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    has pulled off a very neat trick! He's experimented with higher quality ship sprites in Wing Commander 1 and managed to get them to appear as a sharper looking vessel in the game. It's an exciting development, but there's a couple of caveats here: a higher resolution Tiger's Claw happens to exists for cutscene use, but it's not carved up in various sprite angles and it's only one ship. And this only seems producible in the Kilrathi Saga rather than DOS, so don't expect a full HD conversion of WC1 to be immediately forthcoming, but this shows there's certainly some very interesting potential for future digital exploration!

    Ships are represented as a series of individual sprites which are scaled as needed. This becomes obvious as you get closer to a ship since they become very pixelated.

    This first row of images is the standard ship sprites.


    This second row uses ship sprites which
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    recently managed to locate a really awesome


    of Wing Commander 3 from the magazine PC Zone. In line with the game's branching paths and dialog choices during cutscenes, the article actually lets you read through and jump to individual subsections based on what you think. In the end, these choices lead to two different conclusions and review scores! That's pretty clever. And there's a bonus interview with Mark Hamill afterwards. For more awesome finds like this for Wing Commander and other Origin series, check out Pix's

    Origin Adventures



    I love this Wing Commander 3 review from the February 96 issue. It’s written in the form of a choose your own adventure complete with a choice of final scores. As much as I like the game, the comments on performance on lower performance machines are fair enough.
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    It’s almost time for the biggest Star Trek fan gathering of the year, and the team behind Star Trek Online will be there! Star Trek Las Vegas is next weekend! If you’re coming to the show, there’s going to be plenty of opportunities to interact with the Star Trek Online developers. If you can’t make it down, we’ve listed some ways that you can hear about what’s coming next in world of STO. *** STAR TREK ONLINE ON THE CONVENTION FLOOR Star Trek Online will be on the convention floor in a big way this year, make sure to stop by and check out the booth! There will be a regular rotating selection of STO developers hanging out at our Age of Discovery-themed booth this year, so please drop by and say hello. You can also play a demo of the game (bring your friends who haven’t tried it yet), sign up for a special set of holographic bridge officers based on the cast of Deep Space Nine and

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    The days keep ticking down to the CIC's 20th Birthday Party! The big event is now just three weeks away, and preparations are in full swing. Because this year we're moving to


    to chat, you might want to come visit beforehand. Install the


    and use

    this invite

    to visit the new #Wingnut channel. There's already lots of activity there, so you're more than welcome to join the fun now! Then you'll be all set when the party starts on Saturday, August 18, 2018 at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT). See you there!


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    Anatoly Shashkin

    posted some pretty nifty preview images of the canceled Origin game, Prowler. This was a mech combat game that some of the Super Wing Commander team worked on in the mid '90s. It never saw the light of day, so there's not much info out there, but the CIC has archived the game's

    box art


    concept sketches


    back story

    . It looks pretty dated today, and these are still pre-release shots from early in development, but this had the potential to be another neat Origin sci-fi series along the lines of MechWarrior. Thanks to Pelinal for the tip!


    Promo shots from the cancelled ORIGIN #NotDOS game Prowler (Prawler/Storm Troop)
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    Here are a couple of different cool updates for the Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack

    . The first shot shows off a more refined version of the new Piranha cockpit.


    has added emit mapping to all the gauges and buttons, but he's been careful to balance them so they don't overpower the actual HUD elements. There's also a sampling of the newly recreated missiles that Confed fighters will launch. Lots and lots of new ships have been introduced over the past couple years, but these enhancements will help increase immersion for the pilot whether or not they've got a target on screen. The next big release for the project is scheduled for August 18 - just in time for the CIC's 20th Birthday Party!


    Welcome MUP-fans to the "Things You Rarely See" edition. Let me ask you a question: Do you hop into your shiny MUPetized Panther and head out ready to kick some high-poly thorax; you line up your
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