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    has once again touched on Wing Commander in one of its frequent sci-fi starship videos. This clip is actually an interesting segment on the role of multi-mission or specialized craft across science fiction universes. The author comes down heavily on the side of mission-specific vessels from both a practical and narrative standpoint. He credits the Wing Commander series for sticking to this concept and making traditional carriers that usually aren't just super ships that can do everything. The prime example are Yorktown light carriers such as the TCS Victory. Sure, dreadnoughts, supercarriers and megacarriers like the Concordia, Vesuvius and Midway are crazy cool, but I can certainly see the point in rooting for the underdogs. The Victory gets bonus points for operating as part of a small fleet as well. Jump to the 7 minute mark below for the part on Wing Commander. You can also find

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    Lakon Spaceways has announced that a new ship, the Alliance Crusader, will soon be available for purchase.

    Meera Callanach, head of military projects at Lakon, gave some details to the media:

    "The Alliance Crusader is mechanically similar to the Alliance Chieftain, with one key distinction. Our engineers have removed some internal hardware to accommodate a fighter bay. Inevitably, this means the Crusader is marginally slower and less manoeuvrable than its siblings, but this is compensated by its ability to ferry fighters into a conflict zone."

    "The Crusader's offensive capabilities are enhanced with three internal military compartments. We are confident that the ship will be able to hold its own in any combat situation, especially against the Thargoids."

    The Alliance Crusader will go on general sale on Tuesday the 28th of August.

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    General: Resolved an issue with the Crystalline Entity Event Energy Release powers. The energy release will now properly expand away over time when it happens rather than being an immediate sphere. Character Art: The Temporal Battle-suit Helmet is now available for Jem’Hadar Captains who have unlocked this uniform. Hirogen Armor is now available for Jem’Hadar Captains. Resolved an issue where the Omega Upper Body Armor neck and Helmet clipped with the head of Jem’Hadar Captains. Known Issue If a player purchases only the Lafayette or the Ketha from the Cross Faction Recon Bundle, the bundle product itself will claim to be purchased in the C-store and claim the player has access to it as a Gold Member. The bundle has not actually been purchased as it should no longer be visible in the store. The message about being a Gold member is not accurate. Players will still

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    recently shared the Galaxy merchant vessel that he created in the sandbox game

    Space Engineers

    . Players build their own creations and fly them through the cosmos. The outer hull looks pretty good, but the interior cockpit is where the design really shines. Privateer conveyed the fact that the Galaxy has a large two-pilot setup, but good use of windows and position of screens does a lot to enhance the atmosphere here. He's taking a break from Space Engineers for now but could come back for more with a future iteration of the game as it gets updated.


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    The Colonia Council has announced that its campaign to build a new hydroponics facility has been warmly received by the galactic community. Large quantities of material were delivered to Templar Barracks over the past week, allowing the initiative to move to the construction phase.

    The Council's scientific adviser, Professor Diana VanCleef, gave the following statement:

    "Not only will this new hydroponics facility provide biofoods and super-grains for the populace of Colonia, it will also contain a dedicated research laboratory for a science team to develop new biotech crops."

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Templar Barracks in the Randgnid system.

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    Recent reports from the Betel system indicate that an ongoing feud between the Silver Creative Network and the Betel Free has escalated into violence.

    General Hollis of Betel security issued the following statement:

    "After a lengthy period of peace, these factions are now determined to wipe one another out. As much as we want to subdue this conflict ourselves, we simply do not have the ships to stage an effective intervention."

    With system security forces stretched thin, both organisations are seizing the opportunity to settle old grudges, and have issued calls for support. Pilots who participate in the conflict will be generously rewarded by their chosen faction.

    The two factions have set out week-long operations to take control of the system, which will begin on the 23rd August 3304.

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    Kamici Incorporated has announced that its campaign to clear the Kamici system of felons has been a success. Hundreds of pilots responded to the appeal, taking to their ships to eliminate the criminals operating in the system.

    Authorities in Kamici have extended their gratitude to those who participated in the operation.

    Pilots who contributed to the initiative can now collect their rewards from Gaiman Port in the Kamici system.

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    On The Run

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    wc_llod68t.jpgThere are new updates for the

    Last Line of Defense



    is working to round out his 'Tolmacs' cruiser with weapons and fighters. The ship's guns are about half added and its launch tubes are also operational. He's mocked up a few videos that show both of these in operation.

    Still not done yet but some armament on the Tolmacs light cruiser done. The underside is missing laser turrets, a side mount is still open and don't know if I will give it missile turrets or even capship missiles.

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    Starting this Thursday, August 23rd, new Destroyer-class vessels are being made available on the C-Store for Federation and Klingon characters, and their respected allied members among the Romulan and Dominion factions. These new vessels will be available in both Non-Fleet and Fleet variants. Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From now until Monday, August 27th you can get these ships for 20% off. Thereafter, they will return to their normal pricing at 3000 ZEN when purchased individually, or 4000 ZEN for the 2-ship Bundle. Fleet versions of each of these Destroyers will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 4 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply if you have purchased the ships from the C-Store. Lafayette-class Recon Destroyer (T6) In these trying times, constant conflict and ever-present hostility have made exploration and reconnaissance at the edges of the

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