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    The WC4 Remastered team has a new article on their journey to improve in-flight comms. The videos that come across your VDU in flight are far smaller and more compressed than the game's regular FMV, so getting these tiny clips to look good is an extra challenge. So, ODVS has incorporated several technologies to try to bring them up to modern standards. Check out the new video below to see how they look!

    A future release of the project's demo will share these in action. In the mean time, if anyone is an expert at extracting Playstation videos and would like to contribute to research in this area, let them know!

    Aside from the miniscule resolution of the source material, another major problem is compression. In order to fit all those thousands of frames onto the game’s CD-ROMs, they were quite heavily compressed using mid-90s techniques. The unfortunate side-effect for us is that they’re blocky
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    The recent Azimuth Biotech initiative to expand its operation assets has been described as a 'partial success'.
    A primary goal of obtaining sufficient resources to establish a new anti-xeno megaship has been met, Azimuth CEO Torben Rademaker announced. The megaship is expected to be operational within the next few weeks.
    Opponents of the weapons research corporation, seeking to disrupt the campaign, mobilised forces to engage Azimuth security vessels. While unable to prevent sufficient deliveries from reaching the Musashi, it is thought these pilots inflicted significant losses on the Azimuth fleet.
    "We are delighted with the support shown to Azimuth Biotech by independent pilots, and look to the future with optimism," said Rademaker. "We will soon deploy a new AX megaship to lead our mobile operations. Setbacks inflicted by anarchic opponents of progress have delayed our plans to establish

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    Today we've got a really awesome physical Wing Commander model that popped up on YouTube. capi spotted the Tarsus from Privateer in an episode of Me, Myself and Die! The ship becomes the centerpiece of a game of Five Parsecs From Home. We see the host, Trevor Devall, play around the table and get really into the action. The game itself looks cool, but I can't get enough of that gorgeous ship! capi asked about its origin, and apparently a viewer of the show sent it in previously. What an awesome find!


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    Darkmage DMJC has some great news for WC4 fans on Linux. After years of steady progress, he reports that the latest build of Wine successfully runs GOG's DVD version of the game. There's a particular checkbox in the winecfg file that you need to make sure is unmarked, but after that, it should be fairly smooth sailing. As with anything like this, there's always the potential for unique hardware/software configurations to produce new hiccups, so hit up the CIC Forums or Discord if you encounter issues!


    Wing Commander IV DVD edition works on Linux! Set this in winecfg. If that box is ticked it fails. Also run regsvr32 and regsvr32 to make sure the codecs are installed.
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    Nightball06 has finally accomplished the lengthy mission to model his Hellcat fighter. As you might recall, he previously made an intricately detailed two dimensional sketch of the medium fighter from Wing Commander 3. It took him a while to find a partner with which to add the extra dimension, but he did manage to connect with such an artist and the results are below. The first image shows the new model, and the second is his original sketch (and Klavs' Wildcat, which was also an inspiration). Hit the discuss link to let him know what you think!


    IT IS DONE!!! :D Ladies and gentlemen - May I present you:

    The F-86E "Hellcat V refit". With the help of a very talented 3D-artist from Israel called "lexa6ix" I was able to finalize my vision. :)

    It was a blast to work with him - especially because I was able to present and discuss my ideas, which he then knew how to make real. And because of that - I was even

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    Inspired by Nightball's Hellcat model, L.I.F. is back with a neat plan to upgrade his Freelancer/Wing Commander conversion mod. His original program allows you to play through the regular Freelancer campaign, but with familiar WC ships! Now he's looking at addressing the open ended portion of the game. Some of the new features are described below.

    I've gone back to the mod and am adding some further features. The release being targeted is an open-ended sandbox, so without the original game's campaign. I've added a small chance for military-grade equipment to drop from destroyed military fighters, with the understanding that the player will not be allowed to buy them in any circumstance whatsoever, thus providing a long-term end-game goal rather than quickly becoming utterly overpowered.

    The other thing I am working on right now is capital ship patrols: destroyers and corvettes that will patrol core

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    The long awaited Artemis mission has finally lifted off! If you were like all of us in #Wingnut, you were glued to your screens to watch the historic event. But since everything went down at nearly 2 am US Eastern time, here's a quick recap video if you haven't had the pleasure of watching the Space Launch System rocket launch. This marks the beginning of a 26 day mission to reach and circle the moon. Crewed missions will follow, and with steady progress, this could be a big step towards reaching Mars. Congrats to all of the many people who helped make this possible!

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    Today we've got a new scan previewing the release of The Secret Missions on the Super Nintendo. AD found it in the November 1993 issue of Super Action. I love how colorful and exciting everything looks. We get plenty of screenshots of spaceflight, life aboard the Claw and of the special new War Hammer XII cutscene added to the game. The images repeat film-reel style across to top to sell how cinematic something like this was considered at the time. As was also common back then, there are also some basic tips for how to approach the different types of missions. You heard it here first: "a lot more technical," "big improvements all around" and "a lot more depth than the original!"


    The sequel appears a lot more technical than the original, basically because of all the options and choices on offer. The amount of onboard information you can punch up with a slight slap of your joy pad is staggering.

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    As the rogue signal sources draw closer to human-occupied space, work is underway to initiate peaceful inter-species negotiations.
    Dr Elias Pope is a graduate of Orion University with degrees in interstellar relations, political science and xenology. He has recently joined the Kingfisher megaship's crew to oversee the Thargoid Advocacy Project's diplomatic mission. In an interview with Vox Galactica, Dr Pope explained his role:
    "Like most of the Kingfisher's crew, I volunteered to take part in this operation. It feels like my whole professional life has been leading to this opportunity. Many of the fine people here feel the same way I do. If there's even a chance that we might begin properly talking to the Thargoids, well… it'll be historic."
    "Luria , my assistant, tells me there are some media-friendly names for these anomalies now. As a scientific purist, she's very unhappy about that! This