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    Ensign Sylvia Tilly is the heart and soul of Star Trek: Discovery. Even in the darkest days of the Federation, or in the most twisted versions of the Star Trek Universe, she’s a bright spot of light that’s always ready to warm the room with a smile. We here at Star Trek Online feel like that’s the very essence of Star Trek – being a light in the darkness. That’s why we’re #Silly4Tilly, and that’s why we want to reward the Tilly in your life. For the next week, until October 9th with the launch of Age of Discovery, we want you to nominate a Tilly in your life. What makes them your shining light that brings out hope in the world? This could be a family member, a friend, a fleetmate, or anyone else who makes your life brighter by being a bouncing ball of joy. Post a short video nominating your friend and describing why they should win to social media with the hashtags #Silly4Tilly and #AgeofDiscovery,

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    As Alliance engineers delve into Hur’q technologies to better understand them and how to best adapt their technology to ours, one specialized team has been hard at work adapting their starships for incorporation into the Alliance’s fleets to help replace the vessels lost in many recent conflicts. The following starships will become available with the release of the Swarm Lock Box, scheduled to arrive on PC starting with the release of Age of Discovery on October 9th, 2018. Hur’q Assembly Multi-Mission Science Vessel [T6] The Assembly appears to have originated as a long-range scout, with strong sensor suites and auxiliary systems designed for support roles and scientific endeavors, but highly adaptable to more offensive pursuits since the Hur’q transitioned into a ravening swarm. Despite a relatively civilian design (when seen through the unique lens of Hur'q society), these vessels

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    We are again sad to bring you news that another Wing Commander veteran has passed. Artist Micael Priest died on Tuesday, September 18. Mr. Priest was an Austin legend who began drawing concert posters in the early 1970s. His artwork and connection to the music scene is recognized as a major factor in the 'weird Austin' sensibility that defines the town to this day. It should come as no surprise that Mr. Priest was also an employee of Origin Systems during the company's heydey. He worked extensively as an artist on the Ultima series, including Ultima VII, Serpent Isle, Ultima Underworld II, Runes of Virtue II, Ultima VIII and the first three iterations of Ultima Online. True to the all-hands-on-deck spirit of the era, he even posed as the model for Remarro Monik in Bioforge, one of the potential identities the player must discover (pictured.) Wing Commander fans will best know his work on the

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    Author Andrea Contato has a crowd funding project you may be interesting! He's written an in-depth history of Richard Garriott and the Ultima series and is raising the money to translate and produce a physical print run! Here's the introduction:

    Greetings, traveller!

    If you have played a computer role-playing game (CRPG), chances are Ultima played a part in its inspiration. Created by visionary Richard Garriott, and produced by his company Origin Systems, Inc., Ultima is one of the most important and influential CRPG series in the world. Through the Moongate illuminates the path of the Ultima games' history and the creative people behind this landmark series. It also covers some of Origin's other games, especially Wing Commander, and touches on several contemporary titles. Many of these tales have never before been told.

    Are you ready to step... Through the Moongate?

    The entire book sounds wonderful...

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    Temporal Anomalies have opened a hole to an alternate universe, one with a fantastic sale, Captains. But this Flash Sale will only be available for a limited time – from 10am today -10am 10/1 PT, on all three platforms. Hurry and grab yourself some items at a one of our largest discounts ever, before the portal shuts and it’s all lost. Today’s Flash Sale is: $100 OFF A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION ON PC, and 33% OFF A LIFETIME SUBSCRIPTION ON CONSOLE! Don’t wait! The Flash Sale Anomaly can be gone before you know it! .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer .TI { background-position: 0 20%;

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    Hanging upside-down by a bundle of alien mycelium in a subterranean cavern was not Doctor Bashir’s choice of holiday, but he remained philosophical about the predicament. It would not do to panic, even though his EV suit computer showed that integrity had been compromised and some of the spores had somehow made their way into its atmospheric system. It would not do to panic at the thought of those alien spores winnowing into the air cyclers and thence to his lungs. It would not do at all to think about the effect that Elachi spores had upon various humanoids. Even though these were not Elachi, they were probably distant relatives of some sort, and their effect would likely be deleterious. It would not do, so he decided to retain a certain level of bemused detachment instead. “Bashir to Aventine,” he called through his comm system. “Things are becoming a bit more urgent here.” He hoped

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    The re-emergence of the Hur’q and their astounding biological capabilities has prompted Alliance scientists and engineers to research the nature of this new species. In studying the Hur’q, much progress has been made in developing equipment that is able to replicate the Hurq’s unique harmonic abilities. As new developments and advancements are discovered, the results are made available to the captains of ships on the frontier. The Hur’q present an incredible opportunity to learn from a new species of creature that lives a very different life cycle than other known species. The new Swarm Lockbox embodies the Alliance’s best efforts to replicate the capabilities of the Hur’q, and contains a ship, space weapons, kit modules, and traits. Getting to work on the Hur’q was an amazing experience for the team. Being that the Hur’q were spoken of but never seen on-screen meant we had a lot

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    Can you believe it's been twenty-eight years? The original Wing Commander officially shipped on Friday, September 26, 1990! Wing Commander was one of the most complex game productions ever attempted and its impact continues to shape the medium today. From the game's immersive touchstones to the still-engrossing pulp sci-fi storyline to how development processes and gaming technologies adapted to support such a project, it's not an exaggeration to call Wing Commander one of the most important game releases of all time. Want a more in-depth history lesson? Check out the 'making of' article about the game from The Wing Commander I & II: The Ultimate Strategy Guide here.

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