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    Happy Valentine's Day, Wingnuts! Love is in the air, and so are the Kilrathi! Whether you're spending this special day with your sweetheart or flying solo, we've got some romantic treats for you.

    First, check out this passionate animation that LOAF extracted from Privateer, featuring a Gemini Sector couple in a tender embrace. We love how they captured the chemistry between these two star-crossed lovers.

    Here's a tiny kiss for Valentine's Day! These lovers can show up in the background of the bar on New Detroit in Privateer.

    kissgif.gifkissgif_frames.pngSecond, we've got the fabulous return of the Love Arrow! We hope you enjoy this famous icon and have a wonderful Valentine's Day. Remember, the Heart of the Tiger is always with you!

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    capi is participating in a Kerbal Space Program competition, and his entry is the Morningstar from Special Operations 2. He's limited by elements within the KSP engine, but the results so far look pretty good. He's very much looking for feedback on how to improve or tweak the model any further. If you'd like to help him and get more representation for Wing Commander, hit the comment link below!


    Alright, y'all - I need your opinions. Livery aside, is it passable? Is it a Morningstar or not? If not, where am I off?

    I'm currently participating in Season 4 of Scott Manley's Runway Project - aerial combat in Kerbal Space Program. This week's challenge was to make a replica of something (and it could have been anything) that would fly and fight. I don't care about the color - I'm interested in whether or not the airframe looks right.

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    Dennis Mull was the first to point out to us this weekend that today is Mark Hamill's 70th birthday. While the collective Star Wars fandom is all over this for obvious reasons, we'd like to salute Mr. Hamill on behalf of the Wing Commander community. His execution of Christopher Blair is superb, of course. Perhaps having prior experience navigating a fighter on a trench run to deliver a planet-busting super weapon gave him the practice he needed to absolutely nail it on his second try. Happy Birthday!

    SMALLWC3SetPhotoMythicBox1Scan0275t.jpgSMALLWC3SetPhotoMythicBox1Scan0131t.jpgsimulationworld_wc3_groupt.jpghamill-dorothee2t.jpgPH2t.jpgMARKCHRSt.jpgI also didn't realize how close his birthday was to Wing Commander's. Tomorrow marks 31 years since the original Wing Commander first shipped to stores. Happy early birthday to Wing Commander!

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    Shot97 has completed his absolutely massive hourlong review of Wing Commander 2. As you might imagine, it's a rather exhaustive look at many different aspects of the game, its expansions, gameplay, story, development and more. Fortunately, if you pop out the clip in a proper YouTube window, the video description has a full index that lets you jump around if there are certain elements that strike your fancy more than others. This allows you to cut straight to different magazine perspectives, character analysis or a peek at the SNES edition. So if you want to learn all the ins and outs there are to know about WC2 and you've got an hour to spare, fire up the full vid below. Alternately there's a written version with tons of great screenshots here. You can also find Shot's comparable video review of WC1 on the Amiga here.

    Despite coming out just a year after the original in 1991 and featuring the
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    Return and Re-Enact! Beginning on March 5th, 2020, captains from all factions will be invited to participate in a Featured Event version of this re-enactment of a pivotal military conflict in the histories of both the Federation and the Klingon Empires. While the Event version of the Battle at the Binary Stars TFO is available, Captains may participate daily to earn progress towards brand new Featured Event rewards, as well as earning progress in our next Event Campaign. Continue reading for full details! Event Campaign – Part II This Featured Event will be the first of a series of upcoming Events that will participate in the second installment of our multi-event system known as an Event Campaign. For Event Campaign II, a few changes have been made. More Events! Event Campaign II will span a total of FOUR separate Featured Events, spanning the majority of the upcoming year of PC releases.

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    A familiar favorite is still out on patrol. Klavs is plugging away at his Hornet when he has time, and it looks better than ever. This relatively recent iteration moves away from his previous unibody design in favor of a space frame that's a bit more skewed towards the original model. Since we last saw it, this version has more realistically textured hull plating and great little accents like warning labels and the Confed logo. It's a real joy to look at!


