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    An initiative run by Herculean Machines, manufacturer of Duradrive personal computers, has now concluded.

    Multiple shipments of consumer technology, hardware diagnostic sensors and computer components were delivered to the Blatrimpe system, which will be used to fulfil a large order from the Federal Navy.

    Maddox Hurd, the company's CEO, made this statement:

    "Once again, I offer my thanks to the galactic community for its support. We're very pleased to become a supplier to the Federal Navy, and we hope that the Duradrive remains in production for a long, long time."

    Pilots who took part in the initiative can now collect their rewards from Boltzmann Hub in the Blatrimpe system.

  • 29


    L@Zar0 has a new update on his Spanish Wing Commander translations. This time it's a proof of concept for Wing Commander Privateer. He's managed to get the audio to play while overlaying subtitles, which can be edited to show other languages. And he picked a wonderful scene for this example - if it's been a while since you've heard the Steltek talk, be sure to give this a listen!

    Ok, I've checked some things, and finally I'm thinking on leave SUBS+VOICES for in-flight comms in WC Privateer. They are not perfect, but are very intuitive. The last message normally lasts 1-2 seconds in disappear, but I think the result is pretty good.

    For in-game dialogues I used the texton thing. It works very well. And for intro cinematics I have done the voices with text-to-speech with spanish speaker, and they are good (but not professional :( ). So, I have now all the game with voices + subs or spanish voices.

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    Foundry Spotlight: [AEI] In Silence The Foundry is a special program within Star Trek Online that allows users to make their own episodes, playable by other Captains within STO. To access it, open your Mission Journal, and select “Foundry,” at the top. Every now and then, we like to spotlight a particularly interesting or unique mission for all of you to experience. This time, we’re spotlighting “[AEI] In Silence” by Starfarertheta. In Silence is part of an initiative called the Alliance Exploration Initiative, created by fan podcast The Foundry Roundtable. The goal was to create missions based around exploration, not just combat. In Silence takes you on a mission to meet up with a very demanding ambassador, which quickly goes off course and becomes an exploration of a long-dead space station, full of interesting and wonderful surprises. I particularly enjoyed the dialogue choices in the

  • 15


    The incidents around Pahvo have resulted in a lot of new discoveries and designs, as alternate dimension ideas bring inspiration, answers, and more questions towards the minds of this universe. The result of much of this work is the Mirror Styx Dreadnought Cruiser [T6]. The Styx Terran Dreadnought Cruiser [T6] will become available with the release of the Emperor’s Lock Box, scheduled to arrive on PC starting with our 9th Anniversary on January 23rd, 2019, and on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on March 5th, 2019! This new starship can be used as soon as you’ve completed the tutorial, and will scale with you as you level up all the way to max level! This starship continues the experiment started by the Walker-class Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser and expanded by the Mirror Escort Carrier [T6] as another scaling starship! We hope you share in our excitement as we continue exploring the concept

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    Attention! We’ve doubled our efforts to give Captains the necessary experience to deal with threats to the Galaxy. From Thursday, September 27th at 8AM PT, to Monday, October 1st at 10AM PT, players will be able to enjoy twice the experience! During the event, content that provides skill points and expertise will reward a 100% (2x) Bonus above normal amounts – this bonus will be available for all content that rewards skill points and expertise. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%; } .share-footer .YT { background-position: 0 40%; } .share-footer .YT {

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    has announced the release date for the next big update to the Secret Ops

    Model Upgrade Pack

    . The new version will make its debut at the CIC 20th Birthday Party on Saturday, August 18! This should include the grand revamp of the TCS Midway, which we're all anxious to see. Looking out further into the future, there's been good progress on cockpit graphics. A sneak peek at the Piranha and Panther are included below. There's lots of great things coming!


    Greetings MUP fans! So we have a date for the next release for the MUP. August 18. If that date sounds familiar it's because it coincides with the birthday party. So we'll be giving everyone a birthday present. In the meantime I'm finishing the Midway but I wanted to post some updates on a "nice to have" we've been tinkering with. A while back we looked at the possibility of adding real cockpits to WCP and SO, now that the open GL
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    In our continuing mission to share bits of Wing Commander history from around the world, today we have a review of Wing Commander from the January 1992 edition of the Spanish gaming mag Micromanía. This comes from the RetroManía30 Podcast. I used to love all those little insets describing the fighters and stuff like that. The little cuts on the corners of the screenshot boxes also give it kind of a spacey cockpit vibe. I'm not so sold on the pink background, but it was the '90s!


    There goes the review of Wing Commander (1990), published in MicroManía # 44 (SE). It was the beginning of a long saga, which to this day continues to have a multitude of followers. A space flight simulator, with a spectacular cinematic setting. A great title!

    As a double feature of Spanish content, The Game Abbey also has a Spanish language retrospective feature on the WC series. Language transition captions work on this

  • 08


    The British




    has a new song titled "The Video Game Champion." The track's official lyric video features footage from a wide variety of '80s and '90s video games and movies. There's a lot of vintage arcade and SNES in there, but DMJC spotted Wing Commander in the mix as well. You can see a Hornet walloping a Dralthi at 3:43 in the clip. It doesn't stay up for long, but if you want your classic video games video to have any credibility, it's got to have Wing Commander in there somewhere!

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    General: Added the D.O.M.I.N.O. console to the "Allied Dogfighters" console set. Also added a new 4 piece Bonus to the set. The 3 piece Bonus from the "Allied Dogfighters" console set now also affects the cooldown of the D.O.M.I.N.O. console. The Andorian Wing Cannons can now be equipped on any Andorian Escort. Foundry: The Lethean and Dewan escorts and the Lukari science ship show up correctly in the Foundry costume editor. Resolved an issue that could cause windows on the new T6 Andorian ships to sometimes float above the ships. Dewan and Lethean Wing Torpedo Platforms now display the correct allegiance when targeted. Resolved an issue that caused the "Promise of Ferocity" starship trait to display as "Promise of Ferocity - Lockout" in some places.

  • 06


    Coffeehound RetroSharka has published a fun video in her Nostalgic Nibbles series. This one focuses on the Super Nintendo version of Wing Commander. The author here has a lot of positive things to say about the game, and they're coming from a place of experience. She played the original Amiga Wing Commander and picked up the SNES version not long after its release. They've even played the Sega CD edition and Super Wing Commander on 3DO but considers this version a favorite. I have to agree - there are many limitations compared to the DOS release that most folks are familiar with, but the game's punchy opening music coming through lo-fi speakers is just an indelible memory. The controls were dense for a console at the time, but it was possible to do almost everything in the cockpit that a PC could. This is a good overview of the game, although I can't forgive the person for pronouncing SNES as

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    It's hard to believe, but we're already well into June and the (northern) summer is practically here. That means that it's once again time for us to start getting ready for the CIC Birthday Party! Just like we have for the last few years, we'll be shifting the observed date slightly to accommodate various conflicts. We hope you can join us on Saturday, August 17, at 7:00 pm EDT (4:00 pm PDT and 11:00 pm GMT). This year we'll be celebrating the CIC's 21st, which is hard to believe!

    The party will take place in #Wingnut on our Discord server. As always, you're welcome to drop by the chat room any time beforehand to join in the fun. We're still working out the specifics, but for the first time, there's a chance we might also have an accompanying simultaneous live stream to take the excitement to a whole new dimension! Stay tuned for more details as the event approaches.