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    The Late Night Session

    has conducted a thorough retro review on Wing Commander. They set the stage for how revolutionary the original WC was by drawing the comparison to competitors that arrived years later. The immersive setting, tight controls and story all get credit for making the game a classic. It's nice to see people continuing to find that most aspects hold up quite well nearly 29 years later. In addition to the typical screenshots, TLNS put together a couple of accompanying videos, which is always a nice touch for a review! You can check out the full article



    When playing it’s amazing seeing how much the developers got right in Wing Commander that would clearly inspire the many games that followed. Navigation points, wingman communications, even mission briefings… these admittedly were often a staple for military sims but seeing them executed in a space sim was a rarity. If
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    The Romulans have become as much of a fixture of Star Trek over the years as Humans, Vulcans, Klingons, Ferengi, and so many other ‘core’ alien species who make up a significant portion of the identity of this beloved franchise. Their stories have been featured in the bedrock of main characters’ story arcs and galaxy-changing events alike. And with the recent on-screen focus on their continuing stories following the destruction of their home world, we are thrilled to do our part in shining the spotlight on one of the important contributing political powers of the galaxy in Star Trek Online. It’s time to once more embrace and celebrate the Romulan Republic! In addition, over the past year we've been taking a look at the early Romulan Republic content, and we've made some major changes you have to see to believe. All new cutscenes, remade from the ground up. Fully voiced dialogue for missions

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    EmuMusicFan has shared this collage of the many different Wing Commander characters that he's sketched out for his graphical novel project. He's been at it for almost two years and built up quite a stable. Many of the faces here will be familiar favorites, but some dig deeper into some of the novels' lore and haven't otherwise been pictured before. It's nice to see them all in one place for the first time!


    I have drawn more than twenty WC characters appearing of being mentioned at least once in the official works.
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    This 27th century press release was made for the Kilrathi Saga manual. It used the original concept sketches of the Strakha made for Wing Commander II… and they forgot to edit out the artist’s note identifying “meaningless pods”!

    strakha_comparison1t.jpgstrakha_comparison2t.jpgAlso what a baller non-explanation for why the design changes so significantly between Wing Commander II and III. Up there with Worf not discussing it with outsiders.

    strakha_comparison3t.jpgstrakha_comparison4t.jpgDoes the press release match the mission in the game (K’tithrak Mang B)? Yes, nine Strakha. Does it match the official guide’s in universe history? No, you shoot down seven of the Strakha and not six there.


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    The Infinity Lock Box, containing prizes from nearly all previously-retired Lock Boxes, will be available again for an appearance beginning on PC on December 13th, 2018 and on Xbox One and PlayStation 4 on January 7th. During this time, enemies defeated on both Ground and Space maps will have a small chance of dropping one of these prize-filled packages, while the Swarm Lock Box will be retired. For the first time ever, this run of the Infinity Lock Box will introduce a chance at receiving brand new starship, never-before-seen in Star Trek Online! Continue reading further on for the full details on this new offer! Updated Prize Lists! Along with the new starship and all of the prizes previously offered in previous appearances of the Infinity Lock Box, additional prizes originally seen in the Deep Space Nine Lock Box have been added to the drop tables! They now include all of the

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    The Mirror Invasion will be returning to Star Trek Online as part of a limited time event starting on May 10th at 8am PT and ending on May 31st at 10am PT.This event map will only be playable during this three week event timeframe. Once a day, players will be awarded a Multidimensional Transporter for playing this event. By turning in 14 Transporters through a new project available in the Event Reputation System, players can receive 50,000 Dilithium Ore, 500 Fleet Marks, 250 Marks of their choice, and a brand new unique weapon – the Agony Phaser Energy Torpedo Launcher! Based on the well-known weaponry typically fired in the form of directed energy weapons, this projectile is specially equipped to encase itself in the harmful power of agony rays, afflicting the crews and subsystems of enemy starships with a deadly overload of painful power. Upon hitting a foe, this torpedo has a chance to disable

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    We had an absolutely fantastic weekend - one of our best birthdays yet! Thank you all for joining in and sharing it with us. If you couldn't make it to the party, we've posted the entire six hour stream below. The first three hours are a special bonus episode of All Wings Considered, and the back half is our official birthday celebration. Jump to 4:02:45 for the cake and countdown! We also took some time together on Sunday morning to play a bit of Wing Commander Armada together. There were some technical difficulties getting the game working initially, so Dundradal and I ended up doing a hot seat quick combat strategic game. It ended up being surprisingly close!

    Birthday Stream:

    Morning After Armada:

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    The Mycelial Network – a mysterious dimension outside of, and yet connected to, our own. Discovered by the crew of the U.S.S. Discovery, the knowledge of the Mycelial Realm was lost for more than a century when all details of that ship and their mission were declared classified at the highest levels. Now, that knowledge needs to be revived to rescue the galaxy from the schemes of J’Ula and her Helical Torsion Weapon. The weapon has already been used to devastating effect, but the Klingons need Mycelial spores in order to power it and continue their campaign of war and terror. In order to prevent that, you must journey to the Mycelial Realm and stop them. In Mycelial Realm, our newest Task Force Operation, step through a rift and into the Mycelial Network, and shut down the Klingon probes that are gathering spores for J’Ula’s weapon. But the probes cannot be destroyed by conventional means –