldziey's CD!


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    Nenid opened her eyes, only to see the worried face of Centurion D’mev staring down at her. “Status report,” she said hoarsely, having taken in a lungful of smoke during the last exchange of fire. Coughing, she got to her feet with the junior officer’s assistance and took a seat in the command chair. “Preferably before the Tholians manage to find and destroy us, if you please, Centurion. “ D’mev blanched before speaking. “Commander, we are under cloak, per your orders. A Tholian fleet is massing within the Azure Nebula; it seems we encountered their vanguard during our investigation of the temporal anomalies there.” Nenid nodded as she called up tactical data to the main viewscreen. And in a moment, a mission of science becomes a mission of war, she thought silently. “Engineering,” she said as she activated her command channel. “What’s our situation? That volley from the Tholians

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    Here's an interesting one in need of a followup: a COMPUTE! article from December 1990 saying that Origin is working on a Wing Commander port for the CDTV. That's not on my Wing Commander 1946 list!

    wc_cdtv1t.jpgwc_cdtv2t.jpgThe CDTV was a very early multimedia-era console aimed at the same 'replacement for the VCR' dream later chased by the 3DO. I've never used one myself!

    wc_cdtv3t.jpgThe CDTV's followup was the Amiga CD32, which DID have a Wing Commander port. But that wouldn't have been the same project, the later Amiga efforts were all licensed projects handled by Mindscape.


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    Dennis Mull recently came across a wonderfully nondescript "3 Title Pack" by Philips. Wing Commander games were bundled into dozens of special sets over the years. Most were sci-fi themed, but a small handful were oddball collections like this. These were all certainly... Titles, I suppose. The other two items were "The Software Toolworks World Atlas" and "Time Table of History." WC was decidedly the winner here. Although I can clearly read the product label, this was arguably a 4 Title Pack as the third game was the combo disc with Wing Commander 1 and Ultima VI bundled together. It even came with Claw Marks and an Ultima map! Boy, that shipboard magazine got around!


    Mail Day #1: Philips 3 Title Pack which was a bundle with a CD-ROM in the UK. It contains amongst other things Wing Commander from Chris Roberts and Ultima VI from Richard Garriott
  • 28


    Three recently detected energy signatures have been confirmed to be of a similar nature.

    The engineer Ram Tah made a statement to the media:

    "As part of my research, I regularly review data from surveillance satellites and ships that have picked up atypical signals. Although most turn out to be of no consequence, on this occasion I have identified three energy signatures that I believe warrant further investigation."

    "The signals originate from the NGC 2451A sector, the IC 2391 sector and the Synuefe EN-H region. I have no further data, and at this time the signatures' meaning remains a mystery."

    "I encourage any independent pilots operating in these regions to investigate. I do of course apologise if this turns out to be a pointless exercise, but in the pursuit of scientific knowledge, even the smallest opportunity must be explored."

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