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    As construction proceeds on Salvation's Proteus Wave, there is widespread dispute on the issue of eliminating the Thargoids.
    An article by Heimar Borichev, deputy editor of The Sovereign newsfeed, has divided public opinion:
    "Salvation's latest superweapon is designed to attract and then destroy members of the species we've named 'Thargoids'. If successful, it would wipe them from the core systems entirely. But there are a number of questions that nobody seems to be asking, including this: do we have the right to take such action?"
    "What's that, you say? The Thargoids are the aggressors, out to destroy humanity? Or are they just defending historical territory from our expanding presence? Remember, they were navigating space a million years before we were. If a new species suddenly emerged on our worlds and began strip-mining our lands, how would we react?"
    "Now, I'm not suggesting we should

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    In an interview with independent media outlet Vox Galactica, engineer Ram Tah has discussed the XG Project, which produced the recently released XG fighters.

    "Ever since the first Guardian ruins were discovered, I've been trying to combine their technology with our own. I drew up a blueprint for the original fighter, the XG1, before inviting other technicians to refine the design with a view to producing something commercially viable."

    "The seventh iteration, the XG7, successfully merged human and Guardian ingenuity. The XG8 Javelin and XG9 Lance soon followed."

    When asked what the future holds, Ram Tah remarked:

    "My hope is that the XG Project is merely the start of a whole new era of technological development. While the current focus is the Thargoid threat, the achievements of our galactic forebears might one day improve every aspect of society."

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    Here's a video from Geeky Dad Gaming about a seminal year in gaming, 1990, and what some of the biggest games of the year were. Origin and Wing Commander take up a big chunk of the clip. He talks a lot about what a big deal the development process was and how it shaped the industry going into the rest of the '90s. Check it out below!

    As we round into a new decade, PC gaming goes from strength to strength. The PC game landscape sees the introduction of the big budget release and the birth of a company that would go on to change the whole video gaming landscape. Inbetween that we have a titan of a point and click adventure showing how story and characters were just as important to a good game as graphics and gameplay.
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    Captains…welcome to the Year of Klingon. Over the rest of 2020, and part of 2021, we’re going to be putting on a major, multipart, 2411-focused Klingon storyline. We can’t release the details on what that is just yet (although it’s a fair bet that J’Ula and her time traveling cohorts are involved), but as part of this long-planned, face-of-the-game changing story, we’re taking a little time to focus on our most honorable allies. We love our Klingon content – who doesn’t love a story that involves descending into Grethor and fighting a god? – but a lot of it is old, and doesn’t contain the technical improvements we’ve made to the game over the years. So we’re spending time and resources to give these pieces of content visual and gameplay facelifts. Over the next twelve months (maybe more), you’ll see new Klingon character models for some of our classic characters like

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    The Year of Klingon is almost upon us, Captains, and the first stage is right around the corner. To help you find and celebrate all of the amazing rebuilt content, we put together a very honorable list of what’s changing with tomorrow’s patch and where you can find it. First, we aimed our sights at the Klingon Tutorial, and the Empire Mission Arc. These episodes have new environment art, updated cutscenes, new and updated voice over recordings, and even some new gameplay. Our designers have taken to the field of battle and produced some missions that we feel are up to our modern standards for Star Trek Online, and really make you feel like a Klingon Warrior. Some of our most iconic Klingon characters were long overdo for an update, and our character artists took on that task with gusto. Below, you can see the new designs for Worf, J’mpok, K’mtar, and Kagran. Nxt

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    NightBall06 recently decided to try his hand a several new Hellcat angles. Since his design is essentially drawn 'by hand' rather than being a 3D model, this took some artistic skill rather than modeling wizardry. The result is similar to his previous concepts at first glance, but these represent his most ornate takes and elaborate angles yet.


    Well - A little update in short. Had the feeling I needed a perspective bottom view.... So here it is.
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    Here’s the Union of Border Worlds’ Avenger torpedo bomber! The Avenger was introduced in Wing Commander IV as a flyable ship.

    avenger_recap1t.jpgavenger_recap2t.jpgThe Avenger was named in honor of the TBF Avenger, also a carrier-based torpedo plan. In lore it was said to have been built by Saab Engineering, a nod to Origin 3D artist Pauline Saab.

    avenger_recap3t.jpgThe Avenger made one more appearance in the Wing Commander canon: a blink-and-you-miss-it cameo as a renegade shuttle in the second episode of Academy. You can see the scale is way off: compare the 33-meter Avenger to what should be 28-meter Dralthi parked nearby!

    avenger_recap4t.jpgHere’s the original concept sketch for Wing Commander IV!


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    Geraldo Rivera Rivera sent in this snippet of a wonderful OK PC magazine review for Wing Commander Academy. There's a lot to like in this article. First off, it's a Spanish magazine, so we get a slightly different take on early '90s Wing Commander compared to the standard fare. We got a peek at this version of Academy via DROSoft translation earlier this year. Secondly, it's a full four-page spread dedicated just to Academy. Without context, people today might blow WCA off as a simple mission builder, but at the time, this was a revolutionary way for fans to create their own missions. It was something fans were clamoring for and absolutely warranted being a standalone boxed product that people would run out and buy. At twelve years old, I put a lot of hours into mission building and loved the flexibility to pick ships and wingmen at will. Finally, from a magazine layout point of view, I like

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    Dennis Mull is back with another wonderful Wing Commander find. The latest addition to his collection is the Special Edition of Wing Commander Prophecy. While these are fairly uncommon in English, it's even more rare to see a German one floating around. The main differences are the Cobalt 60 soundtrack as well as the awesome Wasp mouse pad. This is a nice pickup!


    Mail Day: #WingCommander Prophecy Special Edition (German Release) complete with Mousepad and Soundtrack CD