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    The Past Reborn: Europa-Class Heavy Battlecruiser to Join the Fleet Jayce’s Interstellar Editorial Staff On Stardate 87751.8, Utopia Planitia Starfleet Yards will host the commissioning ceremony of the U.S.S. Europa. The Europa is the brainchild of Advanced Starship Design Bureau (ASDB) Vice Admiral S.J. Hemphill, who has long advocated for experimental tactics and technologies when considering Starfleet’s defensive doctrine. Considering the recent spate of conflicts that Starfleet has had to weather, even those skeptical of her more radical concepts have come to appreciate the need for Starfleet to approach these types of problems creatively. The Europa’s primary mission is to be the vanguard capital ship for a division or flotilla. Its command and control systems are adequate for the sub-squadron level and can host a small flag officer staff, but analysts do not anticipate it to fill the

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    Starting with the release of Age of Discovery this Tuesday, October 9th, new Battlecruiser-class vessels are being made available on the C-Store for Federation characters, and its allied members among the Romulan and Dominion factions. This new vessel will be available in both Non-Fleet and Fleet variants. Special Introductory Pricing Discount! From release until Monday, October 15th you can get this ship for 20% off. Thereafter, it will return to their normal pricing at 3000 ZEN when. Fleet versions of this Battlecruiser will unlock upon completing your Fleet Starbase’s Tier 5 Shipyard. The standard Fleet Module discounts apply if you have purchased the ship from the C-Store. Europa-class Heavy Battlecruiser [T6] The Europa-class Heavy Battlecruiser is well-suited to the frontiers of the Federation, whether the mission is one of exploration or defense efforts. It is named after the U.S.S.

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    “Captain’s Log, supplemental.” Captain Thy’kir Shran lifted his finger from a button on the terminal in his ready room. He had come in here to record his thoughts as the U.S.S. Sebrova cruised at high warp toward their latest objective. These were momentous times, dangerous times, and he felt that they deserved to be chronicled. But he wasn’t sure where to begin. The peaceful exploratory mission Starfleet had offered him when he donned the uniform was no longer a priority. Across Starfleet, science vessels and starships built for exploration were being retrofitted for combat—the Sebrova included. All because of the Klingons’ attacks at the Battle of the Binary Stars. While he and the Sebrova weren’t present at the battle, he found it surreal to hear the news of the tragedy for two reasons: One, because of the Klingons’ sudden and unexpected savagery and two, because among the

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    The uniforms of Star Trek: Discovery are returning to the Appearance tab of the C-store with the launch of Age of Discovery – and just like before, they’re absolutely free! You’ll be able to recreate any of the looks of season one of Discovery on your 2409 and Discovery Era Starfleet Captains, and with the new editable collar color, you’ll be able to create the uniform of Captain Pike from Season 2, as well! These uniforms will be available indefinitely, so if you missed the previous giveaways, head to the store and pick up your brand new look tomorrow. .share-footer a { margin: 20px 10px 10px 0; background: url(d7afaaa14e96d0d973f76157ae31ec5b1466398539.png) no-repeat 0 0; opacity: .5; display: inline-block; height: 60px; width: 60px; padding: 0; border: 1px solid transparent; -webkit-transition: opacity .3s; transition: opacity .3s; } .share-footer

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    The Through the Moongate Kickstarter campaign is funded which means we'll be getting a thoroughly researched book that tells the history of the development of Origin Systems' Ultima series. There's even better news, though: the first stretch goal is in sight and it will add a chapter with new details about the making of Wing Commander II! Here's the official word:

