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    Shot97 has snapped a fun preview from a 1990 edition of Dragon Magazine. At this point in time, the game was still sporting its Wingleader title after Squadron was nixed due to potential copyright concerns. Ultimately Wing Commander was selected over all. I love how the Kilrathi are called "vicious militarists" and the Friend or Foe missile is held up as a "deadly" weapon. And thirty years later, we're still trying to make ray tracing a thing!


    Also coming from Origin is Wingleader. Mankind is locked in a deadly war with the Kilrathi in the 27th century. Battling these vicious militarists are the daring pilots of the Terran Confederation. With his faithful wingman flying at his side, the fearless Wingleader battles with Kilrathi aces in heated deep-space dogfights. The game features Panaview, 3-D technology that employs highly detailed, ray-traced, bit-mapped images modeled in 256 VGA colors.
  • 04


    This has been a really good year for space toilets. AD managed to screen cap some really good shots of the toilets in the Wing Commander Movie a couple months back, and now LOAF has discovered the Wing Commander Academy equivalent. Or rather, since this is Damon Karnes' holding cell from the episode The Last One Left, these are borderline space holes-in-the-ground. He recently got ahold of a concept art piece which shows a pair of basins at the foot of their cell beds. From this angle, their purpose seems fairly obvious. They're actually pictured in the episode itself, but with all the other action going on, nobody has ever called these out as far as we can tell. Now you know!

    This is a Wing Commander Academy concept painting. These were done in the US as reference for animators in Japan and Korea painting the production backgrounds. It's from The Last One Left and reveals the pirate prison has
  • 08


    throughthemoongate6t.jpgSurveys have been released for Through the Moongate, from Wing Commander and Ultima VII to Portalarium. This means that people who pledged for the book on Kickstarter can now go in and confirm their addresses for shipping. There are two big points associated with this, however. First, the team has made it super easy to add supplemental items. Fans can add €30 for a cool piece of cloth art that includes a Kilrathi warrior and Dralthi fighter. It's also just €3 to add one of Denis Loubet's Wing Commander bookmarks! You can even put in €6 for two more. These are only available via this campaign, so I would take all you can get of this awesome collector's item!


    All artworks are done. The back cover by Manda is ready and beautiful with a lot of references to the history of Origin Systems Inc. It will be printed on every edition of Part II and it will also be printed on cloth. Also Denis Loubet's
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    PC General: Updated Memorial plaque to include Robert Walker Jr. Updated Memorial plaque to include René Auberjonois. Ships: Updated the scale and orientation of the competitive engines in sector space and normal space on the Vulcan Experimental Scout Vessel. Systems: Added three new commands, which can be run through the chat window or keybound: /Cooldowns - opens or closes the "Reward Cooldowns" window otherwise accessible from the PvE Task Force Operations window. /Bridge - takes you to your Starship's Bridge. /ShuttleBridge - takes you to your Shuttle's Bridge. The "Hold Torch" Emote is now freely unlocked for all players, and as such as been removed as a prize option from the Anniversary Emote Box. Resolved an issue that prevented the Eject Red Matter universal console from being affected by the Unconventional Systems trait. Console General: Updated

  • 01


    academy_dvd_blackfridayt.jpgIt's Black Friday today, and if the deals out there didn't help you check off your list, maybe your friends and family need Wing Commander gifts! Here's a roundup of actively sold WC products. Most are digital, but that makes things easier in certain situations. As we reported last year, the WC Movie is harder to find these days, but we are lucky to still have the Academy television show readily available for a whopping $8 still. The Baen ebooks series is also complete, and GOG is in the midst of a holiday sale that's slashed its already low prices by 75%.

    Movies & TV
    Novels ($6.99)
    Freedom FlightBaen EbookAmazon KindleApple iBooksB&N NookKobo End Run
  • 01


    The fantastic new CIC Head Museum is now even better! LOAF has just added the distinct look of the Super Nintendo characters to the database. These are, of course, very different than the portrayals from Super Wing Commander on the 3DO/Mac, which are also on display. Plus, you can find many other characters from Christopher Blair to Bruiser McDoozer, which are all neatly categorized according to the Wing Commander game they starred in. Check them out here.


    I've added the Super Nintendo heads to the museum! A few interesting notes:
    • The heads look very 'thin' because the SNES renders an 8:7 image which your TV would then stretch somewhat to 4:3.
    • Hunter's cigar is removed, almost certainly a victim of Nintendo's then-very-strict content policy.
    • Angel's earrings are removed, likely because of the more limited number of colors available (presumably not a strange content cut as Spirit still has her
  • 04


    The Titan known as Oya appears to have deployed a large fleet of Orthrus vessels into star systems farther from their own territory breaking expected behaviour.
    Analysts noted that the locations in which Orthrus vessels have been tracked didn't appear to have any particular importance, instead suggesting that this may be a new tactic or possibly a simple panic response to the mounting pressure on its fleet.
    Titan Oya has been steadily losing territory to large numbers of AX-equipped human forces. These forces, spearheaded by coalitions known as 'AXI' and 'XSF' have been reclaiming ground from the Titans successfully for some time and were pivotal in the recent successful campaigns against the now-destroyed Titans, Taranis and Leigong.
    The Pilots' Federation have issued an alert to all independent pilots for each of the star systems where Orthrus vessels have been detected:
    "If Oya can be

  • 23


    January continues to afterburner along - as does our annual Fan Project of the Year contest voting period! If you missed it last week, there's still time to get your vote in. Check out the nominees below and cast your ballot towards the project you were most impressed by in 2023!


