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  • 06


    The CIC archives include a massive trove of source models for nearly 600 ships and objects from the Wing Commander games made between 1991 and 1996. But up until this point, they've all been in one big package that could be a little daunting to explore. Fortunately, LOAF has recently taken the time to break them all out and discretely list each one in the WCPedia. Now you can easily tell that "DBRIG.3DS" are Rigakh Debris, "CLUNKER.3DS" is the trusty Tarsus and "STARS.3DS" is the TCS Lexington's launch tube animation. It's a great starting off point to get acquainted with some of Origin's most iconic model files! Check out the new WC3D Index here!


    The WC3D Collection is an archive of largely Wing Commander-related 3D models and textures copied from a hard drive at Origin Systems by John Guentzel in late 1998. The collection includes 585 models and scenes from Wing Commander II, Wing Commander
  • 06


    John Nelson has a new Lego creation, and it's another beauty! His first Kilrathi design is this small and angular Darket. I'm once again super impressed by what he was able to accomplish given a limited number of pieces on hand. He mentions that he would have preferred to use more brown parts, but I think the orange is actually pretty accurate. If you look at the 'Fireclaw' Kilrathi ace model from WC3, it's covered in special red, yellow and orange accents.


    As an experiment I built my first Kilrathi model and went with the Darket. I wasn’t planning on doing Kilrathi fighters but I went for it, going for not accommodating mini figures to save time space and parts. I really like the results. I’ll get some more brownish colors in the future so that this and other models won’t have such a Heinz ketchup and mustard color scheme.

    Pliers (would) say, "The Darket is like a bug. Small and annoying on its

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    Scribbler has a new entry in his line of classic Wing Commander ambiance/ASMR videos. This one takes place in the green bunkroom of Caernarvon Station. You can hear the hum of equipment and various chirps from time to time. There's a solid hour in store to help you zone out!

    In this file we remain in the ambiance of the quarters on the Caernarvon space station. A remote outpost of the Confederacy. Ideal for making money without the dangers of war. Except for a few minor skirmishes on patrol. Another day comes to an end in space. Then come to your sleeping quarters and rest. Everyday life stays outside. Today we don't do anything anymore. ;)
  • 09


    DefianceIndustries has started making updates to his YouTube channel with some neat content related to his many Wing Commander projects. Two examples below show off a launch video test for WC4 Remastered and Nephilim iridescence test in the upgraded Prophecy Vision Engine tied to his Model Upgrade Project work. I really like the look of that Hermes on the flight deck! Head on over to see these clips, plus shorts showing off some of his fancy models!

    We thought about updating the demo to use a new video to when you launch from the Lexington. It never got beyond the concept stages however. Still It was kind of a fun experiment.
    Development video - basic iridescence testing via open GL
  • 10


    Today we have a nice assortment of Spanish magazine scans from Maxi de Sokar. I frequently just post these as they are since they are often visually engaging and interesting on their own, but in this case I provided rough English translations so you can read the articles as well. The first few pages come from Micromania and are a profile of Origin, Richard Garriott and the development of Wing Commander 3. There's also an Armada review from Issue 78 of the magazine, plus a pretty striking WC3 ad. Finally, there's an Armada add from PCMania. Enjoy!


  • 11


    There's a handful of scenes that don't show up in any of the workprints I've seen from the movie, so I've recreated these from the raw takes. These are work in progress edits with no real sound enhancement and minimal attempts to at least make the color consistent (though sometimes the footage is too dark to truly rescue). I understand why they would cut this particular scene for pacing reasons, but at the same time I think it's a decent moment that sets up Blair and Angel's relationship a bit more. Plot-wise, it's not essential, but if I had a choice I'd keep small character moments like this in the movie. It's not really a long scene either.

    This scene also has one of the few outtakes I've found... more of a prank really (not included in this video) where in one take the elevator doors open and Blair and Angel are pretending to make out on the ground.

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  • 13


    John Nelson has caught the Kilrathi bug (thankfully not the Locanda variant!) and has crafted another Kat ship out of Lego bricks. His little Darket was lovely, and now he's slightly upsized into the sneakier Strakha. He's got a greater mix of colors here, which matches up quite well with the orange and yellow ace variant flown by Stalker in WC3!


    Dug through more parts and put together the Wing Commander 3 version of the Strahka. It’s a little more aesthetically pleasing over my Darket even though similar colors were used. Maybe it’s the larger amount of gray pieces. When I get around to some more brown pieces I will replace them.

    Pliers (would) say, "This new generation of Strahka is no scarier then the old ones short of some extra guns. These models don’t carry torpedos at least so that’s a load off your mind right kid?"

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    I'm not sure if it's the hectic week or staying up late to watch the new episode of Picard, but I've got a headache and need something to relax to. Fortunately, Scribbler has dropped a double dose of his Wing Commander 2 ambiance/ASMR videos. The new clips are a nice contrast with each other: the dark red comm room and the light breezy Concordia lounge. I especially like that the lounge has piano music inspired by Jazz. Check them out below!

    Today we return to the lounge of the carrier ship TCS Concordia. A little more luxurious than a strap like the Tigers Claw. Enjoy the peace from the war among comrades, with a drink. Entertained by the piano sounds of "Jazz". Rest and chill. Who knows what else is to come at this time.
    In this file we return to the Caernarvon space station. A remote outpost of the Confederacy. Ideal for making money without the dangers of war. Except for a few minor skirmishes
  • 16


    Here are the flick backgrounds for the Righteous Fire intro. The Origin FX system works just like an old cartoon with transparent cells animated over plates like these.

    righteousfire_intro1t.jpgrighteousfire_intro2t.jpgrighteousfire_intro3t.jpgrighteousfire_intro4t.jpgDid you ever wonder why the RF intro feels a little out of place? It’s so BIG compared to the rest of the campaign. It’s because it was originally a scene cut from Privateer that was given totally new dialog! It was made as a losing endgame on the case where you go bankrupt.

    They solved the need for it by simply having the game not charge you a landing fee if there’s a chance it will take you below 0 credits. Space welfare! (Of course bankruptcy was already a rare case... compared to, like, just exploding.)

    It’s a little crazy that Privateer, part of the interactive movie craze, has only three cutscenes: the intro, the ending and this.

  • 17


    The Wing Loader project to add full speech to the original (Kilrathi Saga) version of Wing Commander 1 has been out for a couple weeks now. In that time, Destro and a number of fans have been able to put the mod through its paces and play through the Vega Campaign. The time has been put to good use to fix a handful of minor bugs and also add some new features. The user interface now supports the pilot transfer program, has menu elements for launching WC3 now includes in-flight speech comms for The Secret Missions. You can grab the update here (345 meg zip)!

    I've just completed a run of Wing Commander using Wing Loader and fixed any issues I encountered.

    New in Version 0.82
    - Fix multiple issues with lines not triggering, including the final winning cutscene.
    - Added Wing Commander 3 to the list of games.
    - Added in-flight coms to all the Secret Missions. (Testing Phase)
    - Added Wing Commanders Pilot