    Once we reach 25,000 Euros, which is currently only 3,000 Euros away, every backer at the “Honesty” tier or above will receive an ebook containing an extra chapter from Through the Moongate Part 2. This chapter covers the development of Wing Commander 2, and includes in-depth interviews with the Director and Assistant Director of the project, Siobhan Beeman and Ellen Guon Beeman. Siobhan and other team members are interested in sharing their viewpoints of the Wing Commander story, and presenting some new insights that haven’t been
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    Beginning with the release of our Age of Discovery update, we will be offering a new way to get a jump start in your career as a Starfleet Cadet. Aimed directly at players wishing to experience the new Discovery-era content with a bit of a leg-up, this package offers a few unique rewards designed to do exactly that! Contained within the Age of Discovery Starter Pack will be the following terrific items: 12 Additional Inventory Slots 1x Large (150,000) Experience Bonus Pool Discovery-era Phaser Sniper Rifle Discovery-era Phaser Stun Bolt Pistol Tardigrade Vanity Pet Walker-class Prototype Light Exploration Cruiser - A brand new scaling starship! This new variant of the Walker-class represents our first foray into the concept of a scaling starship. Available for use as soon as it can be purchased – as early as leaving the Tutorial – it will offer Hull and Shield values that continue to

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    “So, Elyos, are you going to finish your champagne, or…” The young Deltan ensign let out a startled yelp and looked away from a large astrographic plot to see his colleague, Lt. Whetu, standing behind him. In her hands was his neglected champagne flute, precariously balanced over his shoulder - and his immaculate white dress uniform. He cleared his throat and glanced ruefully at her, then at the glass. She apologize and stepped back, helping herself to a sip of the sparkling wine. She smiled. This was the real stuff, not the syntheholic approximation standard issue to serving Starfleet officers. No, for special occasions like today, tradition held that real champagne be served. “Sorry, but finder’s keepers,” she said, and winked as she took another sip. “Exactly,” he replied with an uncharacteristically mischievous grin, and turned back to the plot. “Take a look at

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    Technology journalist Harlow Nassry has published a full account of the Rackham Ultratech Expo, which took place on Wednesday 3rd October.

    "All eyes were on Herculean Machines and Supratech, whose competing designs for personal computers have created a real buzz. Following lavish presentations from rival CEOs Maddox Hurd and Scorpio DeVorrow, prototypes of the Duradrive and Torc were given to attendees."

    "Unfortunately for Supratech, the Torc's holographic systems did not work as planned. Most users were surrounded by an incomprehensible aura of colours and images that, in some cases, brought on nausea. The Duradrive, by contrast, functioned perfectly."

    "The highlight of the expo came when Zachary Rackham tested a Duradrive by jumping on it, before using it to contact his chief accountant and authorise preliminary funding for the device. He told the crowd, 'I could have done with one of these

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    Starfleet Executing Crash Mobilization Program for Walker-Class Starships Earth, June 15 2256 Jayce’s Interstellar Editorial Staff After the outbreak of what many pundits are already calling “Burnham’s War,” Starfleet Command has directed the superintendents of Yards 4, 32 and 39 to begin emergency evaluation and rehabilitation of mothballed Walker-class starships. The U.S.S. Walker (NCC-1202) entered service in 2221. Rapid innovation in both propulsion and duotronics led to the original design of the class becoming obsolete quickly, and given the difficulties involved in a full refit, Starfleet planners originally had decided to sunset the class in favor of new construction instead of investing in a modernization program. Before the war began, a small number of Walker-class starships were still in active service, but the majority of them had already been decommissioned. Now, with

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    J’Ula beheld the odd, vicious human blade in her hands for a moment before setting it upon the desk in her quarters. It was a prize, presented to her by the leader of her personal guard, taken from the hand of a dead Starfleet security officer. Kukri, the humans called the blade. It was truly a warrior’s weapon. The officer who once wielded it killed eight Klingons in close combat before finally succumbing to his wounds. But he was a fool, this human. He fought alone against overwhelming odds, trapped in the belly of his ship after all of his comrades had died or surrendered. He fought in a burning house, she mused. He suffered the fate of all fools. Her vessel streaked through space at high warp. Valuable information was gleaned from Starfleet prisoners, and from captured data files taken from the “burning house” so bravely defended by the human with the vicious blade. She’d learned of a