    • First up, in alphabetical order, are the series of Ambiance videos by Scribbler. This isn't the flashiest project, and that's by design! He's taken it upon himself to craft a variety of scenes inspired by the first three Wing Commander games, set them to calming music and add the hum of daily life aboard a Terran Confederation carrier. I really appreciate when fans do something different like this!
    • The Confederation project is an all new mod that hit the scene in 2023. AllTinker is working to reverse engineer aspects of the original Wing Commander and build in numerous enhancements, such as making them support modern
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    Here are storyboards for an establishing shot in Wing Commander IV that would've had Colonel Blair arrive at the Nephele bar on a speeder bike.

    wc4_original_intro1t.jpg"I bet they didn't want it to look TOO much like Star Wars!"... the final version of the bar exterior would beg to differ.

    wc4_original_intro2t.jpgThe establishing shot ended up not being necessary because they dropped a previous scene where we see Blair as a sad drunk haunted by the war. So instead they match cut from the Senate scene to a news broadcast in the bar and pan over to Hamill entering, which is a neat trick! (I'm VERY curious what the backlit poster to the right is; sadly, not much set photography has survived!)

    wc4_original_intro3t.jpgHere are boards for the dropped scene. You would've gotten a brief 'dear John' video from the lady you chose in Wing Commander III. This was on the schedule up through when the shoot started, so it must've been dropped very late!

    wc4_original_intro4t.jpgwc4_original_intro5t.jpgwc4_original_intro6t.jpgwc4_original_intro7t.jpgI always wondered if they had

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    *Pilots' Federation ALERT*
    A mining campaign organised by Kokoller Limited has drawn to a close, with the organisers declaring it a success.
    The Federal corporation requested deliveries of bertrandite, coltan and praseodymium to supply the Kokoller system's refinery base, ostensibly to manufacture supplies for the Federal Navy's anti-xeno war efforts.
    Spokesperson Paul Dyson provided a message to participants:
    "It is genuinely a pleasure to see so many pilots respond to our call for raw materials. Harvesting those asteroid belts is no easy task, but the performance has been remarkable. I can promise all those involved in the campaign that the profits raised from refining and distributing these resources will go to a very worthy cause. Those credits are in good hands."
    Kokoller Limited has confirmed that all contributors to the campaign can now collect their rewards from Utley Hub in the

  • 09


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    The Digital Antiquarian has completed his long-awaited analysis of Wing Commander 4. He started digging into the series way back in 2017 and covered the first couple of games in a series of articles. His WC3 review dropped in 2021 and now he's dug into WC4. It's a long article that's far more thorough than most overviews in print, although it doubles down quite a bit on the somewhat overplayed criticism than too much money went into the film shoots compared to the spaceflight engine. I would argue that there was little more to iterate gameplay-wise given the very short production time. WC4 was slated to arrive just one year following WC3 - right after Origin had spent a considerable amount of time (starting with Strike Commander and then forking into Armada) making the leap into proper 3D. Until the arrival of 3D accelerator hardware later in the '90s, there just wasn't much more they were going

  • 01


  • 14


    klavs_models382t.jpgThe Wing Commander Movie turns twenty-four today! As crazy as that sounds, it also means we're just a year away from it being a quarter century old. The film may be getting up there in age, but there's still plenty to learn about it. Check out the list below for some of our recent analyses and stories from just the last year!

    For a nice visual pop, here's an upgraded trailer that AD put together as well as a gorgeous Rapier wallpaper by Klavs:

  • 14


    Bear with me here, this is one I did not expect. Here's a picture of former President Trump and his wife with his ambassador to the United Kingdom, New York Jets owner Woody Johnson and his wife Suzanne...

    redshirt_number4_1t.jpg... the press tells me that Mrs. Johnson is close friends with former First Lady Melania Trump. She's done a lot to use her position to support Ukraine this past year which is pretty neat...

    redshirt_number4_2t.jpgredshirt_number4_3t.jpg... but in 1995 her maiden name was Suzanne Ircha... and she was an actress... who played Confed Redshirt #4 in Wing Commander IV! She's one of the young pilots in awe of Colonel Blair when he arrives on the Lexington! (Along with the always noticeable Casper Van Dien.)

    redshirt_number4_4t.jpgShe also had a similarly brief cameo in an episode of Star Trek Deep Space 9.