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    I found a copy of Privateer 2 on, of all places, Etsy! Here’s why used big box games can be so much fun... I grabbed this copy because I noticed a neat extra: a patch disk! The original owner had written to Origin and been sent a copy of the patch on a diskette. How could I say no to a Privateer 2 floppy?!

    p2_etsy1t.jpgp2_etsy2t.jpgp2_etsy3t.jpgp2_etsy4t.jpgUpon receipt I discovered the original owner had saved some other treasures. Here’s the original receipt Fry’s (in January 97!) and the price tag and seal stickers. He must have been a fellow Thrustmaster fan: he filled out his own HOTAS control sheet and left an enticing joystick flyer (I want that simpit badly...). And he included all of his notes on commodity and ship pricing! Reminder: in any other situation, do not sell your handwritten lists of human organ prices on Etsy.

    p2_etsy5t.jpgp2_etsy6t.jpgp2_etsy7t.jpgp2_etsy8t.jpgp2_etsy9t.jpgp2_etsy10t.jpgFinally, this coupon for $10 off Wing Commander IV is pretty swank. And useful since I do buy a few copies of Wing

  • 09


    Computer- Start recording. Captain’s log, supplemental. Commander Jacob Trask of the transport Beowulf, in charge of convoy 72478, currently en route to the Maxia Zeta Sector; so tired, so tired- but we have to keep moving and keep vigilant. Those damned raiders in their red ships! The stories I heard from Lieutenant Singh, of our well-meaning (but, I fear, under–gunned) Federation escort, are that the raiders just appear out of nowhere, scan the ships and either disappear as fast as they came, or start firing- no quarter given. My first thoughts were that it must be Romulan or Klingon raiders, cloaking in and out, but red ships? Singh has assured me that Starfleet will be on Red Alert should any of the raiders show their faces. If I had the confidence he had, I wouldn’t be updating this log and my will. It’s been a few days since we’ve heard of the raiders hitting any convoys, and I feel

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    Friends! Loyal Compatriots! It is once again a message from I, Harcout Fenton Mudd, your greatest living friend, confidant, and of course dealer of all things rare and fantastical. I come to you today to let you know that yes, once again I have escaped Federation Custody, and that despite their best efforts, no one can track me to my current location - except for you, that is! And what a location I have discovered. Here in the bountiful plains of - well, let's leave that part our secret, shall we? - I have discovered a portal to a most fascinating place. It is an alternate dimenison, where things are very much like our own, but different! I escaped there with a cache of uniforms worn by the Federation Admirals of that universe, and I can now pass those on to you at a great savings! But that's not all, no no. Madams, Gents, everyone in between, I have in my possession a fleet of Vulcan Scout ships

  • 07



    spotted a couple of nifty easter eggs in a recent World of Warcraft quest. Wing Commander Black and a blue-haired Kilrath make appearances as a couple of Orcs in a story mission. These aren't random gaming references either - WoW executive producer

    J Allen Brack

    is a major Wing Commander vet. He got his start in the industry as a QA tester on Wing Commander 3 and went on to work on P2, WC4, Kilrathi Saga, Prophecy and Secret Ops. There are likely numerous such gems hidden in the game. Another player spotted

    Wing Commander Mulverick

    a while back too.


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    NightBall06 has taken the wraps of his latest set of Hellcat drawings. As previously noted, these are some fancy 2D digital creations as opposed to a rotatable 3D model, which is a different way to do it. This one is referred to as the "final version," but NightBall notes that some changes around the canopy and with the guns are probably still likely. What do you think? Let him know at the CIC Forums!


    And yes, indeed - in my imagination, with these new engines and the Jump-Drive, it was meant to be some sort of "modern reinterpretation" set during or shortly after WC Prophecy...
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    On The Run

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    Here's a peek at an interesting prototype of the Wing Commander Universe Map included with Wing Commander Prophecy. We first caught a glimpse of this during our 2012


    to the University of Texas archive. While the

    final map

    detailed many sectors where most of the main events happened in the series, this appears to be a little snippet that just traces through the events of WCP. Due to the number of differences, it appears to predate even the

    preview map

    that was released online during development, which is pretty cool! Extra bonus: Pix, ace and LOAF posing Texas-style with George Oldziey's CD!


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