    Slowly picking away at the details on this thing!
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    General: Updated text in various areas of the episode, “Beneath the Skin”, to match the voice audio. Updated and added Voice Audio to several Delta Patrol Missions. Content: Resolved an issue that was sometimes causing the Elachi Captains to never lose their Immunity Shields in the Mycelial Realm Task Force Operation. Ships: Resolved an issue where the Kelvin Timeline Intel Dreadnought Cruiser was scaled up by 60%. UI: Adjusted the Event UI window to be expandable and scrollable. Resolved an issue that was causing the Zen Store to display incorrect information on ships you have already purchased. Systems: Resolved an issue that was preventing Klingon and Klingon aligned Captains from being able to open the, “Outfit Box - Survival Suit”. Resolved an issue that was preventing the Augmented Boarding Party from granting Dreadnought Admiralty Cards. Resolved an issue

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    As you may have heard last week, the first season of All Wings Considered is now complete! In all, LOAF, Dundradal and the gang produced 34 action-packed episodes comprising more than 100 hours of Wing Commander goodness. If you haven't kept up with the series, a few of our favorite episodes are embedded below. All the way back in February, the pilot kicked things off and set the tone for the rest of the year. In August, a bunch of us got together to fully livestream the annual CIC Birthday for the very first time. Everyone also got dressed up for the special Halloween episode in October, and things finally wrapped up last week in the final show of 2019. After a well deserved break, the team will be back bigger than ever next month for season two! You can find more episodes and subscribe on YouTube here.

    Pilot episode:

    Birthday livestream spectacular:

    Spooky Halloween episode (The Blair Watch

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    DefianceIndustries has taken a break from his recent string of later-era ships to take a stab at the WC Movie's Snakeir. It's not the first take on the design ever, but the film's ships are very underrepresented in fan art, so this is a welcome addition to his fleet. In its untextured form, the render below also allows you to appreciate all the detail of ship. All those heavy turrets are pretty neat too!


    Occasionally I take on a project to model things that I find odd, poorly designed, or just plain ugly. Why? I dunno, I think it's really more to explore the process behind it, sometimes working on a thing that I don't like sometimes leads to a better appreciation of it, or reinforces why I don't like it without being overly judgmental. (Probably a bit too philosophical for a thread entitled "eye candy").

    Anyway I chose to tackle a ship in the category of "Things that get little to no love" in the

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    I was thinking about the Prophecy Advance clip we shared yesterday, and it reminded me that regular Wing Commander Prophecy on the PC rocks too! Here's the exciting cutscene where the Midway fires its massive Nephilim plasma weapon. Did you know that if you fail the final mission and then continue, the ship desperately tries to fire the weapon a second time? This does not work out well for the Terran Confederation!

    With that being said, the crew definitely had warning that there could be disastrous results!

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    It was a crowd funding project very similar to Star Citizen that was launched by Piranha Games way back on September 9, 2014. At the time, the game's director claimed that Electronic Arts had given them the Wing Commander license but that they had opted to turn the game into an original IP instead. This story didn't pass the smell test but it did seem clear that Transverse had, probably recently, been developed as a Wing Commander game: the space combat-filled trailer had little to do with the setting described by the crowd funding website and concept art and other behind the screens details revealed Wing Commander terminology throughout the material that had been created. Now, thanks to the website of art director Christopher M. Hunt we have better information about what really happened behind the scenes:

    Electronic Arts contracted Piranha Games to create demo re-envision the Wing Commander franchise
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    Found a pretty neat Wing Commander IV preview from the November 1995 issue of PC Power. Lots of cool set photos and a great one of Mark Hamill as Colonel Blair...

    pcpower_1995november1t.jpgpcpower_1995november2t.jpgpcpower_1995november3t.jpgpcpower_1995november4t.jpg... but even more fascinating, look at that gameplay shot on the last page! That's the earliest build of Wing Commander IV I've ever seen. What's going on with the radar?!

    pcpower_1995november5t.jpgpcpower_1995november6t.jpgpcpower_1995november7t.jpgApparently the September 1995 issue (21) has a Privateer 2 preview which I'd love to see! Anyone out there have back issues of PC Power? I believe it's from the UK.

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